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Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:13 am
by Tambo
Thank you Jason. I also am looking forward to seeing any new little bit of information on some new 1/18 aircraft. I also like the idea of the non-articulated pin-ups. I'd love to see some nose art turned into a figure or two.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:01 am
by Rogue
Jackson wrote: 1/18th twits.. big doins in the 1/18th world...ooooo I'm all a flustered....3 new planes ? when next decade or 2 ? by the time they come out 90% of the people will be out of work but we'll have 3 new aeroplanes we can't afford....yak yak yak blah blah blah
And this came from the guy that sells decals here? (or used too)

What a shame. :cry:

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:33 pm
by Jason of Admiral Toys
p51 wrote: Thanks again Jason for all your input on here! I really hope you don't let less than 1% of our members on here bring you down with 99% share your excitment and remain patient and humble!
p51, thank you for the reply. I am here for the 99%. The 1% just gets you down once in awhile, and, depending on my mood, might push my buttons more than I should allow.

I love this site and will continue to post information as it comes available. I promise to keep it professional and I know the 99% will in return.

On a side note I do not know how to post a link; therefore I will give you the pictures in this thread. It technically still is an Admiral Toys' News thread.



She is holding a flagpole. It will have a flag of her country of origin or the branch she represents.



These girls will not have joints. We think it would interfere with the desired look. They will be in limited numbers. We are estimating only 100 girls per designation.

Hope you enjoy the photos. Talk to you soon.


* Jackson ?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:51 pm
by MG-42
* Everybody has a right to his or her opinions , w/o "over the top" vulgarity of course , but I'll still purchase my decals from Jackson no matter what.

Mitch v MG

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:55 pm
by Sabrefan
I hope Jackson just goes away Mitch, you can deal with him if you want.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:58 pm
by MG-42
* I will ,.. no matter what's said about him in a strictly negative way.

* Edit : He's created & produced some of the best decals for me in the past. :wink: + = 8)

Mitch v MG

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:58 pm
by Tambo
Jason if you guys are doing 100 girls per designation how can folks like me make sure we get one of each? I'd love to be on a reserve list of some sort.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:22 pm
by GooglyDoogly
I may be reading too much into things, but it seems like these pin-up girls has a distinct navy-theme going on for them....does that indicate what those 3 mystery planes could be?

:D Sorry, couldn't help but speculate.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:26 pm
by Jericoeagle1
Hey Jason, who will be crafting these figures? Anyone of note? I also have to agree with Tambo, will 100 each be enough?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:27 pm
by GooglyDoogly
pcsguy88 wrote:Lets hope nobody else announces one and kills this bird. This would truly complete my collection.
If 21st pops out again and post another pretty banner announcing more aircraft for 89.99, I will personally gonna go drive down to their headquarters and give them a spanking!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:34 pm
by Jericoeagle1
GooglyDoogly wrote:
pcsguy88 wrote:Lets hope nobody else announces one and kills this bird. This would truly complete my collection.
If 21st pops out again and post another pretty banner announcing more aircraft for 89.99, I will personally gonna go drive down to their headquarters and give them a spanking!
I would hope 21st had learned their lesson since then. Their credibility took a big hit in my opinion.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:01 pm
by Killerf6
What credibility?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:00 pm
by p51
I like the pin-up art previews! I'll be interested to see how their turn out for sure! Will the first annoucements of preorders appear on the admiral toys website or are you going to sell this through other vendors like badcat, militarytoyshop, etc? Being that there's only 100 per designation, want to make sure I can snag some :-)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:25 pm
by VMF115
I too like the pin ups :wink:

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:28 pm
by VMF115
MG-42 wrote:* I will ,.. no matter what's said about him in a strictly negative way.

* Edit : He's created & produced some of the best decals for me in the past. :wink: + = 8)
Mitch v MG
I agree :wink:

MG-42 wrote:* Everybody has a right to his or her opinions , w/o "over the top" vulgarity of course , but I'll still purchase my decals from Jackson no matter what.

Mitch v MG
I also agree lets cut some folks some slack....I think some here are bothered by the lack of information in the past,,,so lets not get down on jackson....Jackson is a great guy to deal with...... 8) 8) 8)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:30 pm
by chunks
Jackson's also been great and patient working with me for some Aussie decals for the BBI 'stang.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:57 pm
by toyktdlgh
I’m not sure what Jackson said that was over the top since it was edited out. I did see his first post and could tell he was not happy at all and was very disenchanted with the whole topic. Unfortunately some people here take this hobby a little too seriously and can get very emotional when certain topics come up. I think that in the future people should try and remember that even though we’re all entitled to our own opinion we should consider the feelings of others within our community and hold our tongues. Jason is a top-notch person and a real asset to our hobby. There really is no need for him too hear trash talk about his company or their practices here. If we want to talk like that then don’t get mad when they stop posting here. Oh… and its not their responsibility to continually update us on what’s going on. They have companies to run and not babies to sit. I personally think Jason has gone above and beyond by posting here over the years and I’m surprised he hasn’t been scared off yet. Lets just all play nice from here on out. Jackson just got caught up in the moment and has been appropriately reprimanded for it. Hopefully we can take this as a lesson learned and see that stuff like this just drives folks away from here.
My 2c

Admiral Toys Website Update

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:32 pm
by donnieboy
Dear Jason: I logged onto our forum tonite in a pessimistic state of mind, thinking the posts would be more doom and gloom. What a pleasant surprise to hear that Admiral Toys is still alive and kicking. Whatever AT brings out, I'm down for six of each model, and I'm sure everyone on this board will snap 'em up as well! Thanks so much for taking the time to post the good news and I wish you and Admiral Toys (and 21st Century Toys and BBI and Pegasus) all the best in the coming years! Live Long and Prosper!
Donnieboy :D

Re: Admiral Toys Website Update

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:49 pm
donnieboy wrote:Dear Jason: I logged onto our forum tonite in a pessimistic state of mind, thinking the posts would be more doom and gloom. What a pleasant surprise to hear that Admiral Toys is still alive and kicking. Whatever AT brings out, I'm down for six of each model, and I'm sure everyone on this board will snap 'em up as well! Thanks so much for taking the time to post the good news and I wish you and Admiral Toys (and 21st Century Toys and BBI and Pegasus) all the best in the coming years! Live Long and Prosper!
Donnieboy :D
I'll second that! Thanks for keeping the 1:18 dream alive Jason!

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:02 pm
by Boyx3
WOW!....interesting stuff!

I have to say it has been a frustrating time for collectors...but probably not compared to the makers who have their blood sweat and tears invested in it....Jason hit the nail on the head when he said buying this sort of item is no longer on the top of most anyones list (and certainly not mine..Food, Mortgage, Gas, Heat and a second job are) but I'll be back when the economy returns and I hope Admiral (and others) are too!

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:14 pm
by zsergio1
:) Hi all :

It's been a long time since I have been reading all your comments and tips for this hobby. This is the first time I post and the reason is to congratulate Jason from Admiral toys for the big effort he is doing to keep this business running and also for being very kind of letting us know what' s happening in the toy industry. Please keep on let us know what can we expect, news and coming toys..I know that there are more people like me that will appreciate your comments . Thank you regards to all.


Thanks Jason and AT

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 5:35 pm
by Charlemagne

I also want to express my encouragement and thanks for all that AT has done and is doing. Besides collecting and enjoying these warbirds, I have found another very important mission for them. They have been employed as teaching tools at my kid's school. Last year when my son's 5th grade class covered WW II he mentioned to his teacher that I had this collection so she sent a note home asking if I could bring some of them in and talk to the class. I sent a note back stating that I would be glad to come and that I would come on the appointed day when after I cleared it with my employer. Well, I came and talked for about 45 mins and the time flew(no pun intended) and I still didn't get a chance to answer all their questions. My son come home later that day with another note from the teacher asking if I could come back to speak to the entire 5th grade..all four classes. I said I would and did go back the next week and this time they put me in the auditorium up on the stage where I had about 14 warbirds lined up on the edge of stage. I had an hour to just go down the line and give a brief story about each one. When I opened it up for questions about 95 hands shot up into the air. The kids asked some very intelligent questions ie "which was the best?" "which was the fastest?" which was the easiet to land?" "which one would you fly?" etc etc. Anyway, I have been asked to possibly come back this year. To see those faces light up in thought and curiousity was nothing short of heart warming. None of this would have been possible if it wasn't for these great pieces of history represented in 1:18th scale to spark their thought and imagination. It's easy to get discouraged during these difficult times and want to throw in the towel especially when you have great financial risk and it seems like no one appreciates that or the hard work and effort that goes into producing these amazing pieces of detailed craftsmanship. Just know that there are far more people who appreciate your efforts more than you realize but just don't post it very often like myself. I am looking so very forward to purchasing the Dauntless and being able to mention to the kids how these planes helped turn the tide of the entire pacific war at the battle of Midway. Keep up the good work and know that there are a lot of us rooting for you.