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Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 12:13 pm
by MG40K
I can't believe she took the money and spent it. Let alone all the things she destroyed. This must really suck, she destroys all your stuff, and all your custom stuff you probably spent days working on. But she's not done yet, she takes your $300 savings and spends it at the mall! WOW!!!! This is making me mad. :evil:

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:21 pm
by momaw nadon
Man, I'm so sorry :cry:. I could see my wife to the same thing though :roll:. This is too much and in the middle of all the distructions, she takes the cash :shock:. I'm at a loss and it didn't even happen to me. If there is anything I can do, let me know. I really fell for you on this.
momaw nadon

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:48 pm
by Stug45
Yoxford what did your wife buy at the mall with the $300 :?:


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:13 pm
by PanzerArm
I'd say you need to round up all her mall purchases, return that crap, get your money back, and buy even more stuff than you had before, not just replace it. O, and then you should ignore her for about a week while you attempt to re-do some of those customs. And don't forget to take lots of pictures and itemize what she destroyed, then hold the list with the monetary amount over her head and until the money or the items are replaced she is on a short leash, and definitely no more trips to the mall for a while...

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:30 pm
by kimtheredxd
All I can say IS WOW :( . I guess i got it wrong when I get mad I tend to break my own things. :roll: Thanks for setting me straight on that! :wink:

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:04 pm
by cranedriver
I would get my stuff and move to a hotel room and find some strippers to party with, I mean if you are gonna have to pay for it you might as well play. :D

That and another option would be.... :twisted: well lets not go there for legal reasons.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:13 pm
by RAD 2112
The "after" picture sent a chill down my spine... but to hear that she starting destroying more of your collection... I don't know how I'd react.

Hmm... I'd probably sell off her chatchskis/knicknacks to be compensated.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:50 pm
by olifant

I would NOT break her things, or party with strippers, or any other underhanded get-you-back things. 8)

I would think awfully hard about being in that relationship though. It is not about toys, but rather about being with someone who is willing to destroy something very valuable to you. What next?

Now that I have channelled Dr. Phil, that is an absolute shame over your XD. That Tiger was a work of art. Sorry for your loss.

* SMASHED ! ! !

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 9:06 pm
by MG-42
* :shock: * Sorry about your lo$$. You sure yer telling us everything ? ? ? * :twisted:

Mitch v MG

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 5:37 am
by Yoxford
Yes I am telling everything, just needed to vent to my 1/18 brothers. No more dirty laundry in public, we are working things out.

Anyway all is not lost. Almost all the custom bits were salvageable and I still have the donor Tiger I used for the outer road wheels. I can rebuild all but the lower hull…I will need to get another Bravo Tiger for that…stay tuned

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 7:27 pm
by AlloySkull
That's disturbing. I died a little bit on the inside after reading this...

I'm so glad my girlfriend and her friend came in and saw my planes and tanks and wanted to learn about them, and then we played IL-2 for a few hours. I was shocked as my friends usually like to re-arrange them. :?

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:22 pm
by tmanthegreat
Sounds like there are some more serious issues going on and that you need to reconcile some things. Communication always helps, but again, I'm only a limited observer. Its really terrible that your wife went to such great lengtghs and destroyed your things. It was actually very immature on her part and will only make things worse for your marriage in the long run.

I feel sorry for your loss...

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 11:10 pm
by 75th Ranger
This post has been really time lock your stuff!!!!
or buy a shotgun to defend your XD!!!

hahahahahhahahaha! :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:33 pm
thats it - this is the end for XD...

sorry for your loss - I'm thinking there is more of a message behind the destruction of the tiger than just frustration.

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:27 pm
by Cabe
I had a therapist who taught me relationship boundaries when I kept trying to be the "fixer" or "peacemaker" when someone else was abusive in the relationship. She called certain things that people do to other "deal breakers" when you are in a relationship you both pretty much establish what the "deal is" you give this and expect that and she expects that and gives this etc. Many relationships end before a commitment because an action or belief or character flaw is considered a "deal breaker" you do not wish to make a emotional trading arrangement with this person and you go your separate ways. Every person has deal breakers, like lying or cheating. And most people don't know all of their deal breakers until one is encountered or pops up and you have to either accept or call off the agreement or "deal".
My therapist asked me to list all the things my current girlfriend (or any) would have to do to be considered a "deal breaker" as in, when it happened there was no more talking or hashing it out... the "deal" was off and our possible lifelong trading of emotional needs or such were terminated. We no longer related on a important level so there was no more relationship, just 2 people forcing something that was broken. I told her my deal breakers (and it was a short list because at this point in life I just wanted some basic dignity from my significant other)
I listed cheating a lying as deal breakers, more so cheating, the lying was hand in hand. Needles to say, we had already had one instance of cheating from her. and I was forcing it work, i was so wrapped up in second chances, she knew (with or without malice, seriously the girl was messed up and not ruthless just that she could abuse our "deal" and take what she wanted until I decided to end the deal and take my part of the bargain away from her, and mean it. So armed with this knowledge that I admitted to myself (and it is common freaking sense when you think about it) that cheating was a deal breaker when I caught her at it again 2 years later, and found out that there wasn't one but FOURTEEN guys she was sleeping with including her tour guide when she went to France......I knew the deal was fukin broken. It didn't take therapy to figure that out, but it did make me not try to get her help or counseling, this shitty deal was broken and I wasn't in for any more negotiations. If fact I realized shortly after my pain cleared that the deal wasn't just broken recently with the 14 guy diary I found, it had been broken for 2 years since I first caught her cheating. I just wouldn't end the deal. Well it got ended and she took a shitload of me along with it...for about 2 months and then I uncharacteristically brightened up quickly as I knew I didn't have to hand her anything precious such as my faith in others only to have her smash it, I didn't have to literally live in fear of the other shoe dropping every day. No more emotional minefield and walking on eggshells for me.

I say all this because I think if my GF smashed ANYTHING of mine or acted upon her emotion or suspicions without first allowing me to get home etc and explain myself or whatever, irregardless if it was miscommunication or her acting on what she THOUGHT was going on. the bottom line is she is a freaking adult and adults don't act like they are starring in their own freaking chick flick 24/7 cameras rolling, they know they are accountable for their actions. Even those exhibited in fear or suspicion, acting on suspicions without you there to defend yourself or allow you to explain , acting out violently and criminally because she was upset that the situation made her so frustrated that she destroyed things that she knew were dear to you and then like a ...well.. stole your money and spent it at the mall like a grade schooler IS NOT a good DEAL. That is shite brother, and she knows it. She did what she did because she knew it would hurt you. She traded tit for tat and that isn't healthy or mature. She had no right to accuse you, and then pass judgment and carry out the sentence without you there, I mean wouldn't you allow her more than she allowed you? Have you ever given her a reason to live in fear or feel she had a right to mistrust you? If not then she is merely using your misfortunate evening as an excuse to act out.
Maybe you will understand when it really hits home....when she does other things to get revenge without you around to explain what is really going on.

Me? Similar actions that hit home are a woman who says, "well he hasn't called and he's probably out getting his wick dipped, so I am just going to go over to (insert name of ex boyfriend or secret crush or guy who looked at her 2 times at the starbucks) and have my own fun. That'll show him."
No darlin' it only shows you a freaking 4 year old that cannot find a better way to excuse your own awful personality flaws and think that you just justified your need to get wonked by another guy by passing judgment on man who never knew he was on trial.

As for your tank collection? I am sorry that happened. I hope she is too, reeeeal sorry. because if she isn't ? I don't care how big a rock i put on that finger the next time I want to see it is attached to a hand waving bye bye as the cab comes to pick her violent ass up

I hope you forgive me if it sounds like I am passing judgment or calling your wife names, i am not, i am just saying/ scripting/ role playing blah blah what i would be doing. But I don't know her and I don't know you or your history together.
I just know how I act and what I expect in return, so forgive me if it sounds (which it may) that I am insulting her, I am not. I cannot actually make anything like that stick having never met her, nor would i wish to hurt your wife with my words.

I just hope you know what kind of "deal" you're in here.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:56 am
by Yoxford
Last night Mrs. Yoxford handed me an envelope with an apology card and the confiscated money…turns out she did spend $50.00 on shoes at the mall but felt bad about what she did and stopped. Aside from the apology, she has pre ordered the 1/16 FOV Sherman for me also….we still need to work some things out, we still are not there but things are on the mend. Cabe thanks for the view…I will be using your prospective as we work things out.

So I would like to close this tread and move on. I fixed Hurry Home Honey, salvaged most of the detail bits from the shattered Tiger, and will rebuild it as soon as Unimax ships the elusive buggers to Target. My current focus is on the 1/18 FOV Sherman, now in detail mode and pictures are coming.

Thank you all for your comments and thoughts. I joined this forum with the narrow view of just small military models and have found brothers in arms.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:03 am
by Cabe
that's cool she did that.
an sincere apology shows a heck of a lot of charcter, but you know that.

Let me know if there is something you are stalking as a replacement for you blown up tanks

those were target Fov tigers?

dand my 1:18 21st C tiger is a wuss.