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Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:20 pm
by FieroDude
I second that strategic airstrike!!!! Make it big, make it ugly, but for goodness sake, someone just make it!!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:45 pm
by Morian Miner
As much as I gripe, I see this as the "golden age" of 1/18 scale. Really, when has there been this many items that are actually quality. Go back to the 70s and early 80s. You had GI Joe and SW - decent figures but terrible undersized "toy" vehicles. Throw into the mix all the other figure lines which were tolerable, if you like Prozac figures (couldn't understand why all the MASH, Fisher Price Little People, etc all had to be smiling).

Look to today. You have the 1/18 diecast vehicles. You have Hasbro putting out some incredible articulated figures. You can actually get Microman and the Japanese Gashpon figures, thanks to the internet. We have PTE, BBi, and 21C all giving us realistic figures. And look at the vehicles we have. Yeah, it may be spaced out over the months, but the quality more than makes up for it.

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:14 pm
by Rowsdower
I don't think 1:18 is going anywhere, at least not anytime soon. The only thing that really bothers me about XD is how the crappy WM distribution system makes its so damn hard and frustrating to find the new pieces. I went through it with the new halftracks and now the D-Day figures. Other than that the lulls in between new stuff give me a chance to focus on buying all the 3 3/4" GI Joes I destroyed back in the 80's. 8)

And of course Hasbro has dropped the 3 3/4" figures and switched to the Sigma Six line of freakish anime type Joes. :evil:

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 9:19 pm
by Threetoughtrucks
Any hobby that can attract die hard vehicle (soft skin or armor) guys like me to actually pry open my wallet to buy aircraft has got to show promise of staying alive. 1/18 has that promise.

My two planes? Stuka and AT Me-262. Both just knock my socks off whanever I fondle them in my sweaty gruby 1/6 Little Bird and 1/18 Apache just doesn't count.

I'll wait patiently for however long it takes to produce my G. Bush Avenger and I'll even branch out into 1/32 if a Mossie or other twin's get produced. I do have four 1/32 aircraft (special purchase) but they are still in boxes and I don't enen want to get involved at this point.

Actually limiting aircraft to 1/32 and sticking 1/18 for armor doesn't sound bad at all if you think about it... :roll:


Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:59 pm
by Sentinel

The ONLY plane that's been offered in 1/18 (within the last two years) that's truly got me goin' was AT's F-86.

No bad rubs here but I personally could have done very nicely without an FW 190 "D" model, Avenger, F104, ME-262 and countless Mustangs. The only ones I've actually purchased were several 109G's, two Corsairs and the aforementioned F-86.

Where's a 190A? A F6F Hellcat? A Dauntless? A Hurricane? That Zero by AT would have been a thing of beauty for sure - and THEY would provide some dihedral to it (because that's the way it's supposed to be). I'd drool over a truly properly proportioned Spitfire, JU-87 Stuka and P-40 by them too. But such fare doesn’t seem to be “on the books” anytime soon.

And it's not just about the military. Wouldn't you think that a huge, blue and white Cessna 182, or a bright yellow Piper Cub or even a Beechcraft Bonanza would attract so many (and varied) customers in Wal-mart that they may have trouble keeping them in stock?

What about the WWI planes? They’re worth an honest effort in my book.

It had been a very frustrating few years for me in this scale too. Could you tell? Aside from the feeling of being stuck in a huge rut of less-than-desirable new aircraft for sale, I don’t see the repetitive wishes from our corner of the collecting world getting a whole lot of action from the Big 3. The sad part is, I feel their alternative choices have not been very inspiring – or even logical so many, many times if brisk sales are one of their goals.

To the new year (or maybe 2008?).


Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:46 am
by tko211
Some of you might have missed earlier posts, clues, or hints but rest assured 21C is not backing away from 1:18 scale releases lets recap a little of what we saw this year in new 1:18 scale models.

P-51D mustang Re-tool
F-86F Sabre

Over a dozen new figures

Vehicles & Cannons:
Stuka Zu Fuss Hanomag
M-16 Multi gun Halftrack
Pioneerwagen Hanomag

Yes there were repaints, but there will always have to be repaints to support the investment made. I know the cost to build a med. size 1:18 scale airplane someone here said that it has been quoted as "a lot" I can't quote that number for obvious reasons but lets just put a few familar items into the mix to give an idea. A starting ball park figure would be... say a brand new car times oh lets say 10! That might get the prototype and basic tooling started. So yeah... It's a LOT!!!! :lol:

So that might explain part of the reason why there is not the ability to build one new plane a month. Time is also another factor. It takes a LOT of hours roughly 8-10 months is required if there is no problems and if there are no other products to foucs on. So there is that too.

But lets look at the bright side here. 21C isn't going anywhere and customer support has never been better! I would expect 2007 to be just as good if not better for the fans. That goes for wing nuts and ground pounders alike. I wish I could get more detailed here but I am under orders. When the time is right early this year you will begin to know of the things that I now know. I really don't like to talk too much about it too early on, and I REALLY hate to tease here but if you knew what I knew right now you would not feel downhearted. 2007 is going to make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Or it will make your credit card max out, most likely both! :shock:

IF 1:18 scale is DEAD than someone forgot to tell 21C, becuse 2007 looks FANTASTIC!
We should start to get more details during the month of Toyfair, though I suspect even a few cards will remain close to the vest till summer. 21c won't play all the cards at once!

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 3:12 am
by VMF115
thanks TKO 8)

How much do you think we will have to spend to get all the new birds, 600,800,1000.US dollars?

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 5:57 am
by aferguson
what's wrong with the proportions of the Spitfire and Stuka?

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:27 am
by steelbonnet
Well I see i`ve not chipped in on this though will Now :D

I recall a couple of years ago in the 1/6th community there were lots claiming that scale was dying...Well it didin`t & still going strong.

As for 1/18th I`ve been collecting/customizing 1/18th since the late 70s & it`s always survived.
It`s a practical scale for cost & such a vast variety of directions to go with this too.

As most know i`m an Armour/Figure 1/18th with the occassional Big items that take my fancy.
For the 1/18th Plane collectors I`d say the last few years have been really good to you guys & you have to think you have 3 companies plying for your cash at this scale (BBI,XD & Admiral) & all 3 have delievered from what I`ve seen online some Outstanding airframes.

We in the Armour world only have BBI & XD currently (Here`s hoping Admiral do jump on board) & have survived & in some ways felt like 2nd class collectors to you Plane guys who have had all the Great toys.
Though I think taking into consideration R&D-Production set up & then running with it,that all takes time.
Add also with the guys from the 3 companies watching here,we throw a LOT of suggestions at them,so time is what`s required I`d say.

After all look back a few years ppl would have loved to see a Me 262 & now they are coming :D

TIME guys is what`s required,Time & our constant push to show them it`s NOT a worthless project they are doing.

I know most here ARE long timers with 1/18th & no doubt will be (I won`t change I know that).

So I say lets see what we will see & hopefully 2007 will show us a LOT :D

Merry Christmas.

Steel Bonnet

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:40 am
by grunt1
Well said SB, I second that.. :)


Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:45 am
by MG-42
>>> I'm anticipating 07' as being a banner year ,.. but after that ,.. "nothing good ever lasts". :wink: + :roll: = :lol:

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 8:06 am
by MightyMustang
We have alot to look forward to in 2007 guys. We have the mighty Hellcat finally being done in 1/18th scale and god knows what else 21st and BBI may have up their sleeves for release. I think 07 will be a great year for us 1/18th collectors. I have to say this and thats that if only the 1/18th Hellcat was made I would be a happy guy due to the fact that a 1/18th Hellcat has always been a dream of mine and next year it will be a reality. As for seeing a 1/18th B-17 or any other 2 or 4 engine bomber is concerned I dont think it will happen. Why? Its because of the cost of making them and producing them plus I can only imagin what that price would be just to purchase one. Is our hobby going to die anytime soon? I dont think so because there is still a very large faction that collects these big planes. Plus it save's people time putting models together and painting them, which alot of people dont wanna do anymore these days including me! The other day I went into my local hobby shop and saw a 1/32 Avenger model kit and do you know what they were asking for that kit? $124.00!!!!! Sorry but I would rather have a 1/18th Avenger for half the price and on top of that its already painted, put together and detailed very well. So again guys I dont think our beloved hobby is going anywhere anytime soon. Again 2007 is going to be a great year where we are going to see many surprises so just relax.

Merry Christmas everyone.


Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 8:29 am
by SGT. Saunders
Hi Guys

Nicely put SteelB, I agree MG-42 That 07 will be hot.
I have been waiting for some 1/18 WWII British troops since XD came to the world and Im still waiting, but I know in time thay will come around and I think 07 will be the year(I did say that to my self last year) I feel that 1/18 still has alot of life to give to us. The day when 1/18 WWII British troops come I will run around my basement office with my Union Jack T-shirt on screeming "THE BRITISH ARE COMING THE BRITISH ARE COMING"!!

Every year you have agree things get better and better, to wait is part of the game.

Merry X-Mas All.

The British are coming !!

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:13 am
by MG-42
Here ! ,.. Here ! ,.. "Red Devils" I hope. :wink: = 8) ....... We'll see "twin-engines" and even a B-17 but in 32X first ,.. I don't mind that ,.. and my prediction ,.. seeing a "Wirbelwind" on Panzer MkIV. chassis in 1:18 :shock: and at least a JagdPanther before they're through. Cheers !

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:34 am
by scbvideoboy
I want a 1/18 Kate!!!!!!!! Or Val, or Tony Ki -61!!!! You guys that sleep with your A-10 models, well I'm that way with my Ki-61. My first 1/32 revell model kit in the olden days was the Tony. I repainted that so many times and finally I tried to use cleaner to remove paint and it looked just like one of the planes in the jungle with bits of color and bare "metal" showing. Cool

It was at my grandma's and when I was overseas my uncle came over and cleaned the house after she passed and I never saw it again...along with a bunch of other toy stuff. I'm sure everyone here has a saying " if they could just make my favorite __________ I'd be happy and never ever complain!"

Mine would be the Ki -61, and relive some past childhood times.

The Mosquito has to be a good top choice as it was pointed out the size is not much different that the Avenger.

As for the tank, what is the holdup on the multitude of variations on the MK IV chassis, and panther chassis.

Has anybody bought that Mk III R/C tank?

Well I'm getting my CC card ready for 2007. All I need is Home Owner association approval for the "warehouse" in the back yard.


Have fun at Christmas and open the LARGE box first!

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:47 am
by MK
The only plane I want is a 1/18 SR-71. :D

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:00 am
One thing we have to remember over the holidays is the true...wait wrong post......what I mean to say is

If 21st BBI and Admiral put out all the 1:18 stuff at once (giving in to the demands of a small % of their customers - then they would never get a return on their money - We would gobble as many toys as we could like children eating chocolate till they barf - then thats it

when the tanks and planes are spaced out over the years months etc then we will most likely spend more money over the long run.

who wants to have a company open for one year when the demand of the customer is to have the company open for many years.

that was the shortest way I could state this - hope it made sense.

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:38 pm
by Tinman
Echoing the comments of several others, I see the glass as half-full (at least!). Six years ago or so I had NO 1:18 military pieces - now I have the enjoyment of more items than you can shake a stick at, with more in the pipeline. I favor armor and figures but have amassed a number of aircraft as well (with my favorites still being the S1 Stuka and bbi F-16). Happy Holidays!

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 1:29 pm
by immeww2
For whatever reason one may have to favor or not favor what is happening in the 1/18 scale world, I am thankful for what we have and may have in the future. Sure we all want specific things made, but part of the enjoyment I get from collecting these items are the surprises of new items when they are released. I was thrilled when news of the quad and pioneer halftracks came out. Even more thrilled when the pak-40 made it's debut. I feel these items were early Xmas gifts from 21st in giving us these new items and I look forward to whats ahead in 2007.

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 1:49 pm
I agree - 1:18 is moving in the right direction - I havent tried shaking a stick at my stuff yet - as I'd probably break something - but I have so many items from the last few years I'm running out of space - and I now can't even keep up. Keep them comming 21st, BBI, and Admiral!! merry Christmas! Happy holidays and Happy Birthday Bob! I'm sure some guy named Bob has a birthday in the next few days...

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 3:45 pm
by VMF115
I guess we do have it good Sorry.
After all I just started to collect this past June…
Marry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To all of those young at heart !!!!!!!!!!