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Prepping for paint question

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:48 pm
by flayrah
For those of you who have completely re-painted 21st XD aircraft, what have you done to breakdown the model and prep the surfaces? On similar projects I would usually sand to remove existing paint, but I don't want to damage any of the molded detailing. Is there a de-glosser you've used? Just a good soap and water wash? Nothing? I don't have a modeling airgun so plan on using my modeling 'skills' from years ago and work with spray from a can enamel for a simple dark upper/light lower scheme. Thanks

Re: Prepping for paint question

Posted: Tue May 03, 2016 3:36 pm
by Jay
I'm SLOWLY rebuilding/repainting a XD P47. Ive wet sanded it down with fine sandpaper (I think it was 1000 grit). You can still see the original colours but it looks like it's come in for a wheels up grass landing. I plan on a primer coat first, just so i can see the overall finish first.
I originally only intended to touch up the original factory paint, but for some reason the yellow paint from the rattle can didn't settle properly. So i ended up sanding the yellow sections off again. Maybe i just sprayed on too heavy (or it came out heavy from the can).
I've airbrushed and oil washed a XD Spitfire directly over the factory paint and that turned out fine.
The P47 has now been completely broken down, while the Spitfire wasn't broken down at all.
I think for a repaint, a light sand to just scuff the surface slightly (making the surface dull) and level out the large areas, then the usual light dust coats to build the layers up should be fine.