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Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:35 am
by AlloySkull
That's why my room is pretty much idiot-safe. I don't have parties, but I do have groups of friends come over and we rock out to my stereo. The girls like the bed, my friends love the stereo and the stuff everywhere, and everyone loves my coversation pieces... (30mm shell, vintage meat grinder, ammo cans, gasmask, 1963 Corvette taillight lamp that I made and the walls and most of the ceiling has tons of pictures and posters, and you can stare for hours. I've got WWII pics, planes, girls, skateboarding, surfing, bands, musicians, random pics, movie posters, etc...

So no parties, it's pretty much a thing where I blow their minds with my assortment of crap, loud music (damn good sounding) and lighting...

Sometimes though, I just enjoy the silence... it's the one place I can be myself and not be judged but by my own eyes. It's pretty cool. My friend's girlfriend told me her room was better, just from pics, but when she actually got her mind blown, like everyone else, EVERYTIME they come to my house we HAVE to blast music, turn off the lights, and turn on the blacklight and all my other lights...

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 2:52 am
by Black_Dragon_One
like one of my friend once said,, when you are young a not hookup buy all the toy you want once you get married it is no longer your money it is our money

so guest what guy buy now pay later...

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 7:44 am
by Forward Observer
The offensive statement has been removed from my posts. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about those who chose to qoute it again and again. I'll leave it up to them if they want to do likewise.


Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:15 am
by Threetoughtrucks

Don't bother knocking yourself out. I sure have "mispoken" my share in my time, we all have. Sometimes these things have a life of it's own and never go away.

You say you are 62 years of age, so we'll just call it a "brain fart" or a SM (Senior Moment). :wink:

You young whippersnapper you. When you get to be my age, "brain farts" come fast and often. :roll:


Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:45 am
by coreystinson
Man, I could say a LOT in this thread but I'll keep it minimal.

Guys, if your hobby isn't:

* consuming so much of your time that you aren't spending any time with the wife / significant other


* financially draining you in an unhealthy way (i.e. ongoing excessive debt, not taking care of basic family needs, not saving for retirement, etc.)

...then I think this or any other hobby is healthy one. After all, you could be sitting around drunk at a bar all day, or in jail, etc.? Perspective, ladies! There are those women, of course, who insist on being the focus of all attention and finances. Hobbies or not, you will eventually come to loggerheads with this type - might as well get it over with sooner rather than later as far as I'm concerned. Then, get about looking for that rare one that is flexible, reasonable, and rational. And, honestly, seriously consider the practicality of marriage in today's feminist-agenda climate and the state of the family court system.

* It's Your Life !

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:01 am
by MG-42
coreystinson wrote:Man, I could say a LOT in this thread but I'll keep it minimal.

Guys, if your hobby isn't:

* consuming so much of your time that you aren't spending any time with the wife / significant other


* financially draining you in an unhealthy way (i.e. ongoing excessive debt, not taking care of basic family needs, not saving for retirement, etc.)

...then I think this or any other hobby is healthy one. After all, you could be sitting around drunk at a bar all day, or in jail, etc.? Perspective, ladies! There are those women, of course, who insist on being the focus of all attention and finances. Hobbies or not, you will eventually come to loggerheads with this type - might as well get it over with sooner rather than later as far as I'm concerned. Then, get about looking for that rare one that is flexible, reasonable, and rational. And, honestly, seriously consider the practicality of marriage in today's feminist-agenda climate and the state of the family court system.

>>> " It's your Life , not your wife". * :wink:

* I agree w/ Corey's statement here , wholeheartedly . * 8)

Mitch v MG

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:42 am
by Obi2kenobi
Well, I guess I opened the proverbial can o' worms.

A few things:

I love my wife and we get along great. Toys are the biggest issue so I can't complain too much.

I agree wtih what Corey said.

Unsolicited advice: Buy something for your wife once in a while, and I don't mean holiday's and birthdays. It shows you listen, makes you seem less of a knuckle dragger, and you may end up getting something in return. It also softens the punch just a bit the next time a box shows up on the door step. I try to keep a list of stuff she wants and then I make strategic purchases.

Good luck guys (and gal) and thanks for chiming in.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 11:36 am
by mediump
coreystinson wrote:Man, I could say a LOT in this thread but I'll keep it minimal.

Guys, if your hobby isn't:

* consuming so much of your time that you aren't spending any time with the wife / significant other


* financially draining you in an unhealthy way (i.e. ongoing excessive debt, not taking care of basic family needs, not saving for retirement, etc.)

...then I think this or any other hobby is healthy one. After all, you could be sitting around drunk at a bar all day, or in jail, etc.? Perspective, ladies! There are those women, of course, who insist on being the focus of all attention and finances. Hobbies or not, you will eventually come to loggerheads with this type - might as well get it over with sooner rather than later as far as I'm concerned. Then, get about looking for that rare one that is flexible, reasonable, and rational. And, honestly, seriously consider the practicality of marriage in today's feminist-agenda climate and the state of the family court system.
great post Corey
I think it is sad some of you guys have to sneak your toys home. I am firm believer in doing whatever the f*#@ I want, and not having someone bust my b@#*s over something that they can't understand that I like. Hell I'm just a kid at heart I guess still skateboard, play with toys, and party like its high school.

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:03 pm
by VMF115
coreystinson wrote:consider the practicality of marriage in today's feminist-agenda climate .

I think you hit the nail on the head, todays women are for the most part brain washed into think that anything a man does with his own time and money “with in limits of the house hold budget” is a bad thing, but when it comes to the women it’s a totally different situation , now I am not saying all women are the same, my girl friend is the exception, for years she has been trying to get me to do something with my time.
She sometime regrets that I collect military replica toys , but in the end she is thankful I don’t go to bars and it keeps me out of trouble for the most time. The trouble that I do get in is The space issue witch is not a big deal where we live now.

She always ask where are you going to put that thing , the best part is she is getting interested in the history aspect of this hobby, or at least making it seem like she is.

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 9:09 am
by tankgirl33
Forward Observer wrote:
tankgirl33 wrote:
Hey! That's not very nice. There are females on here you know. :? You just haven't met the right gal yet, I hope someday you do. :D I'm pleasantly surprised to read how many wives actually support you fellas, I don't think it's fair to spend 500 dollars on a rug for the house but complain about a 40 dollar toy purchase. I would never keep tosborne3 from buying stuff because I don't want to him to keep me from buying clothes and shoes! And I like the 32X stuff, which I want to get more of. But I think a lot of wives treat their husbands like kids other than spouses. And that's not fair. As long as our bills are paid, I don't care what he buys.
I apologize for the remark. I should have kept it to myself an not posted it to a public board.

I'd just been in contact with my 2nd ex-wife early this week. We had not been in contact over 6 months, but she called to tell she was broke and needed some money.

Like a fool, I sent her a couple of hundred, but the more I thought about it later in the week, the madder I got. That money would have been put to better use if I had given it to a crack-head. That was on my mind when I posted.

Anyway, at 62 years of age, I don't really need to find the right "gal" unless I find one that terminally ill and worth millions. Yes, I am an old curmudgeon, and I like it that way.

--but I do promise to try use moderation in the sexist level of my posts in the future.

Once again, I apologize for posting the remark.
You poor fella, you've just had run ins with the wrong girls. It's never too late to find a nice XD lovin gal!!! You never know where you'll find her!! It sounds like you're swearing off women for awhile though, which is understandable. No big deal on the remark, we all make slips now and then, and the guys on here are always helpful in letting you know when you stepped over a line. This is a great forum though, you're going to love it. And you can still vent about your female problems if you need to! :D Just avoid discussions about politics, religion, you know, things that cause folks to argue, and you'll be fine.