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Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:52 pm
by [CAT]CplSlade
sdcc73 wrote: Image

I would buy one.

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:53 pm
by 456THBG
I wish AG good luck, but don't expect too much if they concentrate in the same old fighters in 1/32. If they want to start in 1/32, to get us to buy 1/32, at least give us something new, like a B-25 or Ju-88 or Me-110 or (be still my heart)......a Mosquito. Any of these in 1/32 would be welcomed. I have said for years 1/32 is the perfect scale for the bigger 2 engine stuff.


Totally agree on the twin engine in 1/32...Just got the Corgi Mosquito "Moncton", pretty expensive, but perfect size & absolutely beautiful...B25, ME110, JU88, All the above!

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:44 pm
by Dauntless
456THBG wrote:I wish AG good luck, but don't expect too much if they concentrate in the same old fighters in 1/32. If they want to start in 1/32, to get us to buy 1/32, at least give us something new, like a B-25 or Ju-88 or Me-110 or (be still my heart)......a Mosquito. Any of these in 1/32 would be welcomed. I have said for years 1/32 is the perfect scale for the bigger 2 engine stuff.

Totally agree on the twin engine in 1/32...Just got the Corgi Mosquito "Moncton", pretty expensive, but perfect size & absolutely beautiful...B25, ME110, JU88, All the above![/quote]

I agree, but they need to make the most of what they have to get on their feet. If it's true they don't have the same problems with the Chinese manufacturing plants with their 1:32 as they do with the 1:18 (mentioned earlier) then It's wise to turn out some more planes. After all we only got 3 of the new P-51D, only 1 Spitfire. All the planes "in the pipeline" are newer and more popular molds. Plus the choice of well known aces like Hartmann, and nude nose art P-51's, and a Mk.V Spitfire (never seen before) are no brainers and very good choices. I think they're on the right track. They could use a few more new molds, like a P-47 Razorback, P-40E/N, Tempest /Typhoon etc., but I'll take what I can get as long as they are good molds and new paint jobs. They DO NEED a Redtail in there. It just makes sense.

1:32 is the logical choice for multi engine aircraft though. It was 21stC that did build a prototype B-17G, TKO told us about, and later we saw it up for auction, after many of us had agreed it would be doable in 1:32 before even seeing it (hopefully they think like us we think like them) Now Wingscale made one along with a B-25 and both may yet be realized. It's just that you have to build them.

1:18 will come if this is successful too IMO, and maybe multi-engine planes in 1:32, as it's still wide open even in the model world not many out there in that scale.

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:46 pm
by snake
456THBG wrote:
Totally agree on the twin engine in 1/32...Just got the Corgi Mosquito "Moncton", pretty expensive, but perfect size & absolutely beautiful...B25, ME110, JU88, All the above!

Glad to hear you picked up the Corgi 1/32 "Moncton Express", 456THBG. 8)

It is a great piece of diecast, and has a large presence to it. And it is heavy.

Good score! :wink:

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:06 pm
by DocTodd
I like many have lots of the prior planes, and would like to see new molds. But realistically they will produce planes that they already have molds for. Perhaps they can capture a bigger market of people that have not been exposed to the previous line. It doesn't take a economics genius to figure they need to raise money to support the company.

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:43 pm
by sdcc73
Dauntless wrote:They DO NEED a Redtail in there. 1:18 will come if this is successful
Hopefully the Red Tail will be 1:18 given its the same scale of toy figures millions of Star Wars fans buy. Just the fact that its Lucasfilm, many Star Wars fans will watch Red Tails. They love 1:18, so its perfect to release a Red Tail in that scale (crosses fingers)! Numerous Star Wars fans are already fans of the same period Red Tail planes come from. As seen on the web's many humersou WW2 + Star Wars mashups.

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:47 pm
by sdcc73

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:17 am
by tko211
Everyone makes good points here. We have all waited and been teased by the entry / return of AllGo, and we all just want to start seeing the products in our collections. Timing these past couple years- have been uber tricky! Costs to produce these items overseas have literally skyrocketed from years past. This is just one of the pressures that greatly reduce margins of profit and start to make anything a risky proposition.

There is a plan in place and while a red 19 Fw-190 is a reissue it's the necessary critical first step toward what hopefully could be a much brighter future than we have all seen these past 3 dismal years.

FYI I have not heard of any plans to release armor as of yet. As pickle points out- armor simply doesn't sell nearly well enough compared to planes... But you never know... Things can always change. For now my money is on no armor- at least for the short term future.

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:58 am
by flyboy_fx
I like armor over planes.. :< Much rather buy a Jadgpanther for $100 over a new repaint... :wink:

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:02 am
by [CAT]CplSlade
flyboy_fx wrote:I like armor over planes.. :< Much rather buy a Jadgpanther for $100 over a new repaint... :wink:
I like armor as much if not a little more than planes. I will still buy new planes I don't already have an example of, but there is still so much armor left to do like the Wespe, Nashorn, etc.

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:18 am
by flyboy_fx
I would be happy with JUST the jagdkitty if they released ANY new armor.

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:24 am
by dragon53
I want a rerelease of the 1/18 WC57 command car with Patton and Willy. :mrgreen:

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:35 am
by Airacobra
TKO, can I ask a favor, please? Can you specify the scale of item you are talking about? At one point in time I used to know which molds in which scale All-Go had access to (at least I thought I did), but now I have no idea what All-Go is capable of releasing. I see something about a Red 19 FW-190 being released in a 1/18 thread and I get excited thinking there is going to be a new 1/18 FW-190. When I go to the All-Go site I see only 1/32 planes. If you could just clarify the scale when listing projects and releases that would help a lot. Thanks for the updates.

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:34 pm
by normandy
tko211 wrote:
FYI I have not heard of any plans to release armor as of yet. As pickle points out- armor simply doesn't sell nearly well enough compared to planes... But you never know... Things can always change. For now my money is on no armor- at least for the short term future.

Well if this is in fact true, its very disappointing.
After Pickelhaube's Ho-229 and maybe an Me-163 in 1:18 I think I'm good, unless something new shows up.....never been as much of a Wing Nut as I am a Tread Head.
The King Tiger would be one hell of a model to have in 1:18 and it would fit in with the rest of my armor collection. :P

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:27 pm
by maritime96
normandy wrote:
tko211 wrote:
FYI I have not heard of any plans to release armor as of yet. As pickle points out- armor simply doesn't sell nearly well enough compared to planes... But you never know... Things can always change. For now my money is on no armor- at least for the short term future.

Well if this is in fact true, its very disappointing.
After Pickelhaube's Ho-229 and maybe an Me-163 in 1:18 I think I'm good, unless something new shows up.....never been as much of a Wing Nut as I am a Tread Head.
The King Tiger would be one hell of a model to have in 1:18 and it would fit in with the rest of my armor collection. :P
I agree with Normandy, the 1/18 ground and armor has always interested me more than the planes. (Pickles Ho229 being the exception) Just seems like there is so much more customizing and setting things up on my shelf that I can do with tanks as oppsed to the planes. (They also take up alot less room) I wish All Go all the best, but untill they roll out some new 1/18 armor or troops, I doubt they will have anything I will be interested in buying. :(

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 9:51 pm
by flyboy_fx
Allgo makes repaint of tiger 1 and wonders why it don't sell... WELL NO SH-T! lol Make something new! We will EAT IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:13 pm
by Dauntless
...AllGo hasn't released anything yet, that was a "pirated" JSI Tiger no?

As Picklehaube also pointed out, 1:32 outsold 1:18 overwhelmingly. I noticed this back in the Walmart days, when hunting for both scales. The turn around time was a lot quicker for 1:32. Not to mention the available shelf space having to compete with Hasbro and Mattel etc. Online might be slightly different, but they're cheaper so more did and will sell.

If this is what it takes to get them on their feet, then I'm all for it. If the majority wants planes, they have to cater to what's going to sell, it's business, and maybe just maybe some mega retailer might give them a little shelf space, where they otherwise wouldn't for a huge 1:18 plane, or tank that might sit for a while and get blown out on sale for next to nothing like recently at Target.

I buy armor too, but yeah I'm more into planes. I'll buy everything they want to release that's a new paint scheme. Maybe one "Shangri La" for a future custom, though I've already got two. Don't know why they couldn't have released it as a "Boise Bee" ..maybe that'll come later.

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:29 am
by aferguson
well i hope Allgo makes a go of it all. I think if the tooling for the KT is done it would be a wise move to release it. It is one of those items that even people not particularily interested in tanks would buy. So plane guys, 1/18 car guys etc would want one too...not just armour guys. It would be their best selling tank to date for sure.

Just make sure it's released in a juicy paint scheme first and don't repeat the mistake of the 88 being DAK first. The dark grey would have outsold it 2 to 1 if it had been the first release.

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:10 pm
very good points

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:26 pm
by Dauntless
I'm a plane guy and would definitely want a King Tiger. I have examples of all the other 1:18 21stC tanks.

I do like the "104" paint scheme of the example on their site. Where's it from the Eastern Front? Looks a lot like the Eastern Front 21stC Tiger camo.

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:35 pm
by Rowsdower
Oh great, I already have Red 19! :(

Give us a Griffon engined Spitfire! Or at least a repaint!

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:38 pm
by flyboy_fx
Dauntless wrote:I'm a plane guy and would definitely want a King Tiger. I have examples of all the other 1:18 21stC tanks.

I do like the "104" paint scheme of the example on their site. Where's it from the Eastern Front? Looks a lot like the Eastern Front 21stC Tiger camo.

Bulge I think.

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:00 am
by Dauntless
...shows ya I don't know a whole lot about armor paint, except maybe the obvious DAK. :?

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:58 pm
by Roach
Well it is now Saturday so it appears nothing shipped this week. AllGo remains ALLNO until they actually produce a product. Until then they have zero credibility. They cannot deliver a duplicate of a three year old product on time and people are expecting something new! Very sad, but unfortunately very true.

Re: AllGo is all go!

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:28 am
by DropTank
Dauntless wrote: I'll buy everything they want to release that's a new paint scheme.
Bingo !!!!!!! Most collectors in a hobby prefer a variety instead of buying the same product over-n-over. It makes as much sense to me as going to see the same crappy movie 2,3,4 times, just to support the theater.