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Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:54 pm
by battlewagon
Buzz Saw Bikes (BSBs)

So I keep coming up with countless ideas for more Buzz Saw Bikes. These vehicles have become an integral part of this series and have evolved into a culture.

The first three Buzz Saw Bikes (Sligs', Kurg's, and Rhiguth's) are nearing completion. Rhiguth's is looking more kickass everyday. Soon, Rhiguth's BSB will sport foot rest spikes.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:55 pm
by battlewagon
The Buzz Saw King's Buzz Saw Bike

The Buzz Saw King was an ancient warrior before the time of the post apocalyptic hero Ryuzo and his arch enemy Vorne. He was defeated by the legendary Ryuji but has now been brought back to life by the sorcerer powers of Vorne!

The Buzz Saw King's Buzz Saw Bike is the first Buzz Saw Bike ever and the most powerful. It is three times larger than standard BSBs and is the only BSB wielding two buzz saw wheels.


Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:57 pm
by battlewagon
SKit & Zit
Skit & Zit are known as The Klutz Brothers. They are Abuji's grandkids. They may not be as strong as they think they are but this duo is ultra talented, humorous and brave!

Twit is Skit and Zit's battle bike. The brothers treat their bike almost as a sibling. Zit came up with the idea to link a garbage can to a dirtbike and Skit made the idea reality.

Post Apocalyptic Weapons/Tools

This is kind of off-topic but if I become a Hollywood movie director, I will specialize in post apocalyptic movies because it's a genre that I love to death and I feel 100% at home with it.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 5:58 pm
by battlewagon
Feenee Wiggy's Shopcart Cycle (WIP)

This is my new favorite custom (along with Project TW) and the cutest custom to date. The inspiration for Feenee Wiggy is due to several factors. I wanted to create a cute midget character and I wanted his vehicle to mirror his cuteness. His name was partially taken from a high school physics teacher, Mr. Feeney (a classmate and I nicknamed him Candyman because he loved candy, lol). Finally, when I saw a Star Wars Ewok head in Spectre's trade thread, I knew instantly that was Feenee Wiggy.

It's fun to create unique, original, silly, and crazy looking vehicles. In a post apocalyptic world, it's possible and acceptable. In coming up with Feenee Wiggy's Shopcart Cycle, I wanted a motorcycle with a new type of sidecar. Something that hasn't been seen before. Something similar to the Chasers/Motorcyle-Sidecar Chariots from Marauders II Slaughterauders. It took more than a month to finalize the look of Feenee Wiggy's Shopcart Cycle. The only thing remaining is a new paintjob. I no longer consider myself a one-man-army so I want another creative mind to come up with a paintjob for this vehicle. As a creative artist, I know where my talent lies and I know for sure that vehicle paintjobs for the most part is not my thing.








Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:00 pm
by battlewagon







Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:02 pm
by battlewagon
Unnamed Motorcycle WIP. Spikes are wooden tooth picks. Unused of course, lol.

Denizens of the Post Apocalypse WIPs. Thought it would be interesting to use Jurassic Park Brachiosaurus heads. Good thing no one took an interest in them (I had posted these in my trade thread for months).

Ryuzo & Feenee Wiggy. It's interesting how a simple picture can spark an idea. Looking at Feenee Wiggy wielding a gun inspired a scene where Feenee blasts a goon. Yes, a powerful Midgetian, that's a first one for the books, lol.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:01 pm
by battlewagon
Hauler WIP

I got the trailer at a flea market because I thought it would make an excellent post apocalyptic vehicle accessory. I wanted an unconventional looking tow vehicle. The idea of using the GI JOE Flightpod suddenly occurred. With some spare wheel axles, this baby was completed.

Still have to add a foot rest, new paintjob, seatbelt, side mirrors, and possibly more trimming.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:03 pm
by battlewagon
Sligs' Buzz Saw Bike (BSB) WIP

Sligs' BSB is almost complete. The most important upgrade is a new paintjob. I can't finalize that till I have a final rendition of Sligs himself so that his colors compliment those of his BSB.

Added 2 exhaust pipes and changed the rear engine. Thought it would be characteristic of Sligs' sly nature to have 1 surprise exhaust pipe that squirts oil thus, causing his enemies' vehicles to spin out of control. What can be said, Sligs' is a sly guy.

Sligs' BSB's center wheel keeps his BSB balanced if he chooses to launch his buzz saw wheel.
[IMG] ... final3.jpg[/IMG

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:04 pm
by battlewagon
Kurg's Buzz Saw Bike (BSB) WIP

I thought it would be pretty cool if all 3 members of the Spikerkrot gang (Rhiguth, Kurg, and Sligs) could launch their buzz saw wheels. Consequently, if the buzz saw wheel is deployed, then each BSB requires a center wheel to maintain the balance of the entire vehicle.

In addition, I wanted each member of the Spikerkrot gang to have a specific Buzz Saw Bike attack. Kurg's BSB attack involves him doing a wheelie while his buzz saw wheel spins wildly!

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:07 pm
by battlewagon
Rhiguth's Buzz Saw Bike (BSB) WIP

This custom is a little dangerous because it has real nails rooted beside the foot rests.

Rhiguth can store his knife on one side of his BSB's wheel.

Rhiguth can store his gun in the back of his BSB.

Rhiguth WIP

Rhiguth was inspired by Rocksteady from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In battle, Rhiguth wields a gun and knife, both of which are stored in his BSB. Would like to add some flame decals to Rhiguth's gun.

Rhiguth's Quadrogun WIP

Rhiguth's BSB has detachable exhaust pipes that can attach to his standard gun. Immediately, his firepower is quadrupled! :o However, the sheer size and weight of Rhiguth's Quadrogun forces him to hold it with both hands and doesn't permit him to run with it.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:10 pm
by battlewagon
Updated 9/28/2010



Ryuzo - He is the Hero of the Post Apocalypse. He is also known as Ryu. Wields a large knife and a shotgun. Unbeknownst to Ryuzo, he is Ryuji's successor.
Motto: "If you're a bad guy, you're screwed because I'm coming to get you!"

Ryuji - Before the time of Ryuzo, Ryuji was the Hero of the Apocalypse. He fought and defeated all who caused havoc and chaos. Ryuji fearlessly and victoriously fought and defeated Apocalypse Earth's most fearsome villains, The Buzz Saw King and Slizar the Slizard King. He fought both simultaneously! Ryuji's current whereabouts are unknown.


Vorne - He is Ryuzo's arch enemy. He is the most powerful villain in Post Apocalyptic Earth. Vorne possesses sorcerer-like powers. He revives two of the greatest and most fearsome legendary warriors from the time of Ryuji: The Buzz Saw King and Slizar the Slizard King.

Drighul (pronounced 'dry-gah') - He is Vorne's deranged brother and the second most powerful villain. He is as unmerciful and vicious as his brother. His nickname is Deranged Drighul. His Buzz Saw Bike is twice as large as regular BSBs. Drighul's Buzz Saw Bike was personally empowered by none other than The Buzz Saw King himself! Drighul has 4 arms and a retractable tail with a mind of its own!

Trug - He is Vorne's personal bodyguard. His brother is Arg. He is as strong as BJ.

Arg - A personal bodyguard of Vorne. His brother is Trug. He is as strong as BJ.

Rhiguth - See "SPIKERKROT".

Kurg - See "SPIKERKROT".

Sligs - See "SLIZARDS".

PB - See "PB'S GANG".

Grilva - See "PB'S GANG".

Cruss - See "PB'S GANG".

Horg - See "PB'S GANG".

Drick - See "PB'S GANG".

Frulu - See "PB'S GANG".

Jink - He is an ingenious scientist, engineer, and idea-master. He is responsible for the majority of Vorne's machines. Jink is forced to work for Vorne.

The Buzz Saw King - An ancient warrior before the time of the post apocalyptic hero Ryuzo and his arch enemy Vorne. He was defeated by the legendary Ryuji but has now been brought back to life by the sorcerer powers of Vorne! The Buzz Saw King's Buzz Saw Bike is the first Buzz Saw Bike ever and the most powerful. It is three times larger than standard BSBs and is the only BSB wielding two buzz saw front wheels.

Slizar the Slizard King - See "SLIZARDS".

Ruth Less - He and PB are the only Midgetians who don't mind working for Vorne. Ruth Less is as his name implies, completely ruthless in his actions. He is a brilliant genius and one mean midget. His vehicle of choice is the deadly and terrifyingly awesome Drill Thrill.

V-Drones -


Rhiguth (pronounced 'rye-guth') - He is the leader of Spikerkrot. Rhiguth is from the species, rhinog and thus possesses brute strength. Wields a large knife and exhaust gun, both of which can be stored in his Buzz Saw Bike. His gun can be upgraded into the Quadrogun with four times the blast power! Only Rhiguth knows how to operate his gun.

Kurg - He is number two of the feared gang, Spikerkrot. He is so proud of being second in command that he has "#2" decals all over his Buzz Saw Bike. Kurg is from the species, hyenard. He's a motorhead who's obsessed with explosives and firecrackers. His nickname is Krazy Kurg for his crazy nature.

Sligs - See "SLIZARDS".


PeaBrain - A Midgetian. He prefers the nickname, PB. He is the leader of his gang and the smallest.
Motto: "I will crush you." "Kill him."

Grilva - She is PB's second in command.

Cruss - ?

Horg - Obese.

Drick - Super tall and thin.

Frulu - He is the second smallest in PB's gang. Frulu's vehicle of choice is the Killa Punch.


Jabuki (pronounced 'jah-boo-kee') - He is the owner of the most popular store in Post Apocalypse Earth. This old timer has everything you need and is the most honest salesman.

Kit - Skit and Zit recruit his services.

Big Jiggy - Formerly known as Jiggy and more commonly called BJ. He fell in a pool of chemicals and was instantly transformed into an overgrown, hairy and super powerful behemoth. At first, he uses his newfound strength to avenge himself upon his attackers and bullies. However, Ryuzo convinces him to use his powers for the greater good. BJ becomes great friends with Ryuzo and acts as his personal bodyguard.
Motto: "It's Jiggy time!"

BBQ (Big Bertha Queen) - Upon her arrival, BJ instantly falls in love with her. BBQ wields a ponytail mace and brute strength. BBQ's ponytail mace is removable and can be used as a hand mace. BBQ has a secret weapon hidden in her bra. She can combine her bra halves (shaped like mace halves) into a mace! BBQ's best friend and sidekick is Weregida.

Weregida - She is BBQ's sidekick and best friend. Skit and Zit fall in love with her and fight over her until they witness her hair trigger temper and werewolf-like transformation.

Trackpot - He is a robot on treads. Exploited and abused by all around him. Trackpot turns to Ryuzo for help.

Bartus - A double crossing swindler merchant. He is an expert salesman but everything he sells is either damaged, broken or both.
Motto: "You're my number one customer!"

Twosome - A two-headed overgrown goon. They may say that two heads are better than one but not in the case of Twosome. They share one body, are twice as strong, but are constantly arguing and bickering about who's in charge. When they do get along, they are an unstoppable force.

Pots 'n' Pans - He has the unfortunate luck of constantly being at the wrong place at the wrong time. He carries a wooden stick above his head with dangling tin cups, pots, and pans.

Krewdle (pronounced 'crew-dull') - He is from the species, croc'd.

? - She is the Buzz Saw Bike Bar's bartender. She has a crush on Vandar and always gives him free drinks.

Jaburrghee (pronounced 'jah-burr-gee') - He is one of the oldest denizens of the post apocalypse. Since he was a baby, he's been confined to a wheelchair, which over the years he modified and upgraded. Now his wheelchair, which he calls 'Rollerbob' sports powerful tank treads, a front battering ram, dual rotating guns, and of course a rear gunner platform for --- his super hot girlfriend!

Quickie - He's a bunny who helps the Midgetians in the penultimate battle against Vorne.

Stalactite - See "MIDGETIANS".

Stalagmite - He is an ankylosaur who Stalactite rides on.


Abuji (pronounced 'ah-boo-ji') - Abuji is the oldest old timer in Post Apocalypse Earth. His grandkids are Skit and Zit.

Skit - He and Zit are brothers a.k.a. The Klutz Brothers. Skit is the oldest and strongest. Ever since they were kids, Skit and Zit possessed precocious imagination and creativity. Skit treats his motorcycle-sidecar Twit as a sibling. Skit's weapon of choice is a shovel, which he carries sheathed on his back.

Zit - He and Skit are brothers a.k.a. The Klutz Brothers. Zit is the youngest and weakest. Ever since they were kids, Zit and Skit possessed precocious imagination and creativity. Zit likes to think he is strong but he is nothing more than bones. Zit treats his motorcycle-sidecar Twit as a sibling. Zit's weapon of choice is a machine gun, which he carries on his back.

Brustofus (pronounced 'brew-stah-fiss') - He is Skit and Zit's beloved dog. Brustofus was born without the use of his hind legs. No problem! The Klutz Brothers (Skit & Zit!) with their amazing creativity and imagination outfitted their puppy with wheels. Of course, Brustofus is no longer a baby but now a huge overgrown canine and thus, his hind legs wield monster truck wheels! Brustofus helps the Midgetians in the Midgetian Child Laborer Rescue Mission.


Rhiguth - See "SPIKERKROT".

Kurg - See "SPIKERKROT".

Sligs - See "SLIZARDS".

Khaarg - He is from the species, alligatoroid. He is a retired Buzz Saw Bike racer who spends most of his time drinking and telling old stories at the Buzz Saw Bike Bar.

Bluurg - Although he is not as young as he used to be, Bluurg is one of the few old timers who still participates in Buzz Saw Bike races.

Wakyushi (pronounced 'wah-kyu-shi') - He is a ninja samurai wannabe. His Buzz Saw Bike is ninja themed.

GrrGrr - He is an overgrown and overweight sabretooth tiger who spends most of his time in one position --- sitting down whether it be on his Buzz Saw Bike or on a bar stool at the Buzz Saw Bike Bar.

Scyvernia - Her sole mission is to find Vorne. Her Buzz Saw Bike is the only BSB capable of flight.

Derus - He is Scyvernia's younger brother. Derus is a hot shot, always impulsive, narcissistic by nature, and constantly showing off. His Buzz Saw Bike is his trophy. It is perfection as he calls it, 100% scratch-free.

Vandar - He prefers to be alone. He's been hurt one too many times by false, two face comrades. He will however unhesitatingly help an innocent anytime, anywhere, and anyhow. Vandar is a former cop of MPF. He turned rogue after witnessing the corruption within the MPF.

Drighul - See "VORNE'S ARMY".


Feenee Wiggy - He is a Midgetian that befriends Ryuzo and follows him along on some of his adventures. Playfully gives the nickname Bro Jiggy to BJ. Feenee Wiggy is an expert mechanic. He built his own vehicle, the Shopcart Cycle, of which he is very fond of. He loves going to the weekend flea markets for shopping sprees. Feenee Wiggy leads the Midgetians in the penultimate battle against Vorne.
Motto: "Can't a midget get a break?"

PeaBrain - See "PB'S GANG".

Ruth Less - See "VORNE'S ARMY".

Dirgiggy - Her twin brother is Dirgundy. In battle, Dirgiggy wields a teddy bear mace.

Dirgundy - His twin sister is Dirgiggy. In battle, Dirgundy wields a gun which squirts chocolate syrup.

Trizzy - Although she works for Vorne against her own will, Trizzy maintains an attitude of optimism that one day a hero will come along to rescue her and her fellow Midgetians from the clutches of Vorne.

Ziddy - She is the youngest of the Midgetians. Trizzy is like an older sister to her. Trizzy constantly keeps Ziddy's hopes up.

Jum Jum - An overweight Midgetian. He is very nice and he loves candy. Jum Jum has an unsatiable appetite especially for candy. After Dirgiggy squirts goons with chocolate syrup, Jum Jum is always chasing the goons to get to the chocolate syrup!

Squash - He may be one of the tiniest Midgetians but he's super dangerous! Squash wears a bandana around his forehead and wields a machine gun and gatling gun. His mini motorcycle's sidecar is outfitted with explosives including a bomb!
Motto: "It's Squashikaze Time!"

Buburushi (pronounced 'boo-boo-roo-shee') - He is the oldest and wisest Midgetian. He is older than the legendary apocalypse warrior, Ryuji. Buburushi had an accident; while walking, he tripped on his incredibly long beard. Since then, Buburushi's means of transportation is a floating chair.

Bobishka (pronounced 'bo-bee-shhh-kah') - She is the oldest female Midgetian. She is Buburushi's wife.

Grimjay -

Stalactite - He is a Midgetian who rides atop his dinosaur friend, Stalagmite.

Squirter - He's a Midgeebaby that is kidnapped by goons and later rescued by Ryuzo. Squirter courageously participates in the Midgetian Child Laborer Rescue Mission. He rides atop Brustofus.


Feenee Wiggy - See "MIDGETIANS".

Dirgiggy - See "MIDGETIANS".

Dirgundy - See "MIDGETIANS".


Sligs - He is a member of the Spikerkrot gang led by Rhiguth. Sligs is from the species, slizard. He acts tough when he's in the company of Rhiguth and Kurg but when alone, Sligs is nothing more than a coward. His Buzz Saw Bike has been outfitted with a second exhaust pipe that actually squirts oil to cause his enemies' vehicles to slip and crash. Watch out for Sligs, for he is very sneaky and shrewd. They don't call him Sly Guy for nothing.

Waze - He is a cousin of Sligs. Although younger, he is as mean and shrewd as Sligs. Waze looks up to Sligs as a role model and one day would like to be recruited by Spikerkrot's leader, Rhiguth.

Slizee - She has a crush on Ryuzo and helps him during the BSBGP (Buzz Saw Bike Grand Prix). Slizee's BSB features a face mirror and handlebars with tassles.

Kluster - He is much older than Sligs and Waze combined. When he was young, he was a Buzz Saw Bike racer. Nowadays, he spends all of his time hanging around at the Buzz Saw Bike Bar chatting and drinking with fellow drivers and former racers.

Slizar the Slizard King - An ancient warrior before the time of Ryuzo and Vorne. Slizar was the first Slizard and King of all Slizards. He's the only Slizard with a tail. Slizar was ultimately defeated by the legendary Hero of the Apocalypse, Ryuji.





Scyvernia - See "BUZZ SAW BIKE DRIVERS".


Feenee Wiggy - See "MIDGETIANS".

Skit - See "ABUJI & FAMILY".

Zit - See "ABUJI & FAMILY".






Rhiguth's Buzz Saw Bike - Allows Rhiguth to store both his knife and gun. Wields tank treads that can crush almost anything. His Buzz Saw Bike's front wheel is reversed for maximum cutting!

Kurg's Buzz Saw Bike - Wields a retractable electro-gun. Two tiny wheels underneath his BSB allow Kurg to do a wheelie.

Sligs' Buzz Saw Bike - Wields a retractable dual blaster. Outfitted with a second exhaust pipe that actually squirts oil to cause his enemies' vehicles to slip and crash.

Vandar's Buzz Saw Bike: Valus - The coolest and most futuristic of the Buzz Saw Bikes.

Scyvernia's Buzz Saw Bike - The only Buzz Saw Bike capable of flying. Reconfigures into a jet bike.

Derus' Buzz Saw Bike - 100% scratch-free.

Drighul's Buzz Saw Bike - Twice as large as standard BSBs. Empowered personally by The Buzz Saw King himself. Now it is stronger than ever. Wields two additional buzz saws capable of being deployed!

The Buzz Saw King's Buzz Saw Bike - It is the first BSB in existence. It is the only BSB with two front buzz saw wheels. It is 3 times larger than standard BSBs. It can take on a hundred BSBs and not suffer a single scratch. Nothing can stop it.

Ryuzo's Buzz Saw Bike - After Ryuzo returns stolen property to Jabuki's store, Jabuki rewards him with an extremely powerful Buzz Saw Bike.

Drill Thrill - Operated by the Midgetian, Ruth Less. It is as terrifying as it is awesome.

Killa Punch - Operated by Frulu. Turret rotates a full 360 degrees. Its launching claw is so powerful that it temporarily stuns BJ.

Ryuzo's Bike - Ryuzo uses this vehicle in the first of his journeys. It meets its end at the hands of BJ.

Sixspeed (The New & Improved Twit) - After the fall of their beloved Twit, The Klutz Brothers stumble upon a battered and beaten six-wheeled APC which they tune up to become "The New & Improved Twit" a.k.a. Sixspeed. Skit, Kit & Zit ride Sixspeed into battle against Spikerkrot. In the creation of Sixspeed, Zit donated his most prized possession, a stainless steel utensil. The utensil was cleverly added by Skit to one of Sixspeed's front wheel hubcaps!

Bartus' Bartermobile -

Feenee Wiggy's Shopcart Cycle - Built by the Midgetian, Feenee Wiggy for one sole purpose: to provide room for his shopping spree extravaganzas. This little motorcycle may look simplistic but it's surprisingly versatile. Features removable chain & lock. Storage for fuel can. Tons of room. Can carry twice its weight.

Sparky - Squash's mini motorcycle may not look like much until you see the sidecar --- it's outfitted with a massive bomb! And shark teeth decals too! When it's kamikaze time or as Squash likes to call it, "Squashikaze Time", Squash burns the sidecar's wheels. The rubberless rims generate sparks, which ultimately ignite the wick fuse extending from the back of the bomb. Of course, Squash is smart enough to bail out before impact. Squash uses Sparky in the penultimate battle against Vorne.

Dironimo - Dirgiggy and Dirgundy's mini motorcycle. Dirgiggy drives while Dirgundy's the sidecar gunner. Dironimo is used in the penultimate battle against Vorne.

Rollerbob - Jaburrghee's wheelchair has been modified and upgraded over the years. Now it sports tank treads, a front battering ram, dual rotating guns, and a rear gunner platform for Jaburrghee's super hot girlfriend to ride on!

Twit - Twit is a motorcycle with sidecar built by Skit and Zit. Skit drives while Zit rides. Twit is Skit and Zit's battle bike. The brothers treat their bike almost as a sibling. Zit came up with the idea to link a garbage can to a dirt bike and the brothers made the idea reality. Twit is ultimately destroyed by Spikerkrot. The Klutz Brothers mourn Twit's demise so much that they hold a funeral for it.

PB's Bike - Built specially for PB's size. No one else can ride it.

BJ's Ride - Tired of traveling on foot, BJ finally thought it was time to get himself his own personal vehicle. BJ recruited the services of Skit and Zit.

Six Wheels of Doom - Created by Vorne's engineers for the purpose of wreaking havoc on a small village. This vehicle features six wheels and a turret capable of rotating 360 degrees. Feenee Wiggy helps Ryuzo figure out how to stop this terrifying mobile machine!

Toomucho - a.k.a. Too Much. It is the quintessential post apocalypse vehicle in Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse.

Rhinodozer - Rhiguth makes a comeback with this vehicle in the penultimate battle against Vorne. The Rhinodozer is one of the biggest vehicles and can crush almost anything in its path.

Ultimateosaurus - A conglomeration of hundreds of miscellaneous parts/fragments from fallen machines, vehicles, and weaponry used by Vorne's Army. It is armed to the teeth and wields an arsenal unlike any other. It's the biggest of them all and the most powerful. Team Ryuzo fights Ultimateosaurus in the penultimate battle against Vorne.



Feenee Wiggy's House -

BJ's Crib - Because BJ is so big, he uses a turbine as a fan to cool himself off when it gets too hot.

Goon Tower - Spikes all around turret and tower. Barb wire. Retractable ladder. Universally articulated searchlight. Cannon tilts up and down. Turret rotates a full 360 degrees.

BSBB (a.k.a. Buzz Saw Bike Bar) - The hot spot for all Buzz Saw Bike drivers. Only one rule: you have to be a BSB driver to enter BSBB.

Midget - The planet of the Midgetians. It is the smallest planet in the solar system.

Midgetropolis - The most famous Midgetian city in planet Midget.



Rhiguth's Quadrogun - Rhiguth lets Ryuzo borrow it in the penultimate battle against Vorne.

Sharky - a.k.a. the bomb strapped to Squash's mini motorcycle's sidecar. Sharky features shark teeth decals and a wick fuse at the back that is ignited by the sparks generated from the sidecar's rims.

Ryuzo's Chainsword -

BBQ's Bra Mace -

BJ's Biggy - Rotating gun used in the penultimate battle against Vorne.

Teddy Bear Mace -


Midjas - Midgetian Ninjas

Midgeebaby - Midgetian baby

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:14 pm
by battlewagon
Here is Project TW or as I prefer to call it, Tank Wheelchair:

I had this idea for a wheelchair that instead of wheels would have tank treads. Surprisingly, the idea already exists. A guy constructed a tank wheelchair for his wife. Very cool story!

One day, as I was heading back home, I saw a unique couple. The boyfriend was wheelchair bound. His girlfriend rode in the back standing up. They were coming in the opposite direction at a relatively high speed. I just thought it was awesome and I loved especially the idea of his girlfriend riding behind him. It instantly became an idea. How about a male character who's wheelchair bound and his girlfriend (who's super hot!) rides behind him in his tank wheelchair?

Here you see Feenee Wiggy and a denizen of the Post Apocalypse but they are only for demo purposes. The wheelchair bound character's girlfriend will wear provocative attire and wield a machine gun. There will be a protective bar(s) to prevent her from falling off. The stumps below the handlebars will be outfitted with rotating guns (just gotta find the right size).

Here is the real Tank Wheelchair. Pretty cool, eh? :o :o :o

I would also like to do a wheelchair with monster truck wheels. But this is it for now. ;)

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:16 pm
by battlewagon
As a customizer, I've come to appreciate the tiniest of pieces. I love to go to 99 cent stores because you can find treasures for incredibly low prices. The other day, I found these for less than $10 total. They are indeed treasures and will amazingly contribute to my post apocalypse customs. Let me show you.


This motorcycle may look like nothing more than a cheap knock off and one might be turned off by the price of $1. For me however, I see many possibilities such as: The rubber from the wheels can be cut in half; the halves used as makeshift arc-shaped bumpers for vehicles. The rims can double as makeshift fences. The wheels can double as makeshift hand shields.

The windshield will make an excellent Buzz Saw Bike windshield!

Here's a tractor that cost $2. Smaller than the palm of your hand. Rubber wheels. For $2 you might say, "No thanks, I'll pass." I however, find it quintessentially useful.

I'm obsessed with creating variations of Buzz Saw Bikes. The tractor's rear wheels will make excellent rear wheels for a future Buzz Saw Bike!

Lastly, here's a cute 6-wheeler called the Gator. Fits in the palm of your hand.

6 rubber wheels and they all roll. Even the flatbed raises up! You might say, "It's useless to me." I've found myself in dozens of similar scenarios where I take certain toys for granted, glance at them, and say, "Junk." Fast-forward weeks/months and I'm smacking myself for not buying them at BARGAIN PRICES! This little Gator will make a perfect Midgetian vehicle.

The next time you stumble upon 99 cent toys like the ones above, ask yourself this: "It's only $1. My gut tells me that this may be useful. I probably won't see it ever again. Or I probably will see it again but definitely not for this amazing price. Should I buy it? Hmmm, it's only $1. I'll pick one up just in case." :D

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:18 pm
by battlewagon
Vorne WIP

Vorne is the main villain in Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse. He is terrifying and extremely powerful. He possesses sorcerer powers which he uses to resurrect fearsome mighty warriors to do his bidding (among other things). This is a work in progress but one thing is for certain: Vorne's head/face will look like this and he has vicious claws for hands.

Six Wheels of Doom would be the title for an episode featuring this vehicle:

This 6-wheeler is from Soldier Force. It's not my favorite of designs but it serves its purpose and it screams to me, "Post Apocalypse!" Heck, I might even call it Six Wheels of Doom.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:21 pm
by battlewagon

The Jurassic Park Tanystropheus/Chaos Effect Tanaconda head/neck and tail will be used for Slizar the Slizard King.

This Chap Mei dinosaur's head/neck will be used for Kluster.

Sligs and Waze will be based on the head/neck/arms of Jurassic Park Coelophysis.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:23 pm
by battlewagon
Big Jiggy (a.k.a. BJ), Twosome (two-headed goon), Trug and Arg (Vorne's personal bodyguards), and BBQ (Big Bertha Queen) will be based on the 3 3/4" Hulk.

Ryuzo (title character) will be based on a GI JOE 3 3/4" figure. Ryuzo's head will come from a Jakks 3 3/4" wrestler. A custom wig will be added.


Vandar is a futuristic cop. He's like Ryuzo in that both are heroes of the Post Apocalypse. However, Vandar detaches himself from society. He's been hurt one too many times by false and two face comrades. Vandar is a lone wolf. But he unhesitatingly risks his life to save innocent life forms. He's the only honest cop in Post Apocalypse Earth. Vandar's Buzz Saw Bike is the coolest and sleekest of all Buzz Saw Bikes.

Vandar's head/mask/visor will most likely be based on this figure from Imagination Adventure Series. Guess those figures were not so bad after all. :D

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:24 pm
by battlewagon
Denizens of the Post Apocalypse

Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse is coming along surprisingly fast. Characters and vehicles are equally easy to come up with. The same cannot be said for the Marauders Trilogy. It's much harder to come with characters than vehicles.

This denizen wears a spiked helmet and carries a sword/sheath clipped to his waist.
P.S. I'm gonna have to save all my photobucket and imageshack pictures onto my external hard drive because both websites are malfunctioning. The picture you see below was uploaded into photobucket but the html code doesn't work here. So I uploaded the picture into imageshack and that did work. If you guys/gals have accounts with the above websites, you might want to backup your files.

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Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:26 pm
by battlewagon
Denizen Vehicles (WIPs)

This motorcycle was made by Boley. Everything about it is perfect except for the handlebars and front gun. They were too flimsy. So I replaced them. 3 3/4" figures don't fit satisfyingly enough so there's still more work to do. Will also add makeshift foot rests (using paper clip bits). The most exciting upgrade will be the paintjob. ;D

New handlebars.

Tank Wheelchair

Added a battering ram. Now it looks more satisfying. This custom I am most excited and anxious to complete. I can't wait to roll the treads.

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Merchandise Cart

There will be two variations to this cart.
1) Cart itself is drivable by driver
2) Cart(s) has to be towed by additional vehicle.

Hooks for hanging merchandise.

So thankful to Chap Mei for making a 1:18 scale lock. A little customizing enabled the lock to actually open and tuck inside just like a real lock! Now all it needs is a key. :D

Opening doors.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:27 pm
by battlewagon
Post Apocalypse Weapons (WIPs)

Coming up with these is fun. Today I came up with another one but it's kind of offensive but extremely hilarious. ;D ;D ;D

Tank Turret (WIP)
This turret would sit at the entrance of a goon base. It would turn 360 degrees and the hatch opens to fit one goon.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:30 pm
by battlewagon
Future Buzz Saw Bikes (BSBs) (WIPs)

By Summer 2011, expect to see tons of new Buzz Saw Bikes!

Note: Sligs, Kurg, and Rhiguth's Buzz Saw Bikes were used to illustrate the following ideas.

GrrGrr's Buzz Saw Bike

GrrGrr is an overgrown sabretooth tiger. Everything about him is big so it's no surprise that his BSB reflects his bigness. GrrGrr's BSB has a huge spoiler and 2 chunky rear wheels.

Wakyushi's Buzz Saw Bike

Wakyushi's BSB has twin sword sheaths in the back. Wakyushi after all is a samurai wannabe. Wakyushi can also remove the twin sheaths and strap them to his own back.

Drighul's Buzz Saw Bike

Drighul's BSB is twice as large as normal BSBs. When his brother Vorne resurrected the legendary Buzz Saw King, Drighul personally requested that The Buzz Saw King empower Drighul's Buzz Saw Bike. Since then, Drighul's BSB now wields two additional buzz saws that flip out with the touch of a button!

Vandar's Buzz Saw Bike: Valus

Vandar's BSB is the coolest of all BSBs. Since Vandar is a cop, his BSB has police sirens.

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Vandar's BSB a.k.a. Valus has twin rocket packs that flip out in battle mode.

Buzz Saw Bike with Dual Blaster, variation 1


Buzz Saw Bike with Dual Blaster, variation 2


Buzz Saw Bike with Double Dual Blaster


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Buzz Saw Bike with rear backpack and antenna


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Buzz Saw Bike with side mirrors


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Buzz Saw Bike with face mirror

This face mirror is for a female Buzz Saw Bike driver.

Close-up on face mirror.

Re: Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse (8/29/10)

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:43 pm
by battlewagon
Life is full of surprises, both good and bad. Here is one such example:

I am in the process of finalizing a GI JOE Battle Wagon YouTube review. I wanted a scene where the Battle Wagon rams into 2 GI JOE ROC Steel Crusher APVs. Kmart had exactly 2 APVs on clearance for $11 each. I eagerly marched to Kmart but when I got there, the APVs were gone. It was my fault because I had seen them more than a week ago and I passed on them! :'(

I continued searching the toy aisles and the toy clearance section. And then it happened. My fingers stumbled upon a rhinoceros toy, smaller than the palm of my hand. Instantly and I mean within a microsecond, my gut told me, "Alan, that's Rhiguth's head!!!"

The only problem was that the rhinoceros toy belonged to a set of toys, which was nowhere to be found. A sales associate directed me to customer service. Thankfully, Kmart let me purchase the rhinoceros for 50 cents. Although I still regret not having picked up the GI JOE APVs, I found the perfect head for Rhiguth! Btw, Rhiguth is a character in Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse; he is the leader of Spikerkrot.

This is the DEFINITIVE head for Rhiguth! It's the perfect size, shape, and design! ;D
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Rhiguth will be based on a GI JOE 3 3/4" figure with new hands, mace shoulder pads, and real pants. Notice the blue tape around Rhiguth's waist? The tape holds Rhiguth in place. Without the tape, Rhiguth hovers a few millimeters above his seat. Thus, Rhiguth's BSB will require seatbelt(s) to hold him in place.
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Rhiguth and Sligs are gradually developing. I still need to find a hyena head for Kurg. After all, Kurg is from the species, hyenard. Gotta find me a bag of toy animals at the local zoo.
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Rhiguth with gun and knife.
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Rhiguth with Quadrogun.
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Scene: With his Quadrogun, Rhiguth easily blasts Ryuzo through a wall! :o

By the way, this is how the rhinoceros from Kmart looked like before he got decapitated, lol.


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Final update coming soon!

Re: Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse (8/31/10)

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:55 pm
by Stug45
8) 8) 8) 8)

Re: Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse (8/31/10)

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:00 am
by battlewagon
Dirgundy's Chocolate Syrup Squirt Gun

The Midgetians participate in the penultimate battle against Vorne. Feenee Wiggy summons all Midgetians to help Team Ryuzo stop Vorne once and for all and to free the Midgetian child laborers that were forced to work for Vorne.

Dirgundy is one of the many Midgetians that participate in the Midgetian Child Laborer Rescue Mission. Dirgundy's weapon of choice is a gun that squirts chocolate syrup from a jerry can backpack.

Note: Feenee Wiggy (WIP) is used to illustrate how the Chocolate Syrup Squirt Gun works.

Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse is a stop motion animated series for children and adults. Midgetians are the equivalent of Ewoks, Nelwyns, Hobbits, and Care Bears. They are midget-sized creatures that are as cute as hamsters, super ultra cuddly, and they come in all sorts of colors. Thus, the weapons/vehicles used by Midgetians (in the penultimate battle against Vorne) are not designed to injure; simply to stun and thwart. For example, Dirgundy's Chocolate Syrup Squirt Gun blinds goons for mere seconds or causes their vehicles to malfunction, slip and tumble.

After Dirgundy squirts goons with chocolate syrup, Jum Jum (also a Midgetian) chases the goons so he can lick off the delicious chocolate syrup. After all, Jum Jum loves candy and has an insatiable appetite.


Re: Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse (9/28/10)

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:03 am
by battlewagon
Post Apocalypse Weapon: Triceratops Shield

This is why I never underestimate bootleg toys. Because you just never know when you might need something. I had several of these Chap Mei KO baby triceratops for almost 3 years.


This past summer, I had a wonderful idea on how to use this toy for a post apocalypse weapon ---> as a shield for a villain! This villain would face off against Ryuzo in a particular episode. The Triceratops Shield is a Work In Progress. Requires a new paintjob and a proper shield handle.


Re: Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse (9/28/10)

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:05 am
by battlewagon
Denizens of the Post Apocalypse

What I love about Ryuzo Hero of the Post Apocalypse is the diversity of its denizens. I suppose that is one of the reasons why coming up with characters (for this particular series) is so easy. It makes my job a whole lot easier and this story is developing at an alarmingly fast pace!

Note: These are all Works In Progress. They will be more than just random heads slapped onto 1:18 bodies.
