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Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse (9/28/10)

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:42 am
by battlewagon
Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse was an idea that happened by mistake. My mistake. Here’s the story: After becoming a fan of the short-lived series Mutilator Hero of the Apocalypse, I set out to make a custom figure of the title character. Unfortunately, my memory of Mutilator was vague and I ended up with a prototype that looked nothing like him. I felt discouraged and abandoned the idea altogether. Gradually however, the prototype evolved into a new character but also an homage to Mutilator. The new character’s name became Ryuzo.

Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse allows me three freedoms that were impossible to incorporate into Marauders, Marauders II, and Marauders 3 Master Force. The first freedom is creating cartoonish, colorful, outlandish, and silly looking vehicles and characters (i.e., Buzz Saw Bike). The second freedom about this new series is having a much more diverse population. The characters include not just humans, but also aliens, monsters, and robots. The third and last freedom is my target audience --- not just 18 and over but also under 18.

For example, in The Marauders Trilogy, you would never see a vehicle with a toilet for a seat; you would also never see a male character forced to wear women’s clothing (because that was the only apparel available). Realistic and believable custom vehicles, characters, and beasts is at the core of The Marauders Trilogy. On the other hand, anything and everything is possible in Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:44 am
by battlewagon
Buzz Saw Bike









This custom wouldn’t exist were it not for Spectre suggesting its use in my post apocalypse customs. I saw this Corps vehicle years ago and had pictures of it but never considered it as a potential post apocalypse vehicle. After trading for it, I planned on removing the buzz saw wheel and transferring it to a Marauders vehicle. Fortunately, I chose to leave the vehicle intact primarily because I only had one of them.

I hope to find extras of these Lanard Corps vehicles so I can make more Buzz Saw Bikes.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:45 am
by battlewagon
Added a windshield to the Buzz Saw Bike. Currently my favorite post apocalyptic vehicle custom.



Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:45 am
by battlewagon
Sligs' Buzz Saw Bike (Work in Progress)

Added a retractable dual blaster!



Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:46 am
by battlewagon
Buzz Saw Bikes (BSBs)

The steering mechanism of Buzz Saw Bikes is like that of tanks. Braking the left rear wheel turns the bike right. Braking the right rear wheel turns the bike left. Buzz Saw Bikes are lethal forms of transportation despite their relative small size. The buzz saw wheel alone can tear through almost any metal. Some BSBs like those of Scyvernia and Derus can launch their buzz saws. There are multiple BSBs in existence with no two bikes identical. Nevertheless, all BSBs retain the same body frame.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:47 am
by battlewagon
Sligs' Buzz Saw Bike (Updated 2/22/10) (Work in Progress)

Replaced the original wheels with authentic rubber wheels. I risked everything when I did that because I only have one of these vehicles.

This Lanard Corps vehicle is hard to come by. If you or someone you know see more, please let me know so I can buy or trade for it. Thanks! :D







There's more to do such as a new paintjob, weathering, battle damage, new and thinner wires to the rear fuel tank, and adding a fork to one of the rear wheel hubcaps!

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:48 am
by Stug45
Nice 8) 8) 8)

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 11:17 am
by VMF115
Cool!! 8)

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:55 pm
by battlewagon
Sixspeed (a.k.a. The New Twit) (Work in Progress)

The inspiration came from the armored APCs in the movie, Doomsday. Also for a long time, I had wanted to add boards to shield a vehicle's wheel(s). This is an homage to the Mack truck in the movie, The Road Warrior.






Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:56 pm
by battlewagon
Concepts for other Buzz Saw Bikes (BSBs)

Spikerkrot Gang:
Sligs' Buzz Saw Bike
Turg's Buzz Saw Bike
Rhiguth's Buzz Saw Bike


Rhiguth's Buzz Saw Bike (Revised)


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:57 pm
by battlewagon
Derus' Buzz Saw Bike


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:58 pm
by battlewagon
Vandar's Buzz Saw Bike: Valus


Vandar's Buzz Saw Bike: Valus (Revised)


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:59 pm
by battlewagon
Weapons & Ryuzo's Buzz Saw Bike (Work in Progress)


Ryuzo (Work in Progress)


Ryuzo is the Hero of the Post Apocalypse. He fights for those who have lost their voice and their hope.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:00 pm
by battlewagon
Sligs' Buzz Saw Bike (WIP)

The incessant buzzing sound of Buzz Saw Bikes and their name alone is enough to make most flee in terror. However, Buzz Saw Bikes (a.k.a. BSBs) have more reasons to be feared. Most if not all have been customized, modified and upgraded by their respective drivers.

In the case of Sligs (a member of the feared gang Spikerkrot), his BSB wields a dual barreled retractable blaster, storage for a small knife, and a fork jutting out from one of the rear wheel rims!


Sixspeed a.k.a. The New & Improved Twit (WIP)

After the destruction of their beloved motorcycle-sidecar known as Twit at the hands of the ruthless gang called Spikerkrot (composed of Rhiguth, Kurg, and Sligs), Skit & Zit are devastated. So heartbroken are "The Klutz Brothers" that they hold a funeral for Twit.

However, it is not long before the brothers stumble upon a battered and beaten six-wheeled APC which they tune up to become "The New & Improved Twit" a.k.a. Sixspeed.

The brothers Skit & Zit joined by a newcomer named Kit ride Sixspeed into battle against Spikerkrot. Skit, Kit, & Zit a.k.a. SKZ are an unstoppable force!

In the creation of Sixspeed, Zit donated his most prized possession, a stainless steel utensil. The utensil was cleverly added by Skit to one of Sixspeed's front wheel hubcaps!


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:00 pm
by battlewagon
Sixspeed a.k.a. The New & Improved Twit (WIP)

Trimmed the gunner area, truncated the height of the battering ram, removed the front window, and installed a steering wheel and dashboard.



Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:01 pm
by battlewagon
Skit, Zit and Twit (WIP)

Despite being bumbling fools, "The Klutz Brothers" more commonly referred to as Skit and Zit are wonderfully talented mechanics and engineers. Zit is known for his creativity and ideas while Skit is known for bringing them to life. As a duo, Skit and Zit are inseparable but they have also become quite attached to their battle bike which they named Twit.

Twit is a motorcycle with sidecar built by Skit and Zit. Skit drives while Zit rides.


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:01 pm
by battlewagon
Kurg's Buzz Saw Bike (WIP)

Kurg is one of the three members of the Spikerkrot Gang. Kurg was originally named Turg but I changed his name because it sounded too similar to "Trug" (also a character in Ryuzo: Hero of the Post Apocalypse). I don't have any info about Kurg since this series is still in development.




Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:02 pm
by battlewagon
Bluurg's Buzz Saw Bike (WIP)

This is one of many Buzz Saw Bikes (BSBs) that make cameos in Ryuzo: Hero of the Post Apocalypse.


Buzz Saw Bikes (BSBs)

Many more to come!


Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:04 pm
by battlewagon
Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse is still in the early stages of development. I've always had an easier time creating and designing vehicles than characters. I acknowledge that that is where my customizing talent mostly lies. Nevertheless, I am doing something I've never done before (and never thought of). I am letting the vehicles speak for the characters and their personalities. In other words, the vehicles' individual appearances are guiding me towards figuring out how certain characters look like, act, etc.

For example, all Buzz Saw Bikes (BSBs) have a respective single driver. Sligs' BSB (a WIP and the most completed BSB to date) has a small dagger stored on one side and a fork jutting out from one of its rear wheel hubcaps. These two features have influenced Sligs' personality. He's sly and underhanded.

Sligs' Buzz Saw Bike (WIP)


Similarly, I recently updated Kurg's Buzz Saw Bike. The backpack in the rear wasn't working for me. Now the rear of the vehicle sports a spoiler. It's amazing how one little change can influence a character's personality. The spoiler (and let's not forget the big bouncy offroad wheels) compelled me to characterize Kurg as a motorhead and speedster.

Kurg's Buzz Saw Bike (WIP)




Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:05 pm
by battlewagon
Sligs' Buzz Saw Bike (WIP)

Not much of an update. I simply removed the unwanted stickers on Sligs' Buzz Saw Bike (BSB).



For the most part, Sligs' Buzz Saw Bike (BSB) is virtually complete. The only pending additions are:

1) exhaust pipe(s); most likely 1 exhaust pipe
2) battle damage, scratches, & tears on bike and buzz saw wheel
3) red detailing on one side of handlebars
4) "SLICK" decal on one side of BSB
5) "Self Destructs in 3012" decal
6) securing the extra rear wheels
7) slightly truncating the rear mudguards
8) new paintjob

I wish I could photoshop potential paintjobs for Sligs' BSB. Nevertheless, I drew this sketch and I will be experimenting with different color schemes until I find the most befitting.


In other news, I'm gonna have to transfer all my pictures from into photobucket because the former has become rather problematic. Pictures from suddenly disappear without warning. Photobucket never lets me down.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:06 pm
by battlewagon
Scyvernia's Buzz Saw Bike (WIP)


Scyvernia's Buzz Saw Bike (BSB) has been partially inspired by both Transformers Arcee (G1 and Energon versions) and Mandora from Thundercats. I've always admired female cartoon characters who are independent, self-confident, non-reliant on male characters, and just plainly sexy and kick ass! Scyvernia embodies all these qualities. She's a heroine who won't stop at nothing to fulfill her mission. Her Buzz Saw Bike (BSB) screams badass and its' paintjob is very "girly" and Barbie-ish.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:06 pm
by battlewagon
Rhiguth's Buzz Saw Bike (BSB)

Stage 1 (I wasn't really sure what Rhiguth's BSB was going to look like. However, I was certain it would have Yamaha motorcycle handlebars and flame decals.)

Stage 2 (I've become obsessed with making all variations of Buzz Saw Bikes. Suddenly came this idea for a Buzz Saw Bike with 2 buzz saw wheels! Rhiguth is the leader of the Spikerkrot gang which includes himself, Kurg, and Sligs. Thus, I wanted Rhiguth's BSB to stand out among the other two BSBs. The 2 buzz saw wheels achieved that effect.)

Stage 3 (I decided to lose the monster truck rear wheels and replace them with tank treads. Treads were chosen deliberately to compare and contrast with another villain's BSB. Ironically, the monster truck wheels were handed over to Kurg's BSB. The most unexpected change in Rhiguth's Buzz Saw Bike was the removal of the 2 buzz saw wheels. I ultimately settled for a single buzz saw wheel. The 2 buzz saw wheels will be saved for The Buzz Saw King's BSB.)

Keep in mind that Rhiguth's BSB is still a work in progress. I want to find some way to incorporate the flame decals. I also want to give his BSB some sort of weapon. Sligs' BSB has a retractable dual blaster. Kurg's BSB will have a retractable electro-gun.

Remember how I said that the appearance of certain vehicles is helping me to visually determine, construct, and figure out how certain characters will look like? Judging by Rhiguth's Buzz Saw Bike (BSB), Rhiguth is a ruthless, intimidating, and overgrown thug of a villain

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:07 pm
by battlewagon
Denizens of the Post Apocalypse

It's amazing how anything can inspire the mind. I was watching City of God (one of my favorite independent movies) and it just so happened that one scene (from the opening) suddenly inspired me. The scene involves a man carrying a pole above his head; hanging from the pole are all sorts of tin cups, pots, etc. I instantly knew I had to make a custom of it. So here it is. It's a shame I don't have those glasses/cups that came with those recent Star Wars figures but this suffices for the time being. Enjoy!

Merchant WIP


More Denizens to come!

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:50 pm
by battlewagon
Rhiguth's Buzz Saw Bike (BSB) WIP

So here is Rhiguth's BSB. As leader of the Spikerkrot gang, it only makes sense that his BSB look the beefiest and baddest. I feel that the traditional style motorcycle/biker handlebars, tall headrest, and robust tank treads combined achieve that effect. Although I must say that Rhiguth's BSB is my least favorite of the BSBs I've currently made.


See the yellow tubes sticking out from the rear? It's cool how things inadvertently happen. Those tank treads actually come from a transformers toy, Armada Rhinox. I wanted to use the Beast Wars Rhinox mold because it didn't have the tubes sticking out. Nevertheless, I'm glad it stayed that way because those tubes look like exhaust pipes. I'm thinking of expanding the size and length of the tubes to make them more ostentatious and intimidating.


Spikerkrot Buzz Saw Bikes WIP

Spikerkrot is one of the most feared gangs of the post apocalypse. It consists of Rhiguth, Kurg, and Sligs. In addition, Spikerkrot Buzz Saw Bikes are among the most feared of vehicles. Their buzzing sound can be heard even before the drivers are seen!


More Buzz Saw Bikes (BSBs) on the way! Stay tuned for The Buzz Saw King's BSB!

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:51 pm
by battlewagon
Rhiguth's Buzz Saw Bike (BSB) WIP

Remember how I said that Rhiguth's BSB was my least favorite of the Buzz Saw Bikes? Well, not anymore! ;D

I have another upcoming project (Project TW) which will blow away the Buzz Saw Bikes. Project TW requires dual machine guns. I thought of using Beast Wars II Galvatron's gatling guns but ultimately decided they were too large. Then I had the crazy idea of using the gatling guns as "exhaust pipes" for Rhiguth's BSB. All I can say is, "I LOVE IT!" 8-)

Plus, I think it be awesome that Rhiguth can detach either of these exhaust pipes to augment the firepower of his gun (which has yet to be made, lol).

