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Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:42 pm
by aferguson
why can't i mention the F-4?? I'm gonna because it's in higher demand. Perhaps you'd like me to ignore all the higher demand stuff, so the A-10 comes out on top? :lol:

Aircraft i think would be in higher demand than the A-10 and that havent been made (to be fair, cause the F16, F18 and F14 would all outrank the A-10 too) and i'm talking worldwide demand.....not US demand:

A-6 Intruder
A-7 Corsair
probably F-111
possibly F-105
possibly Mig 29

And JSI has already said they're doing the J11 (su-27) next.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:44 pm
by dcway
Hi All
All i gotta say is A-10 ,,,,A-10 ,,A-10 ,,,,A-10 ,,,,A-10,,,
OA-10,,,,,, OA-10,,,,, OA-10 ....
N/AW A-10,,,,, N/AW A-10,,, N/AW A-10
A-10 thunderbolt !!!!! A-10 thunderbolt !!!!
A-10 Warthog....... A-10 WArthog.......
And my very favorite the A-10A Thunderbolt ll Also known as the A-10A
Warthog !!!!!!! You gotta love them A-10's :)
just my 2 cents Dana (dcway) Long live the A-10 :) :) :) :)

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:52 pm
by Jericoeagle1
dcway wrote:Hi All
All i gotta say is A-10 ,,,,A-10 ,,A-10 ,,,,A-10 ,,,,A-10,,,
OA-10,,,,,, OA-10,,,,, OA-10 ....
N/AW A-10,,,,, N/AW A-10,,, N/AW A-10
A-10 thunderbolt !!!!! A-10 thunderbolt !!!!
A-10 Warthog....... A-10 WArthog.......
And my very favorite the A-10A Thunderbolt ll Also known as the A-10A
Warthog !!!!!!! You gotta love them A-10's :)
just my 2 cents Dana (dcway) Long live the A-10 :) :) :) :)
I think he likes the A-10... :lol:

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:07 pm
by Jay
21st, JSI or Bbi...give these guys an A10 so we can shut them up...and please make the paint scheme 100% accurate :P

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:02 pm
by sluff
Hey guys, not to break up the F-4, A-10 love fest but did anyone notice Badcat has restocked several 21st items? F-104, Bunker Hill avenger, halftracks? seems like the Scuzzle butt is coming true 8)

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:06 pm
of course its true my inside info is good! :lol:

i agree with aferg on his list! i would put the A-6 higher but i was an A-6 mech in the Corps. i even was able to turn & burn one a couple times. for you civilians thats starting one up and giving it some juice!
one of the great planes of our times

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:17 pm
by sluff
Not doubting you AG, just excited that I might get some XD soon

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:22 pm
by Birddog
aferguson wrote:why can't i mention the F-4?? I'm gonna because it's in higher demand. Perhaps you'd like me to ignore all the higher demand stuff, so the A-10 comes out on top? :lol:

Aircraft i think would be in higher demand than the A-10 and that havent been made (to be fair, cause the F16, F18 and F14 would all outrank the A-10 too) and i'm talking worldwide demand.....not US demand:

A-6 Intruder
A-7 Corsair
probably F-111
possibly F-105
possibly Mig 29

And JSI has already said they're doing the J11 (su-27) next.
I only said excluding the F-4 because we all know it will rank at the top of the list. Nice list but nah.... :lol:

Let's see:

F-15- I seem to recall a poll here a few years back (maybe more) that had the F-15 and A-10 on it. The F-15 barely made a dent in the overall vote.

Su-27- Funny how even when polls have been conducted, no one questioned or petitioned that it be put on the list or even mentioned wanting it. But I guess JSI believes in it. Cool plane that I'd like to have, but show me where the demand for this one has been seen in the 1/18 scale hobby until recent news of one being produced appeared.

Hind- Now I think I said modern jets didn't I...
birddog wrote:Ok....then I'd like for you to list the modern jets you think are in more demand....excluding the F-4.

yes I did.....I do agree it is a popular subject, but wrong category.

A-6 Intruder- Nice subject pick, but again, why don't people speak up to add it to polls and surveys? Don't see many threads started about it either. The ones that have been didn't get much attention.

A-7 Corsair- It's actually been on a polll recently with the A-10 and tanked in comparison. Just like it did in the real world when the politician had a fly off between them.... :lol:

F-111-I think in the past 7 to 8 years I can count on one hand the number of times somone has mentioned wanting an F-111. Enough said.

F-105- Another cool subject, but why don't more people speak up about one when a thread on it is started?

Mig 29- Although not on the list at the begining, it was added to the list that JSI sent out a while back but not many went back and changed their votes when it was added. The A-10 and the F-4 still came out on top.

Now sure you can argue that these are polls conducted on forums that represent only a small part of the overall 1/18 scale market, but until more people that collect 1/18 scale become more vocal in the world or stop lurking on the forums, it's all the data we have. I do know though that over the years of being in this hobby and talking to retailers here and there, of the modern jets left un-produced in 1/18 scale the F-4 and A-10 are the two winners in customer request.

My 2 cents and opinion from years of observing what is said by the active members of the 1/18 scale community.....

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:52 pm
by Volksdeutsch
if you read up the bunker hill is one of the planes i purchased myself that has arrived in the last couple weeks

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:57 pm
by Jay
Birddog, are your observations based on a worldwide poll taking into account all collectors from every country - or just those people who replied to various polls on this single forum?

(I just edited this post...I had "poll" spelt as "pole"....hence...well.......yeah :oops: )

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:59 pm
by Volksdeutsch
did you poll any girls who are actual pole dancers?

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:59 pm
by dcway
Hi All
I'm a serious A-10 nut!!!!!!!! :)
I have all kinds of A-10 items in my house From Ejection seats from A-10's to mfg desk models .... :) :) and everything in between.
Dcway ( Dana )
P.S. my hobbie was one reason my wife divorced me .... Wives don't like taking the back seat....

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:13 pm
by Jericoeagle1
I think something needs to clearly understood here, even though an individual may favor one aircraft, it should be said that we don't necessarily want it produced to the exclusion of all other aircraft. I think some individuals forget that. We all know I'd love an A-10 produced as well as many others here, but I'm not going to cry if an F-4 gets produced instead or an F-15 etc. I welcome all of them. I'm actually overjoyed at the thought of getting a Su-27 as well. I think modern Red Aircraft are well under represented.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:25 pm
by Birddog
Jay wrote:Birddog, are your observations based on a worldwide pole taking into account all collectors from every country - or just those people who replied to various poles on this single forum?
The only polls that are out there for 1/18 scale that we have to observe are polls conducted on this forum and forums like this one. I eluded to that in my post. There are other forums out there that talk about 1/18 scale military even though it is not the main topic. All of these forums are on the internet and are accessible world wide. There are members here from all over the world on these forums too (you yourself are an example of that). So you could say they are polls of every country in a sense..... :lol:

The problem is that there are way more lurkers and non-active members here than there are active members. Not to mention the 1/18 scale collectors that don't know about any of these forums. This forum represents a small section of the overall 1/18 scale collecting community I know, but if you want to base your statements on information available to us, it's all we have. Knowing that, that is why over the years I have asked retailers what they hear since they deal with collectors all over the world at times and more than likely collectors that don't participate here.

In my opinion, one of the things that hurts this hobby is the lack of more vocal collectors.

I agree with what Jericoeagle has said above. I strongly believe the A-10 is in higher demand by 1/18 scale collectors when it comes to modern jets that are left and that a manufacturer would do better in the long run with its sales for the cost of producing it. However, I will be happy to put an Su-27 in my collection along with an F-15 if they come first.

But don't expect me to not keep expressing my desire for an A-10 in 1/18 scale over any other subject until it is made...... :D

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:39 pm
by Jay
Birddog wrote: But don't expect me to not keep expressing my desire for an A-10 in 1/18 scale over any other subject until it is made...... :D
....Dam, I thought I was getting close :P

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:54 pm
by NWarty
I'd rather see a Navy bird than an Air Force bird any day of the week....

Wait? Am I thinking out loud again? :lol:

Probably the whole Close Air Support (CAS) issue with us Army and Artillery guys. :lol:

USAF bubbas will never get any love from the rest of the services. Y'all know what I mean :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:00 pm
by margras77
Personally ever since the game Ace Combat 4 came out when I was...oh....5 maybe? I have loved the Sukhois. The villain of the game, by the callsign Yellow 13, had a plane which they called an SU-37 (Basically an SU-30, which its called nowadays, an SU-27 with canards) in a scheme and I loved it. I just like the look of those planes, and a 1 18th scale one would be awesome!

I dont know what I like less though....the Tommy spots or the Eagle's camo...why couldnt they have gone with, say, a grey for the eagle and a blue/grey camo for the SU-27?

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 8:56 pm
by Sabrefan
I really want an F-15. I hope JSI does make theirs.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:24 am
by Grilledcheese
did you poll any girls who are actual pole dancers?
I volunteer to perform this vital and hazardous task for the betterment of my fellow board members and our hobby in general.

Speak well of me to future members if I do not return!


Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:08 am
by Dauntless
If they (whoever) has the prototypes of the A-10 and F-4, they are that much closer than they would be creating something new and should go forward with production as some of the costs involved have already been spent.
Sounds like a simple and logical business decision.

I know there wasn't a prototype of the rumored B-25 (was there?) but did they get to the Mig 21 prototype?

I believe TKO said quite a while ago they were working on or planning-talking about the possibility of a P-51B/C before 21C folded.

I also remember thoughts of a 1:32 B-17 Flying Fortress. :shock:

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:22 am
by fightin
As far as I can remember, 21C had also a Phantom-prototype...

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:31 am
i was told by a 21c salesman that the plane pictured on thier site was a model kit they had done to show the possible F-4. but im not sure if an actual prototype followed later?

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:28 am
by 812boys
Please do not take any offense but I myself would rather have some new 1/18th scale WW2 armor than a new jet fighter any day. I really hope that a company will start making new products than to continue to make old repaints. I know if they would make some new stuff I would rob a bank if I had to to buy it. I just really hope someone starts up making some new stuff. It takes way to long to look at stuff on Evil bay but that is have the fun. If I wouldn't have busted me back and got laid off there is a nice J.S.I. panther going for 20 bucks the last time I looked. :D

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:30 am
by grunt1
Grilledcheese wrote:
did you poll any girls who are actual pole dancers?
I volunteer to perform this vital and hazardous task for the betterment of my fellow board members and our hobby in general.

Speak well of me to future members if I do not return!
