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Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:57 pm
by Ta-152
Jackson wrote:
Ta-152 wrote:Great, about time someone did some '40s females.

Hopefully they won't suck like the car ones.
1/18th twits big doins in the 1/18th world...ooooo I'm all a flustered....3 new planes ? when next decade or 2 ? by the time they come out 90% of the people will be out of work but we'll have 3 new aeroplanes we can't afford....yak yak yak blah blah blah
Whoa, who rubbed one out in your Frosted Flakes this morning?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:58 pm
by Coreyeagle48

Thanks for the update. I really liked your Sabres.

Can't wait to see what you have to offer.

Take Care,


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:59 pm
by Jason of Admiral Toys
Oh, and nice innuendo. There are kids posting on this site. Keep your filth to yourself.

I apologize to the rest of you. I am still steaming and offended.


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:59 pm
by Grilledcheese
I was gonna post a big WTF after I read Jackson's Post about an hour ago, but Jason kinda beat me to it...

That said, Jason, just do what's best for your company and your own state of mind. A good many of us here really appreciate and respect ANY representative of ANY company that is willing to be upfront and informative.
But to be honest, if I were you I'd probably be reluctant to post here anymore also.
Don't worry, dude, the people who are willing to buy your stuff will find them and buy them when they come out.
To us, they're toys, and to you they are your means of making a living. Do what you have to do.
We'll be fine.

(well, MOST of us... :shock: )


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:08 pm
by GooglyDoogly
I like updates, especially with progress pics included. :)

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:09 pm
by Jason of Admiral Toys
Thank you Jeffery, Birddog, Sabrefan, Coreyeagle48, Ta-152, toyktdlgh, olifant and the rest of you who still support and enjoy any news of hope that is given. That is what we are trying to do, give some hope that the industry is not completely dead.

I am off my soapbox... back to business.


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:10 pm
by FieroDude
Jackson wrote:
Ta-152 wrote:Great, about time someone did some '40s females.

Hopefully they won't suck like the car ones.
1/18th twits. big doins in the 1/18th world...ooooo I'm all a flustered....3 new planes ? when next decade or 2 ? by the time they come out 90% of the people will be out of work but we'll have 3 new aeroplanes we can't afford....yak yak yak blah blah blah
If you can't keep it civil, keep it to yourself please. Any developments and hope for 1/18 is welcome to the vast majority on this board, and greatly appreciated. For those that don't appreciate it, maybe they are in the wrong hobby.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:13 pm
i also have only been reading here of late. as the complaints do get old.

also very busy with building contract models for profit.

anyway glad to hear from you Jason. sounds like Great news to me!

will be watching with much interest.


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:14 pm
by Birddog
Jason of Admiral Toys wrote:Thank you Jeffery, Birddog, Sabrefan, Coreyeagle48, Ta-152, toyktdlgh, olifant and the rest of you who still support and enjoy any news of hope that is given. That is what we are trying to do, give some hope that the industry is not completely dead.

I am off my soapbox... back to business.

We appreciate you and Admiral Toys for sticking through with us in this hobby. Especially in these hard times economically. Any news about new 1/18 products for this hobby is good news to me and I'm sure the majority of the board members.

Again, thanks for your time and work as always.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:15 pm
by VMF115
Jason thanks for your all of your hard work.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:16 pm
by vulgarvulture
If you can't keep it civil, keep it to yourself please. Any developments and hope for 1/18 is welcome to the vast majority on this board, and greatly appreciated. For those that don't appreciate it, maybe they are in the wrong hobby.
Agree 100% with this comment and others. I welcome any news, even if it's not specific regarding models and timelines. Just nice to hear from the source every now and then. I'm pleasantly shocked that there are 3 planes under consideration.

Thanks Jason. Glad to know there's some activity!!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:26 pm
by aferguson
ok all of Jackson's colorful and in poor taste comments have been edited out.......Jackson, don't do that again, this is your only warning.

As far as the updates from AT, i was very excited to get some news. I was afraid that AT might be going the way of so many other companies but it looks like they are still vital and coming up with new ideas and projects.....excellent.

Looking forward to any news you can give us, Jason..


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:28 pm
by mikeg
One last bit of flattery- I have a jolly roger, cl-13, white 8, and have just ordered the white 7 today. Thanks for the product- even if my wife won't let me keep them in the bedroom or kitchen.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:31 pm
by mikeg
Us Southerners just like to take our ball and go home, sometimes.......
by God!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:40 pm
by Light.Inf.Scout
Light.Inf.Scout wrote:What were the 3 planes he mentioned...I am having trouble with the links.

Little help? Anyone?

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:40 pm
by Jericoeagle1
Jackson wrote:
Jason of Admiral Toys wrote: Oh, and nice innuendo. There are kids posting on this site. Keep your filth to yourself.

I apologize to the rest of you. I am still steaming and offended.

yak yak yak blah blah blah you can shovel it but ya can't seem to hit the pile...have no vested this as a pure hobby....and ya can KMA....Oh and lets not forget all these 20-60 year old kids----Aferg delete all my posts or tell me how to so I can move on from this forum along with my vested interest...TJJ
Boy you take a quick nap and look what happens! All the excitement happens when I'm away. Lets look at it this way if it weren't for Jason there would be no news. I don't think anyone else from the manufacturing side has posted here in over a year. Take your ball and go home, you and let the rest of us "kids" play. We don't need you nor want that attitude around here.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:49 pm
by Birddog
For someone that wants to move on, you still keep hanging around.....I think Aferg can clean up your mess without you being here.....Adios.....

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:53 pm
by GooglyDoogly
Light.Inf.Scout wrote:
Light.Inf.Scout wrote:What were the 3 planes he mentioned...I am having trouble with the links.

Little help? Anyone?
I don't think he mentioned what exactly those planes were. I'm not even sure those three new planes that was mentioned includes the SBD and the Spad, or if there are other planes in the works...

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:39 pm
by Jericoeagle1
GooglyDoogly wrote:
Light.Inf.Scout wrote:
Little help? Anyone?
I don't think he mentioned what exactly those planes were. I'm not even sure those three new planes that was mentioned includes the SBD and the Spad, or if there are other planes in the works...
I think Jason was implying that there would be three other planes aside from the Dauntless and Skyraider. I'm hoping at least two of them would be a P-39 and an A-10

Okay an update, Jason has made it official the next three aircraft will not be the F-4, Skyraider or Dauntless ... 4857c2c052

Plus he has a little contest going on to guess what the new aircraft are.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 6:02 pm
by JoeS
This is a big hello to you Jason from the United Kingdom. Just wanted to say best wishes on behalf of my fellow Brits who are very happy with our Me-262's, F-86's. Look forward to whatever you're producing during these challenging times.

I never forgot how you posted me a free F-86 wing because of a broken landing gear door on my first one.

All the very best


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:41 pm
by pcsguy88
Thank you Jason for providing any news related to 1/18th. Jackson's comments were apalling to me and I don't blame you for not wanting to subject yourself to his abuse.

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 9:47 pm
by aferguson
well i think the clues are for the A-10. II is for Thunderbolt II. Desert storm. Most kids would recognize the distinctive warthog.

So, it looks like AT is working on an A-10. I wonder if Jason saw my recent post about BBI's A-10 that they've been sitting on for nearly 2 years now...

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:18 pm
by Sabrefan
Wow, how sweet would an Admiral A-10 be? With Jason's attention to detail that would be one awesome Warthog! NICE!!!!!!!!!!! NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NICE!!!!!!!!!!!! NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NICE!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:35 am
by pcsguy88
Lets hope nobody else announces one and kills this bird. This would truly complete my collection.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 3:19 am
by p51
Hey Jason,
I want to apologize for some of the users on here and their rather non-patient demeanor towards you all. I, for one, really appreciate all the postings, hints, glimpses, etc that you all post and have always felt honored that you all have picked this forum to post on. As Admin I've really enjoyed seeing this forum grow to include so many reps from various companys.

Sadly, I can see where things have driven them away lately. The collective of many has been almost giving up on the hobby due to the lack of things showing up as they used to. It's those who are usually the most vocal, and sadly stand out among all the others who patiently and eagerly await the future. Weither or not we get anything in the future, I believe, we should be thankful for. Things are not the same as they were just three years ago in this market. 1/18 was thriving back then, and you could find it at any Wal-Mart and hobby store. Now it seems like it's dwindling down. Personally, I don't understand how everyone can't be thankful for just what they are getting. This whole hobby could vanish in a flash, so the prospect of a company like yours still going after so many have dropped out or signifigantly reduced products should be welcomed, no matter the wait time. Two months or two years, up until now there has never been a 1/18 SBD, so the wait is worth it. Perhaps when the world picks itself back up from this recession, we'll be able to see new aircraft popping out each week... for now I'm happy to see something new and unique popping out every year or so.

I do apologize for the comments made by jackson, I should have caught that earlier. I don't check this board as often as I really would like to due to so many aviation photography projects I have going on, but I do thank Aferg for attending to it rather quickly. But please also realize that so far there's three pages of posts (at least at how I have the forum set for me) and only one so far as been negative. The rest has been overwhelming praise and anxious excitment. It's THOSE people who matter the most because they are the ones who realize how fortunate we all are to be getting these amazing toys/models right now.

Anyway, sorry to hijack the thread! Let's get back to business!! Love those preview shots of the Dauntless. I was curious if you'd have the guns tuck into the fuselage, love that it does!! The Air Museum I work at has a SBD-5 Dauntless, and after climbing around that thing and doing numerous air-to-air shoots with it I can really say you guys spent a lot of time on amazing detail! Can't wait to see the final product in person. You've got a lot of the museum pilots drooling for this SBD!

Thanks again Jason for all your input on here! I really hope you don't let less than 1% of our members on here bring you down with 99% share your excitment and remain patient and humble!

Oh, and BTW, that link you have to the collectorsaccess forum on your front page with the preview doesn't seem to work. "The requested topic does not exist" when I click on it. I'm very very anxious to see these pinup figures!!