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Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:56 pm
by digger
Army Builders :D :P
My wallet says NO :o but my XD instinct says YES. :mrgreen:

29th ID & 2d Rangers go together and with the bbi guys. 8)
Finally an empty holster for when you put the pistol in the guys hand.
The handheld radio is an awesome addition, Carbine from Alexander is great, and the Garand with sling is sweet. And...a trigger hand! :D
Flotation device is just a tease without the landing craft. :x :P

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:13 pm
by momaw nadon
What is up with the Rifleman getting short changed on the accessories, were as the Ranger has tons?

Great looking figures and great gear. Can't what for the others to be shown.
momaw nadon

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:00 pm
by mediump
sweet, TKO we appreciate you workin' hard, thanks
these guys look great, interesting how they still have non artic. arms to swap out with
the Krauts are goin' to be great 8)

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:05 pm
by tmanthegreat
Wow :shock: Those figures look great! We finally got some "retooled" versions of the S1 figures. They come with some great accessories and look nearly as good as the BBI WWII infantry figures. They will certainly work well for army builders. Now what to do with my really outdated S1 US figures...

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:16 pm
by 7thva_hunter
I dont know what to say I like it or dont like it. :? :wink:

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:19 pm
by Quixote511
I am pleased. I like the radio, and that 2nd Ranger scroll looks so cool on the guy's arm (can you tell I am a patch collector). I was hoping we would see some photos of the DAK first off. Nevertheless, I am greatly impressed :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:29 pm
by holensock
These are gonna be great!!! Gotta start putting money aside NOW!! And to think, these are only first two...can't wait to see the rest!

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:31 pm
by flayrah
Looking good! The inclusion of little details like the empty holster and seperate assault vest are good signs; much improved head sculpts, too. But WHEN will 21st realize NOT all US soldiers wore shoes and leggings!! Where are the boots; shoepacs; service shoes with long trousers?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:31 pm
by Jesse James
Digger, did you have to change your trousers too? I'm gonna start saving now to afford these in the quantities I will surely want. :)

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:27 am
by steelbonnet
TKO Thank`s VERY Much for all the hard work & looking forward to the next TWO photos :D

As for these TWO that are up. WOW Liek most have said already these are amazing & Excellent. Love the acc`s & also nice to see 21st is finally giving spare hands to XD scale (always thought they should have done that).

Now for the kit WOW drool vest & a Rubber Ranger Assault vest to boot I see ;D Very nice & beats having a molded one.

The Hand held radio & Holster options are truely a Sweet touch :D Maybe one day working holsters?? LOL

All in ALL OUTSTANDING work from 21st on these 2.

Makes me want to see the other 16 figures ASAP :D

Steel Bonnet

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 6:27 am
by zonetoys
Oh God! :shock:
When my son sees these I am going to be in for an earfull. D-Day is his favorite! And the new figures with their assault vest and Floatation Belts will be the real kicker! Is the Ranger helmet marked on the back? Say it ain't so..... :lol:
Guess I know what to buy my son for Xmas! But as for myself, I won't wait to open a couple!

Nice job 21st Century Toys!

On second look, where is the gas mask bag? Paras had them! And isn't that Ranger shoulder patch later than D-Day?


Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:19 am
by lablksmith
Question. How was the flotation belt worn? It looks too long to go around the waist...

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:23 am
by SGT. Saunders
Thank you very much TKO for all your time, The new figures look great when can we exspect them to be in the online stores?

Re: Question

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 9:20 am
by zonetoys
lablksmith wrote:Question. How was the flotation belt worn? It looks too long to go around the waist...
Worn around the waist! They appear too long uninflated, once inflated they fit better.
Here is a vintage pic of a belt being worn. ... 24_512.jpg

Here is a close-up of my son's belt. A prop used in SPR!

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:45 am
by Morian Miner
Well, would have liked to see a different theater, but very nice figures nonetheless. Nice headsculpts and accessories. While I won't army build with these guys, definitely will be picking up a few. Hopefully we get some German "targets" with the new articulation.

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 4:23 pm
by grunt1
16 guys left to see, so the odds are still in favor of other theaters.. (or at least I have my fingers crossed for the Brits and Russians). :-)

Both of these folks have been added to the SSHQ database.

new guys

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 4:33 pm
by digger
grunt1 wrote:16 guys left to see, so the odds are still in favor of other theaters.. (or at least I have my fingers crossed for the Brits and Russians).
:lol: I think TKO's hints have pretty much ruled out Brits and Russians at this point but I understand your optimism. We do know about the DAK figs which are from another theater..

For JJ, you know these guys have me amped. :D For Momaw I think they know riflemen need no extra goodies to sell - they are the ultimate army builder. I just wish we saw a static arm one time with a really tight elbow bend for true shoulder fire action. :P

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 4:45 pm
by grunt1
"The figs I am aware of at this point are not Brittish or Russian. "

As far as I know, TKO is only aware of 4 out of 18.. Perhaps 6 of 18 if the DAK are the 2 that TKO doesn't have pictures for yet. So that leaves 12-14 unknowns.

(I'm happy either way, but happier is even better don't ya think?) :-D

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:56 pm
by tko211
Yeah we got some Jerries comin! I can confirm that 100% as I just recieved pics of the next two that will go up on AREA-21. But I am afraid I am going to have to ask you guys to be a little patient with me. I can't get back into the office till monday to post anything more. I do have on my schedule that I need to push out somehthing else next (in front of the next 2 figs) So bottom line...

Give me till tuesday to get the next 2 figs up. I like what I see. I can say that much for now! :shock:

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:30 pm
by RED
Hey yall!!!!---Pretty cool figs!!!! Iam also glad to see some new gear to!!!!---RED---

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 12:15 am
by steelbonnet
Well I`m still hoping to see Brit`s & if Grunt1 is right about what TKO does/doesn`t know of may still shine HOPE on them coming :D

Thank`s very much again & no probs waiting mate can all wait :D
We appreciate the hard work you put in posting the new stuff :D

Steel bonnet

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:35 am
by MandaloreSC
Hi XD fans!
About a year ago I was very frustrated because there were no new figures and no new armor - only planes (which I don't collect). But I'm still a big XD fan and a week ago I decided to check the 21st website if there is anything new.
I think the new halftrack versions and the PAK look great! Also I'm very exited about the new figures. The first two soldiers look great. Super articulation and loads of equipment. I hope the next 16 figures will also be great.
But I still hope for a Tiger II and a 222. When they release so many new figures - maybe there also will be new armor? What do you think how good the chances are?
When I read the postings of you guys there are some shortcuts that I don't know. What does DAK mean?
My favorite wave of 18 figures would be 9 americans and 9 germans.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:41 am
by SGT. Saunders
Im with you Steelbonnet! really would love to see some WWII British troops, well I wont say love to see I will say that its a NEED!

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:42 am
by steelbonnet
Hey MandaloreSC,

Glad you have/are slipping to the side of Ground based XD collecting :D

Certainly is some wonderfull stuff coming & as for a Tiger II & 222 to be released,well believe me your NOT the only voice there :D

As for DAK that`s short for "Deutschland Afrika Korps".

SGT. Saunders
Damn right mate we NEED to have WWII British troops :D Save having to make ALL my own :(

Steel Bonnet

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:58 am
by MandaloreSC
Thanks very much steelbonnet!
Yeah Afrika Korps soldiers would be cool. Rommels halftrack "Greif" would be a great vehicle to come with those troops. But I would also be happy if these new figures would only be updated versions of the first XD figure wave.
British troops would also be cool, but I don't think that russian troops would be a good idea. There aren't any russian vehicles available and I believe russian troops would be pegwarmers, just as the japanese are right now.

There are rumors about the "Königstiger" for so many years now - I hope we will see this tank anytime soon. There are so many cool american and german vehicles that have not been released..... :?