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Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:00 am
by King O' Fools
Of course, y'all know this is because All-Go couldn't sell their prototype on e-bay... :lol:

Serioulsy now, the price on this one will be prohibitive. And $800 for a pre-painted, pre-built Skyworks A-10? With ordnance? :shock: I don't care who you are, I just want some of what you're smoking. :P :wink: Actually, I'm guessing it will be closer to twelve hundred dollars. After all, they're charging $800 alone for a minor mod and repaint based on 21C's off-the-shelf P-40: ... istory=cat

Yep. That's $799.99 for a P-40 variant: ... &PT_ID=240

:shock: Looks like I chose the wrong day to stop sniffing glue! :roll:

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:07 am
by exether_mega
Armor sell. King Tiger is the key to All-Go future.


Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:09 am
by King O' Fools
Yeah, well, if prices are going to skyrocket anymore, then maybe collectors should demand that companies pay a little more attention to QC and stop giving them the runaround with non-existing product releases and titty-themed repaints on an otherwise overdone/outdated mold. Most of them, however, will just be grateful that they can get anything in 1/18 scale regradless of the price tag. And so we will still be getting the same products at five times the price tag of a run of the mill 1/18 aircraft three years ago. Because, quite frankly, the F-14 was in the same league as the old BBI/21C aircraft: no moving control surfaces, just snapping landing gear.

The thing is to produce that kind of upmarket collectibles (insanely expensive but with little in the way of detail/functionality to show for it, even lacking the pilots), we already have a proven cottage industry that will gladly go out of their way to produce your 1/18 scale dream model completely made to order from scratch at a premium. I mean, if JSI starts charging $300 a pop for a mass produced item, of course SkyWorks is charging, well, exorbitant prices.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:53 am
by gburch
Great news ... I guess ...

As a latecomer to 1/18, I missed the "glory days" of cheapness at the mega-stores. Heck, I still haven't lucked into a Spit or a Cobra (my still-two-missing pieces). So my "price sense" and expectations about availability aren't too greatly impacted by nostalgia for the Good Old Days. Nevertheless, price and time still matter -- those are the two things I'd most like real news about -- how much, and when?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 4:46 am
by Light.Inf.Scout
exether_mega wrote:Armor sell. King Tiger is the key to All-Go future.



Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:09 am
by Stug45
exether_mega wrote:Armor sell. King Tiger is the key to All-Go future.


And they should make FIGURES :evil:

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:51 am
by 456THBG
For $250-$300 I'm in....For $800 plus, I'll have to stick with repaints!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:11 am
by GI546
Stug45 wrote:
exether_mega wrote:Armor sell. King Tiger is the key to All-Go future.


And they should make FIGURES :evil:
especially 1:32 figures (and armor).

sorry dudes

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:52 am
Sorry dudes, I have lost all faith in seeing anything come out. I have lost my love of the hunt, seeing as how the hunt is off. Not only that but now the prices are so high for me that it's either toys or the mortgage. The only thing I will purchase anymore would be figures. But not repaints, NEW figures like russians and brits. Yeah right! The KT can sit on it if it costs more than 100. Who's jaded? The kicker with these companies always lies in how much money they stand to make. The bottom line. I don't see things this way. If I love something I do it for that reason. A ray of sunshine now lies with plasticboy in my eyes. And you'll see more people like him who truly enjoy what they do. The future of 1:18 may be in people like this.

Re: sorry dudes

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:33 pm
by skypirate
HIDEOUS ONE wrote:Sorry dudes, I have lost all faith in seeing anything come out. I have lost my love of the hunt, seeing as how the hunt is off. Not only that but now the prices are so high for me that it's either toys or the mortgage. The only thing I will purchase anymore would be figures. But not repaints, NEW figures like russians and brits. Yeah right! The KT can sit on it if it costs more than 100. Who's jaded? The kicker with these companies always lies in how much money they stand to make. The bottom line. I don't see things this way.
Really well said.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:56 pm
by Dauntless
Skyworks does some remarkable work. What kind of relationship they'll have with AllGo is the question. Are they going to produce the models (in resin) or are they going to do the improvements to the A-10 and then have it produced in injection molded plastic by someone else and mass produce them at a marketable price?

This would be cool with their Hurricane, Tony and modified 21st planes like the FW-190, P-40E, and P-51 B/C.
How many of us have been really wanting these but either aren't good model builders with the kits, or can't afford the finished ones?

Just sayin'


Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:45 pm
by Coreyeagle48

A couple of comments in relation to this development.

1.) As someone previously stated, please don't "shoot the messenger" in regards to the news provided by TKO. TKO is an awesome part of this hobby and a collector just like us, please remember that. TKO is only sharing what he is told to share by All-Go, so don't hold him responsible if you do not like his news. I am glad that TKO takes the time to work with these companies and provides these snippets of information, no matter how true or untrue they eventually turn out to be. Thank you TKO for making that happen.

2.) I agree Skyworks does some nice stuff but much of their price range is extremely expensive. That's not to say they are overcharging, Skyworks needs to make money and it takes a lot of time/labor/materials to make those projects. I also know most of the stuff is made to order, which is time consuming. Skyworks saw the opportunity to get the A-10 prototype and like any business in their position, took it. We will find out in due time what the relationship means. For their effort, I hope Skyworks keeps producing models and interesting subjects, as they are the only ones right now breathing any new life into this scale, no matter how expensive their pieces are.

3. An A-10 is going to be a beast in 1/18 and expensive, no matter who does it. If the JSI F-14 costs $230-$300 retail, I expect an A-10 could be much more expensive. The price will make it a true collector piece, but the price could also be the downfall if not enough people buy it. For me, the A-10 would have to be available in the ghost gray with a paint/decal package for the 111th Fighter Wing for me to consider buying it. As the 111th was my local unit and flew practice missions over my house, this is the only option. So if the makers are listening, this is what I want, LOL. Cost, detail and quality control will be the big issues. I think it can be expensive and still sell, but the quality must be there. None of these mysterious fingerprints, smudges, odd color touchups or broken parts will be acceptable.

4. All-Go has some serious questions to answer about itself. Rather than release a press release like they did that is vague and left more questions than answer, why not answer some questions people want to know. Are they serious to 1/18? What is their idea for timetable on new releases?, etc. The most concerning statement about All-Go is the fact that they had to cancel Passion Wagon due to unacceptable quality control issues. This is worrisome. It tells me they have done nothing different since they were 21st, they are using the same factories and the same failed quality control procedures. That entire story with them is getting old, as well as it is for 1/18 in general. Why should the bigger models, which are more expensive, have less quality control than smaller scales? Why as collectors, do we accept this? This is an issue that should have been addressed years ago in this scale, yet it's still there! Too many people say that they don't mind doing touchups or getting a tube of glue, that's fine, but should you have to! When I buy something, no matter what it is, I expect it to be right when I open the box, and if it's not, I return it. Simple. Why the 1/18 companies fail to get this is beyond me and why retailers left them hide behind it under a "no return" policy is beyond me to? Are they held to a lower standard just so we have something 1/18? To me this is totally unacceptable. The reason a lot of the interest in this scale died is the lack of new releases but it's also the lack of quality control and one too many people getting broken parts on their models. People had enough, and left the scale. And quite honestly, if you can't make them so they don't break, then these companies should be in 1/18 collectibles.

5. I like this board and like most of the people here, but as a collector group, we've got to get our heads in the game a bit. We have to lose the notion that these collectibles will cost $40 again, those days are gone, and truth to be told Walmart sold them below what I felt was market value. Prices have gone up. We also need to as a group stop accepting the ridculous statements by these companies. The idea that some members of this board went and bought multiple repaints to supposedly help a company and get them to produce new stuff is either really funny or really stupid, I'm not sure which. The fact that some people believe that brainwashing, both from the companies and some retailers, is worrisome and does not bode well for the future of our hobby. If the companies have it that easy, we'll never get anything new and they will feed on the idea that false statements and rumors will fuel this hobby. A lot more constructive way to help this scale stay afloat would be to offer suggestions and demand better quality by your purchasing decisions.

6. Like everyone else, my interest in this scale has also waned tremendously. It's not the prices, it's the lack of fun in the scale. There is so much more variety everywhere else, but not in this scale. And this scale has a couple of major issues against it, space and storage. I think many who left the hobby did so when they just kept repainting and everyone filled up their space. And the idea of a 1/18 B-17, just not practical. I think modern jets and maybe a twin engined bomber would be as far as this scale will get.


Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:02 pm
by snake
What got me into 1/18 originally about three years ago, was the size of the model,and the relatively cheap price tag.My first 1/18 was the D-Day P-38 for $70.

Previous to this I collected 1/32 fighters and, 1/72 Bombers.There is no "figure" connection with me.

I never had to opportunity to get WalMart clearance prices,but was still able to get good prices.And got a pretty decent 1/18 collection.

The main selling point of 1/18 for me, was the value.

With 21C gone,and BBI not releasing any aircraft in the forseeable future,that value appears to have gone.

I pre ordered the JSI F-14 Jolly Rogers, but cancelled after seeing the finished product.Now the Black Knights is around $350 with improved[metal] landing gear.Too much money for me,particularly as it is not a "must have' scheme for me.At $300+ it must be a model I REALLY want.

That is the problem,as I see it.With significant increases in price like we seem to be seeing,it would have to be a very special model,for me to spend this amount.And would probably only get something in 1/18 that I didn't already have.So my purchases would be few and far between.

And I am sure I am not alone in this opinion.

Off topic.Zach has done a lot for this forum,and this hobby.He is only a "spokesperson" for AllGo.He can provide feedback to AllGo,and I am sure he does.Lets just remember that.


Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:28 pm
I forgot to mention Pickelhaube in my rant. He is providing one of the greatest services right now by creating kits of things that these corporations can't produce. The cost may be higher but (and I haven't as of yet bought anything) I like the fact that it's a person rather than a faceless entity(with poor customer service at best) just swallowing my dollars. As you can tell by now I have been let down. WHOAH! Rewind.. I just erased a paragraph long volcano of anger. Losing track here, but I stick by my earlier statement that there will a change in 1:18 and it will come from new artists and craftsman not companies. I promise no more angst from me just love for 1:18.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:52 pm
by dogbongo
Howdy lads,

I lurk around on the 1:18 forum, and I'm grateful for what I learn.

Unlike some here, I don't feel that AllGo owes me anything. Rather than try and dictate terms to AG (build me this, with these features, and at this price!) I buy or pass based on what's presented & at what price. I wish the Passion Wagon had been a success, but I passed.

Making use of the molds at-hand wasn't a terrible idea, if AllGo could've found some new customers. Trying to sell PW to this crowd for $100 with our closets still full of Blammo Sale P-51's... Well, we saw where that landed.

Years ago, I stumbled across Bad Cat by accident. I was surprised so many amazing 1:18 planes were available, and stunned I hadn't heard about them before. I still think 1:18 has a terrible PR problem with near-zero vis in the marketplace. I looked up 1:18 Scale on Wikipedia, and all it mentioned was die-cast cars (I changed it, a little).

FWIW, GI Joe's "Destro" alone has a frackin novel for a Wiki entry, while there isn't even a listing for 21st C.

So, anyway...
Last week I was listening in on RL/Polo's corporate chit-chat w/investors, and what they were discussing mirrored the 1:18 narrative. The retail production & discount structure that we're used to has fundamentally shifted. Time will tell, but U.S. buying patterns will likely shift as well.

At least according to the big wigs, the days of 'waiting out' a retailer in the hope of progressively lower prices are largely over. Smaller runs & better retail stock discipline are becoming the norm.

Those of us that still have fevered dreams about the Blammo sale may have a harder time adapting to what looks more & more like the future of 1:18.

If AllGo produced an A-10. I would be very, very interested. If it goes over $350, I'll likely pass. There are reasons I don't have any SkyWorks in my collection, and resin is the 2nd one. TKO, I think you said it best yourself, and I agree 100% -
"for me and my situation 200-300 for the tomcat is fine (if it worked a little better and better paint). I would even pay more for a GREAT A-10. But it's gotta be great and really rock!"

There are some pretty good ideas I've seen on this board. Looking to produce in Mexico is one, plug & play gear (vs. retractable) is another.

Optional (and additional) crew/ordinance packages might also be worth looking into.

Since AllGo & SkyWorks are chatting, maybe look at producing some non-resin Spitfires.

Thanks for keeping us in the loop TKO.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:09 pm
by Jay
First off...yeah, cheers to you TKO! Things can get a little rough around here sometimes, but we love ya!

Anyway.....maybe Skyworks is just acting in a model making capacity? Correct me if i'm wrong but AllGo started with the Passion Wagon (existing mould). They have a King Tiger (existing mould). A P40? (existing mould). Maybe AllGo doesn't have a dedicated inhouse model maker, and are collaborating with Sky Works to rework the A-10 mould.

Just because Sky Works do resin, doesnt mean the A-10 will be. AllGo might have connections and access to injection moulders that Sky Works don't.

..............oh....1/18th for life, WHOOPP!

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:42 pm
by B-29
Skyworks has pictures of their A-10 landing gear on their website but not pictures of the full airplane yet. Great work on the gear though.

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:48 pm
by Birddog
Nice. The gear looks very nice and functions too. Looks like this project is getting off to a great start.

I wonder if they will be casting the gear in metal like they did the replacement gear for the F-14?

Can't wait to see more.... :D

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:06 pm
by Jericoeagle1
Birddog wrote:Nice. The gear looks very nice and functions too. Looks like this project is getting off to a great start.

I wonder if they will be casting the gear in metal like they did the replacement gear for the F-14?

Can't wait to see more.... :D

Metal gear would be a real plus for me, plus a decent load out of bombs. I also know a guy who was a crew chief on A-10's for most of his Air Force Career. He has a lot of photos of details on the aircraft if Skyworks is interested.

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:31 am
by King O' Fools
Very detailed work. Looks fantastic. OTOH, chances are this will cost you a leg and arm.
A 10 is a joint venture between All Goo and SkyWorksToys we are using existing 21 Century Toys prototype and reworking it to SkyWorksToys standards there is lots of problem areas where model is not scale to full size plane, there is also detail added mainly rivets on whole aircraft and new lading gear. Thanks to this cooperation this model will be best in 1/18 scale yet with unprecedented detail and huge size . In good tradition we going to reveal a 10 project little piece at the time here is a front landing gear with retract action
All Goo... :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Somehow, I don't think Jack intended to be funny. :wink:

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:42 am
by SkyWorksToys
All Goo... :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Somehow, I don't think Jack intended to be funny. :wink:[/quote]
It was not intentional but Im laughing all morning ,

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:55 am
by VMF115
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
BTW the A-10 landing gear looks great!

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:00 am
by gliderdwm
Worlds deadliest aircraft A-10 on military channel today. WOW 8)
I want one even more.


Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:17 pm
by Coreyeagle48

Someone hit a major nail on the head when they said that people here try to dictate things. That seems to be happening a lot. This thread basically shows that with people saying make it at this price and make it in this country. I too, buy what is presented if I like it and I feel the price is acceptable. Like everyone here, I've bought stuff I probably would have paid more for and bought stuff I wish I hadn't. It's a hobby, that's the way it goes. The neat thing about this hobby is that unless you buy something really undesirable, someone else will generally want it, and you can always sell it and recoup some of your cost if not all.

No matter where it is made, it's not going to change the price. I do not know why members here actually thought this would be the case. Companies move production to save on their production costs, yet very rarely is this ever passed on to the consumers. Instead, these savings translate directly to company profits. So moving production to India or Mexico, although possible, would be a company decision. And they would do it to save money on their end, not the consumer end.

In regards to the cost of the A-10 and the recent F-14, the lack of 1/18 in major retailers has caused the prices to go up. I'm willing to bet that the molds for the F-14 were probably about $6000, just the molds. Add in all the development and labor costs, production of packaging, assembly and the fact you are selling to a limited fan base, you get a high product cost. It's as simple as that. There's no hidden agenda, no conspiracy to screw the GPXD board, etc. Keep in mind also that Skyworks is a small operation, and it probably costs them more to make this stuff than JSI, which has the benefit of having factories in place, workers, capital, etc. This all is simple economics.

If people want this bad enough, they will find a way to save the $$$ or sell some things they do not want to get it. I'm sure of it. I'm willing to bet that by the time this comes out, some of the people who are complaining about the cost now will magically be sharing photos of an A-10 in their collection. It was the same thing with the F-14 and seems to be atrend on the board.


Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 5:30 pm
by tko211
I saw that the gear worked as well and decided I might be back in the game.