Collectibility Value of 21C XD?

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Sgt. Stryker
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Collectibility Value of 21C XD?

Post by Sgt. Stryker » Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:50 pm

I am critical about any advertisements/wordings associated the 21C XD line-of-product as being "collectors items". It seems that these plastic pieces are indeed "toys", and 21C will re-issue vehicles and figures at any time.
For example, I remember BCA listing the exclusive $60 Pappy Corsair during the Fall of 2004 as "being gone before X-mas" and any buyers better "pony up". Well, the plastic toy plane is still for sale, but at $50.
Also, the 2000-quantity production Checkerboard Corsair was "exclusive" to QVC, but was re-issued within a year. I feel sorry for the guy who spent $100+ on Ebay for one.
Actually, I spent $70 on a MIB M48A3 that probally retailed for $40 at TRU when it was released in 2001. Now I feel foolish.

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Post by mondaytanker » Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:45 pm

I could be wrong, but I think I paid $60 for my M-48 @ TRU. And I pitched the box years ago. :oops:

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Re: Collectibility Value of 21C XD?

Post by Teamski » Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:51 pm

Sgt. Stryker wrote:I am critical about any advertisements/wordings associated the 21C XD line-of-product as being "collectors items". It seems that these plastic pieces are indeed "toys", and 21C will re-issue vehicles and figures at any time.
For example, I remember BCA listing the exclusive $60 Pappy Corsair during the Fall of 2004 as "being gone before X-mas" and any buyers better "pony up". Well, the plastic toy plane is still for sale, but at $50.
Also, the 2000-quantity production Checkerboard Corsair was "exclusive" to QVC, but was re-issued within a year. I feel sorry for the guy who spent $100+ on Ebay for one.
Actually, I spent $70 on a MIB M48A3 that probally retailed for $40 at TRU when it was released in 2001. Now I feel foolish.
This will always be up to conjecture. Of course everybody knows that the value of a given item fluctuates according to perceived demand at any given time. I personally wouldn't of given XD a second thought if I thought they looked anything like toys. I am into them because they look like realistic models. With the average plane costing $40-$50, they are affordible which really helps keep the interest up.

I have no doubt of the collectibility of these "toys". Many of the S1 planes broke the $200 range and I expect this to happen again in the future for many of the other aircraft (and vehicles) in the range. I have one word I use as a collector: patience. I never expected the values to skyrocket as quickly as they did for S1, but as they have now been past their peak, I'm not panicked about it. When I sold my GI Joe Cobra Commander on the card for $110, it was 10 years since I picked it off the shelf.

XD (and bbi) is an awesome value that repeatedly shocks everybody I show. When the line eventually stops, the value of these things will climb quite high, I have no doubt. I bought that Cobra Commander for $1 on clearance when I got it and look where it went. Just because you may get a 109 for $20 doesn't make it valueless. These things are really special! What did you have before XD came out?? Exactly. Remember that only about 2000 of each paint scheme is done, and that doesn't add up to a lot of planes. We're not talking about the millions that the old 3" GI Joes that flooded the shelves with.

Don't forget the Matchbox Collectibles P-38 that just went for $360 on E-Bay that went for $8 at KB!!!!

I come from a military collecting backround and I don't get into toys persay. (medals and patches mostly). If I thought that these things would be a waste of money, then I wouldn't be so deep into it like I am right now...........


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Post by mondaytanker » Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:02 pm

I would like to add. That they are collectibles in the sense that 21c offers many variations and models and purchasing one of each a person will end up with a "collection" of vehicles, planes and figures. And the production numbers are no where near what Star wars and GI Joe are.

I agree with the Pappy Corsair. If it is exclusive to BCA it should only be sold through BCA. I was told my local Hobbytown USA can get it for me. WTF?

What I don't want to see is 21c turn into Hasbro's style of creating collectibles (and sales). Where they re-release the same figure on different cards, long swords, short swords different color hair ect... 21 does that to some extent with their re-paints. But if the re-paint represent actual real life vehicles that’s ok with me. Just don't offer two different Samantha Paytons, a regular one and one with battle damage... I am even ok with the WC-57 command cars. We have the Patton and now a regular run of the mill. NOT two different Patton versions!

Rant off.

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Post by p51 » Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:07 pm

It's like Star Wars toys really. Back in 1995 when the Power of the Force 2 line came out, it was all big 'These toys could pay for your son/daughter's college education!' I started collecting SW figures at that point (being too young to collect the original lines when they were out in the early 80s). Now, I have over $7,000 worth of Star Wars figures/vehicles/deluxe sets/etc. Are they worth $7,000? Nope. Not by a long shot. Most figures are worth $3-$4 LESS than I paid for them originally! Graned I keep all my figures in their original cases and never open them, they still will probably not fetch the value I bought them at. Take poor Jar Jar Binks. I bought his AOTC figure on the midnight release of all the AOTC figures for about $5.99. Within just about 3 months, I was seeing his figure in LARGE quantities in the $1 bin. I could go to a swap meet and probably barter one for 50 cents. Having him sealed in original packaging and in pristine condition really means nothing at this point. I could probably get more 'worth' out of him by setting him on fire and watching him melt.
And I think it's like this now-a-days. I wonder if the TRUE collector's worth of toys has ended. There's so many things with 'collector's edition' on it now that it's just another phrase to me almost. How can a DVD be a 'Collector's Edition'? And what's so special about a 'Special Collector's Edition DVD'? Unless it's a Disney stunt where they pull it from the shelves every 7 years, what is collelctable about it? Are the DVDs numbered from a limited run? Are only a certain amount availabile to the world?
As far as 21st Century Toys goes... I think when they say 'Collector's they are not meaning 'in 20 years, this will be worth 10x the amount you bought it for!' but more of a 'if you collect the series, this is one you really don't want to miss.' Anyone who really says otherwise, like BCA/SBP/etc really is only doing that to get extra money. I have no problem with that, that's fair of them to do. I'm not fooled by the wording. But in reality, it's those who DON'T have any clue, like in the case of that Matchbox Collectable's P-38, who end up paying an insane amount more than the product is truely worth thinking it's some sort of monitary collectable rather than just a addition to their collection.

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Post by immeww2 » Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:08 pm

I think the Patton tanks when they first were available went for $49 along with the panther tanks. However, I think most of us here on the board collect these items not to resell them but to enjoy them for what they are. It's only icing on the cake that they will appreciate in value once 21st ceases to exist. :D :D

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Post by p51 » Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:15 pm

That is true. And maybe in 20 years they will be worth more. But it just seems that toy companies are not as they were back in the 80s, and as such I think the meaning of 'rare' has changed since then as far as current toys. Back then you couldn't just pop online and buy a case of things. You had to do the fun and gas guzzling game of treasure hunting from toy store to toy store. Now, if I REALLY want something... I can probably find it on e-bay or through an online toy store. As such, rarity has been taken out of rare.

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Post by mondaytanker » Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:18 pm

So P51, I'm not the only one with a sh!t load of almost worthless Star wars toys! I have allot of the more desirable big ticket items, AT-ATs and Queen Amadala's ship and a bunch of original pieces. Most of my stuff is still in boxes taking up ridiculously large amounts of space that could be used for XD. Like you said, I found out that selling now would be stupid, so I'll just give it to my daughter in a few years. It will take an afternoon just to open all those figures, over a 100!

Don't mean to hi-jack. But this does put the collector thing in prospective.

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AHHHH you Star Wars guys...crack me up!!!!

Post by boyx30 » Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:27 pm

Han Solo couldn't hold Major Matt Masons jock strap!!!....Opps..showing my age?.....Kiddingly of's crap shoot as to what will be the next hot item 20 years from now?...Currently my youngest child is collecting Mighty Beanz...and ya know I just wonder if one day.....$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......cha-ching

Boy how I wish I'd have held onto all those 12" G.I. joe figures and stuff...and yes Major Matt Mason figures too!..I could have retired on them by now.

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Post by Teamski » Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:38 pm

p51 wrote:That is true. And maybe in 20 years they will be worth more. But it just seems that toy companies are not as they were back in the 80s, and as such I think the meaning of 'rare' has changed since then as far as current toys. Back then you couldn't just pop online and buy a case of things. You had to do the fun and gas guzzling game of treasure hunting from toy store to toy store. Now, if I REALLY want something... I can probably find it on e-bay or through an online toy store. As such, rarity has been taken out of rare.
This has gone the other way as well. Now that items are more accessible, the number of collectors for that line has grown expotentially. Where a person in LA couldn't get a P-47 and of quit the line altogether due to frustration, can now continue with an on-line purchase. In turn, demand for certain items have skyrocketed. Military medals that were once unobtainable are now obtainable on E-bay and fetch higher prices now due to the number of actual bidders compared to the limted amount of buyers at a local show. It's a double edged sword....


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Post by tmanthegreat » Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:14 pm

21c is simply a toy company, and a very small one at that. They have to make a profit, and if that means re-releasing such planes as the green (S1) Stuka and the "Putt Putt Maru" P-38 (both of which previously brought high prices on ebay) to satisfy new customers then they will do it. If churning out thousands of a certain type of plane (never mind the repaints) to be sold below retail at Wal Mart in the hope that through volume they will make a profit, then they will do it. Both of those strategies are, in the short term, detrimental to collectors trying to hang on to these things for quick money. We've all seen the FW-190s start at $100 on ebay, only to have them gathering dust at discount prices in stores across the country.

I think the fact that the S1 P-51 and ME-109 have gone up so much in value in just 5 years is an anamoly, but is certainly nice for those of us with those planes, so long as they are not reporduced by 21c!

Still, the bubble that this hobby seems to be in right now will not last forever - there is too much past evidence to prove otherwise. Military toys like this go in cycles and my guess (I hope it proves to be wrong) is the at most 10 years from now, 21c, BBI and others will either switch gears or go under as the market will change. Think of it this way: The origional GI Joe line flourished in the 1960s and went under in the anti-way, Viet Nam backlash of the late 60s and 1970s. In the 1980s, come the Regan adm. and a military build up, the 3 3/4" GI Joe line became one of the all-time best sellers, only to pitter out in the mid 90s with a change in public interests and government policy. Come the current administration, 9/11, and war in Afghanistan and Iraq, military toys are suddenly the rage again. What were you collecting five years ago before XD and BBI? The hobby will fade eventually, but the products will still be out there and a certain level of interest will remain. Our $40 planes and tanks will then be worth a whole lot more!

In summation, despite only a couple of pieces, collecting 21c and BBI for value will only be effective over a lengthy period of time. Now its best to just sit back and enjoy the models for what they are!

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Post by aferguson » Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:16 pm

For the most part modern day toys will not skyrocket in value like the toys of old, for many reasons. Mainly because more people are collecting them and keeping them now, because of the huge prices being paid for the toys of old, so there will be lots of them around many years from now, which will keep the prices down. Also it was the baby boomers that were kids when the now highly collectible toys first came out and they are the ones paying the huge prices for them now. The next generation is fewer in number and there will be more of their toys around to buy when the get into their nostalgic years, so the prices won't escalate for the most part.

That said there will always be some items that slip through the cracks that nobody hangs on to for one reason or another and those are the ones that will go for big bucks...also limited edition items (due to business failure of a company etc).

It is true that 21c stuff is not commanding the higher prices they were last year or the year before.....but that is because they are in production again for the most part, in one form or another. 20 years from now, when they haven't been procuced for over 15 years will they be worth anything? My guess is that they'll be worth a lot (except for the CIA Huey :) ).

These things will always be accurate, high quality and authentic replicas of war stuff.......and that fact alone will mean they will always be sought after. Also, they aren't being made in huge numbers....figure around 10,000 units or so per airplane/vehicle.

Don't go into any toy hobby for the future value of what you are collecting. It's too much of a crap shoot as to what will soar in value some day. Go into a hobby because you like collecting the toys...if they go up in value, well whoopee......that's a great bonus.

Personally i'm glad a lot of the prices have come down. I found it tough opening some of my toys when i knew i was destroying $200-$300 worth of value by doing so. :)

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Post by p51 » Fri Feb 04, 2005 3:16 pm

That's true as well, but then it's not really a collector's value still... it's just more of a demand that drives up the price at the benefit of the seller. And now-a-days... if it is lacking, a lot of times the toy companies will re-release the items in different packaging... like Star Wars. There has to be a ton of the same Han Solo figure by now. I keep seeing the same one repackged and repackaged. So even if he was once a rare hard to find character... now you can just about find any one of the combinations. And that, in turn I think, makes all versions of the figure became less valuable. I can uderstand on older items, like I collect WW2 items all the time. Mostly uniforms of the USAAF. Crusher Caps are always extremely expensive, fetching up to $400 at times. Demand for those are scarse... especially since it's not like they are going to start making more (aside from the $300 replicas you can buy). But there's still that line that happened somewhere in the early 90s... and the market became saturated rather than no much demand. And I think anything that's produced beyond that line really can't hold a stable increasing value.

So P51, I'm not the only one with a sh!t load of almost worthless Star wars toys! I have allot of the more desirable big ticket items, AT-ATs and Queen Amadala's ship and a bunch of original pieces. Most of my stuff is still in boxes taking up ridiculously large amounts of space that could be used for XD. Like you said, I found out that selling now would be stupid, so I'll just give it to my daughter in a few years. It will take an afternoon just to open all those figures, over a 100!

Yes! I started collecting the line in 1995, and have been collecting since. I recently stopped, however, due to the amount of rereleases of figures. I couldn't keep up with it anymore nor wanted to spend my money (especially since the really dumb price hike!) on the same figure 10 times. I've basically said at this point I'll only buy 'on-sale' figures and any figures that look really cool to me. I do still collect the Clone Wars Animated Series figures and the Unleashed lines. But the regular line, I just don't have the desire to keep buying and buying the same figures.
And yeah, I have a lot of figures... so many in packages they take about 4-5 giant boxes. I used to buy one of every figure and keep it in the package, then buy a second to open if I thought the figure was cool. Originally, the idea was that I was going to 'sell' them at some point and make loads of cash and retire super super early. HA! Now I even wonder if I will ever sell the figures. And if I do, how much of a loss will I have? Granted, there are still a number of higher priced figures. And funny enough, they are usually the ones you get for free. I still have the ROTJ Special Edition Luke that I got for being one of the first 50 people in line for the Special Edition showing of the movie back in 1997. That figure is still worth quite a bit. All the mail-aways I have, like the 1995 Kelloggs Han Solo in Stormtrooper gear figure it worth a lot. But the reason those are worth a lot is that they were not easily gettable. You had to put some effort into getting it, and as such there was only a limited quantity.[/i]

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Post by momaw nadon » Fri Feb 04, 2005 5:35 pm

One thing about collecting or for anything for that mater. It is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay. I thing if you collect for an investment you should stick to the stock market, because collecting is for fun, which it is to me. I don't collect this stuff for money in the long run, because who knows maybe in 20 years people will look at toys as junk that takes up space or something. You will never know.

Look as MASK from the 80s. Most of that stuff you can get for about nothing and some of the later stuff is worth more, but that goes back to they weren't as many. Another one I can think of is Eco Squad. I liked that cartoon and the toys were cool, but you can't find anything any were. If you do it is cheap.
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Post by Sentinel » Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:04 pm

This topic seldom got any real "legs" over at the old place. I'm glad to see it being brought up again since it deals with an important aspect of our hobby.

It's too bad that recent repaints like the Stukas weren't accomplished with more of a "nod of respect" towards the loyal collector. The collector/speculator guy who either took the time to search for the stores for the originals, or paid an aftermarket premium for them, soon got the "short end" when exact (almost?) repaints of the original and winter Stukas suddenly appeared at Wal-Mart - for $40.

A minor (but noticeable) paint or insignia change would have made all the difference in the world for the collector, and most likely worked towards generating even MORE probable interest across the board.

The Galland version of the 109 is another example. It’s a very desirable, yellow-nose variant (like the rare original) and to many enthusiasts, epitomizes the 109. The kicker is that the Galland version will MORE than satisfy many of those wanting just a yellow-nose 109 now, and is most likely is responsible for the reduced values found around today for an original. So the collector with an original, getting his XD jollies (in part) by thinking he actually had something with some REAL collector value - just took it in the shorts . . . again.

It would seem that basic common sense would suggest that 21ST Century COULD have found some ways to keep most everyone happy when they first considered the exact/original repaint situation, and it most likely wouldn’t have been a panty-twister for them to consider the avid collectors in some small way.

:) :x

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Post by Jesse James » Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:06 pm

Actually P51, sad to say those aren't worth a lot... They spiked for a while, but they've since come down dramatically. They're maybe worth more than you put into them (especially if free, though the Kellogs Han cost something as I recall) but if you browse Ebay you'll see their value's not what it once was.

The "paradox of value" as it were, is really only answerable on the individual level... What's it worth to you? Star Wars is a heavily produced toy line... Figures range in production numbers of well into the 100,000's range, and there's few that are lower. The popularity drives those lower produced items price up, but I'd say the Kellogs Han didn't have a particularly low production run so much as he was an early exclusive that (unless you were in it from the start) you missed, and most who missed it have gotten theirs... The price then decreases as it has. Same with the SE Luke figure. Most who've wanted it have gotten it.

Beyond that, "rarity" or "value" that holds in the general market (Ebay's your best guide) is a fluke in most cases. Hasbro doesn't limit production of too much. Ephant Mon was somewhat a fluke... And even he's dramatically come down in price due to a backlog of his figure sitting in a warehouse somewhere apparantly, till clearanced at KB Toys.

But you used Jar-Jar as an example P51, so let's look at him... The first one doesn't retain value, however two others will sell (generally) for more than was paid or you break even on the one at least. Swimming Jar Jar saw a limited production run, and the POTJ Jar Jar also wasn't as readily available as the first version of his figure. Swimming Jar Jar actually sells for a bit over his retail price and many don't have him yet. Same with Amidala Ascension Gun who her first figure is virtually identical to that and was easily found for clearance prices, but the ascension gun version wasn't common.

Another good example would be the Clone Wars Clone (basic CW line) which is only now seeing re-release in a 4-pack series of paint variants that if you buy them by the individual pack will run you about $40 a set... Cheapest is $6.50-ish give or take, and that's buying by the $300 + case.

The Clone's demand around $20 on Ebay currently because the figure's rare and demand for it's higher than an average figure... And I think overall high quality of that one plays a part too. I say it's better than any figure 21st has ever made even, and that is a lot to say given how I like the later 21st figures (save for the moderns).

Star Wars isn't a good thing to invest in though, as Hasbro tends to TRY not to make things impossible to get... Limited in production #'s or anything. They don't tend to intentionally do that, though there are things like the silver figures that some of them are worth a lot... Or Jorg Sacul figure, the Celebration 2 exclusive.

Star Wars just isn't a toy line that caters to the idea of "value" though. Other Star Wars brands do though... Kubricks of Japan, the WOTC Miniatures Battles game for Star Wars... That type of thing certainly does. Marmit of Japan as well. When Hasbro shorts the collectors on a figure, it's usually not "intentional" and was more a decision made due to the business end of things than the actual product line.

21st, I don't believe, produces anywhere near the runs that Hasbro does... So long as there's some interest then, their stuff can command some prices that are higher. They have their things that don't retain much value though either as well.

In the end, no toy's really a good investment if you ask me... You'll have better pay-off from the stock market with the right broker. Even vintage Star Wars, which does have much greater limits on it, isn't something that sees high profits anymore save for a few of the 'top' dealers in that hobby who've established themselves. Ebay really pulled the bottom out from under that. Bringing Balance to the Force The Ultimate Customizing Resource.
Now Hasbro, make us some Head Sculpt & Endor Uniform variations! The new Rebel Fleet Trooper gets the JJ Seal of Approval Though!

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Post by Jesse James » Fri Feb 04, 2005 6:12 pm ... 36538&rd=1

Just for instance, there's the Kellogs Han (2 of them) and the guy's got a day+ left on the auction and is only getting about $10-$11 right now... About the cost of 2 figures at retail...

Hasbro doesn't release production #'s, but the #'s (roughly) are somewhat known among the "insiders", and I think the Han figure didn't see any special treatment... Hell I saw a guy selling these (had like 10 anyway) at the local Toy Show for $5 each and nobody seemed to be biting the whole day. :(

Just isn't much in STar Wars that holds value (in the Hasbro basic line) unless there's an odd demand for it, or the item was short-packed for whatever odd reason.

Adm. Motti, who is a great figure and was not common, even only commands like $10-$15 on Ebay in the last year. And he's a really great figure! haha :) Bringing Balance to the Force The Ultimate Customizing Resource.
Now Hasbro, make us some Head Sculpt & Endor Uniform variations! The new Rebel Fleet Trooper gets the JJ Seal of Approval Though!

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Post by Tinman » Fri Feb 04, 2005 8:18 pm

Just to get my two cents in:

I'm pretty darn sure that the M48 was $39 at TRU when it was first released. And the S1 Huey was $29 if I'm not mistaken. But as always, I could be wrong(!).

As for collectability (in terms of expecting a return on investment), personally I collect 1/18th military vehicles and figures because I enjoy hunting them down, bringing them home, unpacking them, checking them out, and then owning and displaying them. As I accumulate more pieces, I occassionally sell some off if I no longer care as much about those particular items. If I make a profit, great, but I'm really not that concerned about the money.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not slamming anyone who puts more emphasis on the investment aspect of collectibility than I do - I'm just offering my perspective. Whatever floats your boat!

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Post by tmanthegreat » Fri Feb 04, 2005 9:08 pm

I think you are right concerning your price quotes for the M-48 and S1 Huey. I know in California, with sales tax and all, the Huey and other S1 WWII aircraft came out to about $32.00. What a deal, especially since pretty much the same vehicles have gone $10-$20 more than that over the past couple of years, even at Wal Mart! Thats partly why the price jump for the S1 P-51 and ME-109 was so awesome.

I agree, I collect these planes and tanks for the simple reason that these were the sort of toys I had wished for since I was young! I love displaying them, and only wish I had the space to continue buying and displaying a favored example of each new aircraft, tank, or other vehicle indeffinitely.

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Post by Threetoughtrucks » Fri Feb 04, 2005 10:08 pm

I for one am a poor toy collector. Last summer I cleared a room out of the boxes, just threw them all out. I want to touch my toys, have them say hello to each other in the dark when we're not looking. I only have three in unopened boxes and I have custom plans for them all.

I cannot see any enjoyment in collecting unopened boxes as an investment hoping the toy will increase in value. I want to enjoy my hobby with my hands on my toys.

Another board runs a thread every year to show off their collections. One guy has rooms of hundreds of 1:6 figures in boxes, all neatly filed on shelves. He enjoys this??? It looks like a toy store, but this guy keeps buying :roll: That's not my idea of enjoying a hobby, but I guess different strokes......... I can tell you, not all of my neighbors have appreciated my toys, in my yard or in front of my house and once in a while kicking over a new engine with no muffler early in the morning or at night. My neighborhood is very quiet, when we're not playing or tinkering. Different strokes.

I enjoy my hobbies, whether it's toy collecting, collecting 1:1 trucks or just tinkering with something in the house or in my private kingdom (the garage). Just me, my boys and a girlfriend or two (not mine). Equality extends to private kingdoms these days, as long as they ask or buy their own tools.

I have collected antique trucks since 1977 and I have never lost a penny on a resale and only once made a killing. I usually double my cost. I have had fun with all my toys, no matter what size.

21c? I love it for the quality, the price and the detail. Would I rather have an 88mm in 1:6 made of metal? Pulled by one of those 8 ton half-tracks??? Sure, but I'm not willing to part with 10grand to play with one of those. I'll sit and wait for 21c to come out with a King Tiger in 1:18 for $60.

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Post by WGP Klaus » Fri Feb 04, 2005 10:39 pm

Tinman wrote:Just to get my two cents in:

I'm pretty darn sure that the M48 was $39 at TRU when it was first released. And the S1 Huey was $29 if I'm not mistaken. But as always, I could be wrong(!).

As for collectability (in terms of expecting a return on investment), personally I collect 1/18th military vehicles and figures because I enjoy hunting them down, bringing them home, unpacking them, checking them out, and then owning and displaying them. As I accumulate more pieces, I occassionally sell some off if I no longer care as much about those particular items. If I make a profit, great, but I'm really not that concerned about the money.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not slamming anyone who puts more emphasis on the investment aspect of collectibility than I do - I'm just offering my perspective. Whatever floats your boat!
You're absolutely correct, I still have M48's in their original packages, and was forced to open one(unable to locate a loose one) for a project for a friend met through GP's site, and have the box with the orange pricetag $39.99 and I to recall the Huey as well as the P51 (1st) being $29.99?

In regards to "collectibility", I don't hoard these things because I'm planning on reselling for a profit, but rather to use for "trade bait", projects and to just collect dust sitting in one of my storage units as 3/4 of my 150pc+ 1:18 collection is doing as I type it's an addiction I tell you!!! Keep in mind many of my pieces, actually 35-40% were purchase via TRU clearance sales, but of course I have had to pay full price, and in 4 cases, very high Ebay prices. One day I hope to have the room to display one of every XD/Bbi Piece I own and will own, but unfortunately I tend to collect alot of 1/32, 1/48, 1/35 built up plastic models, 1/72, 1/48, 1/32, 1/18, 1/24,1/12 diecast, several hundred Ho scale Roco and Trident armor pieces. All these items were "collected" because like many others I enjoy hunting them down, it's a challenge of sorts, and a let down after you've found it, taken it home, fondled it, and placed it back in it's I've actually started to give several pieces that I've got multiples of, as Christmas gifts and Birthday gifts to relatives, so it works out good, better than collecting dust!
The only real collectible(s) I've collected partially for "investment" have been sports cards (all sports, primarily Baseball) and I've got quite a few high dollar cards and sets but can't seem to get myself to sell

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Post by kenhil2 » Sat Feb 05, 2005 8:47 am

I just collect for the joy of the hobby, for me money or the possible increase in value isn’t part of it, I buy items I like, and if in 10 years they triple in value, I still wont care or sell them, I buy them because I enjoy the hobby and its things I want to get, they day i buy something as a future investment is the day my hobby becomes a business and the day i stop buying, because if it becomes business then its no longer a hobby or fun.

And tmanthegreat is right in the next ten years the hobby will die out again, not totally I don’t think, but I’m betting there will be a lot less stuff floating around, and we’ll see prices on aircraft, vehicles and figures skyrocket, but I for one wont be paying, I’ll just be waiting for the hobby to come back and expanding my collection…

…money be damned
:D :shock: :D

Semper Fi

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Post by Sentinel » Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:03 pm

Star Wars stuff aside, it's a most interesting thread.

But . . OUCH ! ! . . . I can't help but notice some heavy doses of a particular "attitude" here.

Maybe I’ve been involved in some “fringe” area of XD collecting or something, but most of my friends and collecting associates DO care about those other aspects of our hobby. They will do such things as save many of their original boxes (just in case) and treat certain valuable pieces as something very special indeed.

Much the same way that stamp and coin collectors don’t really get to fondle their objects very much, SOME collectors I know simply prefer to keep SOME of their items “NIB”. For them, any possible rise in value only adds to the overall excitement of collecting.

I’ve had the past opportunity to act as a willing but unpaid “agent” for some friends in my collector group. I did this by being able to travel to some surrounding states and look over (and buy from) the then current supplies of XD aircraft for them. I can safely state that NO ONE in this group was planning on becoming WEALTHY based on any increases in value of any 21st Century toy.

BTW, these folks should NEVER be mistaken for those less-than-desireable ebay opportunists. Not any one of them.

What they DO VALUE is first finding some examples of the more popular models for themselves and also having (space permitting) a side collection of some primo TRADING GOODS for future use when interacting with other collectors across the country. Most of their collections are a balance of open, and unopened aircraft. I believe that these folks ENJOY their interests every bit as much as those who couldn’t care less about such things . . . maybe even MORE so.

What has served to DRASTICALLY limit the NEW store purchases for the collectors in my sphere of influence is the repaint habits of 21St Century. There is simply no way to PREDICT which near-copy of any three, four or five year old “original” aircraft they will release next. Hence, many folks have even returned SUBSTANTIAL supplies of NIB XD aircraft to our favorite and esteemed low-cost supplier for that very reason. I understand their various positions, but found it a most unfortunate happening for our hobby.

While I do not malign those that consign these models to the play heap, I also ask those same folks to realize (understand) that their use for them, IS NOT THE ONLY USE OUT THERE.


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Post by KAMIKAZE » Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:31 pm

Collect these toys because they are cool.If in the future they go up in value,then thats a bonus.I bought my toys because I'm a WW2 junkie.
After I die you can have them!

I'm a legend in my own mind.

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Post by tmanthegreat » Mon Feb 07, 2005 4:50 pm

Thats what I'm saying! The increase in value is a bonus, but not why I'm in the hobby. All my aircraft and armor are out of the box, most where they can be seen and played with. Some of the armor and figures have even found themselves outside in the dirt - though only displayed and not run through it. However, I did remove the items carefully from the boxes, preserving the box and as much of the ties and packing as possible...

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