JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Thu Jan 23, 2014 1:33 pm

I hope everyone is doing well today. I finally have some progress worth showing, at least I think so. I took a break from all the "panel fastener" detailing and decided to work on some of the problem areas.

The first pic shows some of the holes / gaps that needed attention around the air intakes.


The next couple of shots show the fix. I used Evergreen sheet plastic, in various thicknesses, to fill in most of the voids. Some Ambroid Pro Weld and super glue secured them in place. I then sanded everything flush and added a coat of Evercoat Metal Glaze. I like this stuff alot, it sands easily, is very thin so you get no pinholes and, takes primer beautifully. You have to mix a hardener into it however so, you have to be careful because too much hardener causes it to set up extremely fast.





Here is the finished product all ready for some primer. The ramp on the left intake has more filler because it was too high and I neede to blend it back in with everything else.

Thanks for checking in and following along, til next time.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:32 am

Good morning everyone, hope all is well.

Small update for today, I've been working on the joint where the forward fuselage and the main body meet. There is quite a good gap when they are mated together and the main body sat a little taller than the forward section as well.


Instead of using alot of filler, which may or may not crack later on, I decided to install some .020" plastic to the back of the forward section and fill most of the gap in that way.


Now when they are mated together, ( some pressure from both ends closes up the gap even more ) there is a very small seam that will be filled in with the CA when they are glued together. This seam should not be there on the real jet anyway so it all works out. There are also some panel lines in and around this area, that need to be filled in because they are not present on the real jet as well. Some CA will take care of this. The bottom seam fits really well and 95% of that will be covered by the forward Phoenix pallets so that's a bonus.


Time for some sanding and we'll see how everything looks. I'm not going to join the two sections together just yet. I still have to add some "panel fastener" details to the forward section and this will be easier to do before it's attached. I am also, at this point, thinking about priming these two pieces seperate just to make things easier for myself. I also want to get some color in and around the intake ramps before gluing them together.
Thanks for checking in and following along.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:37 pm

So after some sanding, more filling and more sanding, things look really good. I will have to do some rescribing on the turtle back and, touch up some of the "panel fastener" details after both pieces are joined together permately but, all in all real happy with how it came out. That gap that you see all but dissappears with a little pressure applied.


I had to remove the canopy to properly sand this area. I should have done this a long time ago, it would have made all the fixes that I did in the cockpit easier, oh well. I did nick the canopy sill area while removing the canopy ( where the masking tape pieces are ) with the knurled chuck of the dremel so, I will hit that with a little filler. Now that the canopy is removed I can sand, polish and, mask it off alot easier however.


Up next I guess I'll glue, fill and, sand the long rectangular piece that is on the bottom of the forward nose section. On my VF-154 bird, a lighted version, this panel is removable to allow access to the battery holder. There was also a rare "Christmas version" of this Jolly Rogers jet released which also had lights.


Still alot to do but, another step forward. Thanks for staying interested in this rebuild and helping me stay motivated. Til next time.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:53 pm

Hi everyone, late night tonight but, a productive one. I got the forward fuselage belly panel glued in and sanded the entire fuselage. I still have to touch up some panel lines and add a little more "panel fastener" detail but, happy with the results. Hopefully it will look good once primed.


Also got the TCS pod fitted back on but, only temporarily. I predrilled two holes in the pod, to accept some thin brass rod, and super glued them in then I marked their location onto the nose a drilled the corresponding holes. Now all I have to do is put it in place with a little glue when the time comes.



Time to call it a night, we'll see what the rest of the weekend brings. I hope you all have a great weekend and thanks for checking in.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by pickelhaube » Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:23 am

I did not realize that you picked up the torch from MCaulk.

I wonder what happened to him.

Although not my cup of tea ( I am more into earlier birds ) you are doing a fine job in tricking the F-14 out.

It takes a lot of dedication ( and time ) to do a custom like this .

Kudos to you on carrying on with this project.

:D :D :D


Whatever happened to Dean Kleins the originator of this custom project ?

The 3 of you guys must be running a relay race.
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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:45 am

Thanks pickelhaube for the kind words. This helps keep me motivated.

I have no idea what ever happened to MCaulk, or Dean. Because of those two I decided to tackel mine. They were both very talented and I enjoyed their updates very much. I am hoping to see them back on here one day and waiting to see their finished products.
In the meantime I am making progress on mine and I am thankful that people are still showing interest in this rebuild.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Sun Feb 02, 2014 3:00 pm

Good afternoon everyone.

While working on getting the forward fuselage and the main body ready for primer, I kept looking at my reference photos and the model, something just didn't look quite right to me. The "turtle back's" ( which is the area that runs along the spine of the jet ) panel lines are incorrect on the model. This first shot shows what I now need to do to correct things. There are panel lines that need to be filled in ( marked with pencil) on both sides of the spine and I will need to rescribe the correct ones ( RED arrows) and add "panel fastener" detail, after I'm done filling the others. I also need to move the IFF/Data Link antenna ( large square hole ) more towards the middle of the spine ( BLUE arrow ).


This shot shows the "panel fastener" detail that will need to be added to the area as well, it runs from the GPS antenna up to the square area just above the BLUE arrow. I drew a line with pencil to keep the fasteners straight. The BLUE arrow indicates the new location for the TACAN/UHF antenna, it should be just inboard of the row of fasteners that run up the right side of the spine.


Many of you are probably wondering why I am worring about this but, it's how I am. If I'm going to take the time to do something I'm going to do it the right way. I'm very detail oriented and this adds to my slow building but, I know it's correct and that's how I want it.
Thanks for following and hope to have an update later this week, thanks everyone.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:30 pm

Today's update, after filling, sanding, rescribing and, adding the "panel fastener" detail, the spine looks alot better. I'll just have to address the main seam once these two pieces are mated together for good. Also relocated the antennas to their proper spots and angels.


Both antennas were sanded a little thinner and added some wire to better secure them to the jet later on.




Thanks for checking in on today's progress. It's finally stopped snowing here, we received @ 10" so, time to go clear the driveway and walkways. Take care, til next time.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Tue Feb 04, 2014 5:54 pm

I was able to get something small accomplished on the Cat before going back out this morning for more shoveling. I got the "panel fastener" detail added to the upper part of the nose area as well as scribed in the radome hinges and added the windshield washer fluid filler door ???, at least that's what I think it is. If anyone knows for sure let me know, thanks. I made the mistake of scribing a complete circle however, the lower section , towards the radome, should be flat. I'll have to fill in the little arc on the bottom, no biggie but, more work.


Thanks for stopping by and having a look, soldiering on ......


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by normandy » Wed Feb 05, 2014 5:23 pm

Super Detailing is an understatement, the work your putting into this project is fantastic and it shows!!
I've been enjoying your progress, well done!

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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by USCGSARdog » Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:08 pm

Lookin' good Steve, keep up the great work!

I too always look forward to your next update, so please continue to keep us posted!


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:05 am

Thanks for the kind words guys, much appreciated.

We finally got our power back on late last night, we've been without it since early Wednesday morning. It will take a few days to get things straightened out and back to normal. Hopefully I'll have time to get back to the Big Cat shortly. Thanks again for following along, til next time.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:21 pm

Greetings all, hope all is well.

I haven't had much time, up until this weekend, to work on the Big Cat. I managed to complete some things that I've been putting off because I knew how much of a pain in the butt they'd be.

Today marks the one year anniversary of this rebuild, man how time flies and, still a long way to go however. Today's updates focuses on the last of the cockpit modifications. First up the canopy jettison handles. After much trial and error, third set, I finally got them looking right. I used 0.20" sheet plastic and drew the basic shape. Next I drilled out the hole in the handle, using the aircrews hand for size, and shaped it before cutting out the entire handle.


After I was satisified with the handgrip on the handle I cut out and shaped and sanded until I arrived at this.


Next up was to add some small brass rod to make attaching them to the instrument panel easier. I filed a flat spot on one side of the rod so the handle would lay flat against the rod. This also made for a stronger glue joint as well. I also made a few extras, just in case.


Here they are dryfitted before painting.



After some paint, voila, canopy jettison handles. I'm really pleased with how they came out and they look awesome installed.


I also added the handgrip, using a small piece of brass rod, to the top of the RIO's glareshield.


This will end part one of today's cockpit updates, part two will focus on the SparrowHawk HUD. Thanks for your continued interest in this project and I'll hopefully get the 2nd update posted before the night is over.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:52 pm

Part two of today's update, the SparrowHawk HUD.

Around 2003 the Tomcats started sporting HUD's and since my airframe falls into that timeframe, it's gotta have one. Mine will not be 100% accurate because I can not get the front windscreen off. I tried several times and I don't want to break it. Just one more reason I wish this model would have been released in a kit form. The top of the glareshield was redesigned for the B models with the projecting lens added to that top area. I will not be able to do that part of the mod with the glass in the way.So with my reference pics in hand I set out to scratchbuild the framework and glass that goes with it.
I started by drawing the basic shape onto some heavy cardstock. If all went well this would act as my template for the various sheet plastic pieces I would need to construct it. Everything worked out nicely and I finally came up with this


Next up I found some small "U" shaped channel (dark grey plastic) in my stash bin, this would work well with what I wanted to use for the glass pieces. I wanted to make the framework one piece because it would be alot easier and stronger. I used some 0.20" sheet plastic and carved out the frame. Then I added the "U" channel to the inside of the frame and sanded them both together so they are identical. Once I had the frames finished I used my calipers to measure the top of the glareshield where the framework should sit. The glass pieces (heavy thick clear plastic from the stash bin) were cut out and dryfitted into the framework. Everything looked good except the clear plastic pieces kept sliding down the "U" channel too far. I added small stops at the ends of the channels so the glass could only go so far.



Now came the time to get this whole thing dryfitted together to see how it looked and get the final shapes to the glass. This is a pain in the butt, to say the least, and after many colorful words this is where I'm at now. Looks pretty good for guesstamating.



I'll paint the framework black and then will try to get everything assembled. I'm hoping it goes smoothly and becomes more rigid once everything becomes one piece ?? Then the real fun will be trying to get it secured to the front glareshield with the windscreen in the way.
Thanks for looking and following along, til next time.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Wed Feb 26, 2014 9:27 am

Good morning everyone,

Small update for today, I finally decided that there was no way for me to get the completed HUD onto the front glareshield with the front windscreen installed, it had to come off. I spent about 4 hours, CAREFULLY AND SLOWLY, cutting with my X-acto knife along the edge where the front windscreen meets the fuselage and finally success. I was so scared I would break it but, thankfully it all worked out. All the damage will not be seen once the windscreen gets reinstalled so I caught a break there. I can also polish the inside of the windscreen, and get rid of the fingerprints that were there from the factory, as well as add the small details you see in the reference shots.



Now I have access to the area to do things properly. These reference shots show what I need to try and recreate. I'm hoping it won't be that much of a problem but, time will tell. Hopefully I'll have something to show you all in a few days, fingers crossed. Thanks for checking in, stay tuned.



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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:56 pm

Small update to add, I got adventerous and decided to go one step further. I was able to get the front console cover off so now the surgery will be a little easier ..... hopefully.


I have marked out the area of the front glareshield that will be removed to facilitate the new HUD. Gonna go slow at first and think a few steps ahead before any cutting happens. Failure is not an option, wish me luck and stay tuned.



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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:50 am

Today's update focuses on the HUD's black box and projecting lens on top of the HUD. The reference photos show what I need to create.



The first thing I needed to do was cut the notch into the front glareshield to accomidate the new HUD box.



Up next was to build the box. This was a real test of my patience and I spent alot of time thinking about how to go about it. After a couple attempts I was able to come up with this. Using 0.20" sheet plastic ( I thought it would be stronger ) I cut one long strip of plastic 10mm wide. I figured one piece would be stronger and, alot easier to build than multiple pieces. Square stock pieces were cut and glued to the back to give the whole assembly some strength and to help keep my 90 degree angles. To get the bends in the plastic I scored the plastic lightly with a new X-acto blade and very carefully bent them to their angles. After much measuring and dryfitting I had this.


I had planned on being able to sand this assembly seperate from the glareshield but, when tacking the one side panel on, some glue found its way to the square stock pieces already attached to the instrument panel so I had to work it in place, more fun. Everything worked out in the end and I think it looks the part. I added the glass assembly frames as well.


I added some details to the face of the bottom front panel.


I will now try to work on the projecting lens panel and see what I can do for the small camera. It's been quite alot of work to this point but, I'm very happy how things are looking so far.
Thanks for checking in and following along, hopefully if all goes well I'll have this HUD all done by next weekend.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:17 pm

Hoping everyone is doing well.

Small update for today, I managed to get the projecting lens and camera made and installed. For the projecting lens I used a small square of leftover film and some .005" clear green plastic. I painted the black and silver "frame work" onto the clear green before I put it in place. I scratched a camera out of some square stock and used a very small length of brass rod for the cameras lens. The white piece of .005" sheet plastic covers up the old projecting lens as per the reference shots. I'm really happy with how this is looking so far. I will finish painting everything flat black before installing the clear HUD glass.
Thanks for checking in, til next time.






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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:26 pm

Well finally the SparrowHawk HUD is finished !!! It was alot of work but, so worth it. I really am very happy with how it turned out. Bear in mind I had no scale drawings, no measurements, no nothing to go off of except for the reference pictures shown earlier. Everything was "eyeballed" and "guessdamated".
I started by finishing up painting everything flat black then cut new templates for the HUD's glass. The white plastic templates were cut and sanded til they looked right. I used the pilot in the seat as a reference and, using his "line of sight" as well as the photos was able to determine the finished height of the glass.



Once I was happy with the templates I cut out the glass pieces using some .010" clear plastic that I had previously wet sanded and polished up. I even beveled the top edges and the angled edges of the glass like the photos showed.


I attached the glass using some very fine wire dipped in Testors clear parts cement. I drybrushed the entire HUD and gave the front fabric area a Flory wash. I only wish JSI had done a better job with the instrument panels and the gauges instead of stamping them there with paint.




So there you have it, one properly converted F-14A cockpit to a F-14B "BOMBCAT" cockpit. I'm glad this part of the rebuild is finished now I can move onto other areas. Thanks for continued interest in this project and til next time.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:22 am

Minor update for today, after removing the front windscreen, to do the HUD modification, it was apparent that it wasn't going to fit like it did before removing it. When they installed it originally at the factory they really had to spread it apart to glue it and when I cut it loose it sprang back. I did not want to take a chance with super glue for fear of crazing the glass plus there was too much pressure required to get it to go back to it's original spot. I didn't think the glue would hold over time. I opted to use some small brass rod again, knowing this would hold up over time. I marked the glass and sill and drilled small holes in each. I cut 2 small pieces of rod (4mm in length) and super glued them into the sill (the red arrows showing their location). Now when I stretch the glass I get a much more secure mounting point. My question is will regular "clear parts cement" be enough to hold it in place or try something stronger and if so what ?? Suggestions welcomed, thanks.



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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Fri Mar 28, 2014 12:05 pm

Good afternoon everyone, hope you all are doing well.

I thought I'd bring everyone up to speed with today's update (nothing worth posting pics of however, sorry). I've gotten (don't think that's a word ??) the forward nose section and most of the main body sanded and ready for

primer. I still need to do a few things before then however;

Finish filling the panel lines, on the bottom of the jet, by the engine exhausts. This area is smooth on the B models.

Add some "panel fastener" details to the starboard side rear of the jet.

Glue / sand the starboard side wing leading edge and add "panel fastener" detail to the wing.

Glue / fill / sand the wing glove vane areas and add "panel fastener" detail as well.

I feel like I've been doing this "panel fastener" detail FOREVER but, I think this will add interest and draw the eye to look all around the model. Hopefully the detail will not be lost when I prime / paint her. I've also decided

to display the Cat in a different "in flight" mode which I will keep as a surprise til the end. Hopefully the vision I have in my mind will actually work out, we'll see.

So that's all for today. Thanks for your continued interest and following along. Have a great weekend all.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:05 pm

Greetins everyone, small update for today. I got the panel lines filled in and sanded around the exhaust area, finished up the "panel fastener" details on the starboard backside of the jet. Glued and sanded the starboard side

wing leading edge and added the missing "panel fastener" detail to the wing and around the wingtip slime lights. Glued, filled and, sanded the wing glove areas but still have to add some details to that area yet.

There is an area on the front fuselage, which is recessed, where the refueling door should be. I decided to put one there to smooth out the space.


I used .010" sheet plastic to fabricate one.


Fabricated refueling door in place and awaiting some glue. Now this area is the same height and blends in nicely.


Also received my new "fully opened" GE F110 nozzels, thanks Nathan. I'll get these primed and ready for some paint.


Thanks for your continued interest and for following along, til next time.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by granch » Wed Apr 09, 2014 2:53 pm

Still periodically looking at your wonderwork...
In comparison with this excellent HUD or the ejection seat, the JSI panel instrument seems very cheap... Even the size of the painted gauges is wrong when looking on your pics of the real thing.
I'm not a modeller, but would suggest you to laserprint on a thin plastic sheet (special sheets for the normal copier/printer) reduced pics of the real gauges, cut and cement them over the JSI's. what do you think about this idea?
I've made such an experiment for the overhead panel of my blackhawk, but couldn't find any original picture that was vertically shoot, so I've drawed it with the paint program of my PC and it doesn't look bad with some needle and nail heads as buttons, lights, small switches... For the front panel, your pics should be of sufficent quality and right angle.

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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by A-10LOADER » Fri Apr 11, 2014 7:48 am

Granch, that sounds like a good idea but, I'm not good with computers. I wouldn't have a clue on how to attempt that. Plus the front IP would be easy because it is removed but, I think the rear IP would be tough to do ?? It would be nice to dress the IP's up before closing everything up for primer / paint.


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Re: JSI Tomcat - Super Detailing???

Post by granch » Fri Apr 11, 2014 3:51 pm

Well, it was just an idea. Perheaps could you give me the exact measures of the different 4 quarters upper right, upper left and so on, corresponding to 1 flat zone, and I can try to make a pic that you would only have to print. What is on the real IP depends also what model you built (F14A? B?), the latest versions have more computer like displays, the oldest only traditionnal gauges, there are also some warning lights...
May be somebody on this board has a F14 add-on for his Flight Sim and could give or send you also some screen prints with different size/scale.
I've just got the BBI 1/6 F/A-18 cockpit and want to try to make such a print on a fin plastic sheet to give life to the HUD window. I know it is bigger, but this could show if the recipe could work.

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