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Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:35 pm
by Teamski
Wow! What a response! And all that without catching a breath.... Amazing! It's great to hear that you are modifying the canopy of the F-86. That is what I call feedback! I am really looking forward to seeing what Admiral can kick out. Thanks for being there!


Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:17 pm
by Shin Densetsu
A W E S O M E!!!!!

The fact that you guys are even considering a B-17......I am speechless.
And F-15, harrier and F-22? And you love the F-14 as well? AWESOME!!

GREAT work on the F-86! The liveries and functioning parts on this thing seem so awesome! GREAT stuff!

How long before we see the prototype of the next toy after the zero?

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:48 pm
WOW... That F-86 is beautiful! I can't wait to score one of those. My compliments to the Admiral!!!!!


Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:01 pm
they are beautifulllllll
please let us know when those babies are ready for sale
and you are right John Glenns was F-86F
but hanging from my ceiling few would no difference
thanx again for being so informative on your projects
i can only dream of 1/18 B-17

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:13 pm
by Quixote511
Well, you can slap me like a red-headed stepchild! That is superb.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 8:00 pm
by flayrah
Thanks for the reply and updates! The F-86 looks good, two questions: If there are any re-paints, will they be "immediate", or after other models are in production? In other words, release all versions close to each other, then move on to other models; or make one version now, another eight to twelve months down the line, etc? And have your considered adding tire tread pattern to the production model? The tires look very toy-like now.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 9:22 pm
by aferguson
Jason wrote:

"flayrah, excellent observation on your part. The North American
Aviation F-86E
rarely was equipped with a front tire containing tread. Only the main
contained tread. Therefore, our model will not have tread on the front
tire -
it will have it only on the two main tires. I feel you will find our
to detail is quite accurate, particularly with respect to the F-86E.

This will sound funny, but we ran out of flat paint when preparing
these models
for review. The production samples will have a non-gloss flat paint
applied to
the tires. Thank you for your observation.

The schedule for repaints is being coordinated with our facilities in
China and
will be released at a future date."

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:22 pm
by p51
Yes, talk about service! I've been busy with aviation photo shoots so I haven't had a chance to really read the new replies in this thread! That's pretty awesome with your responce time on the canopy! See guys, never give up hope, all these companies do listen! While every idea may not fly, they do read them! I can tell you that for sure from 21st... they do read a lot of what goes on here!

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:09 am
by immeww2
Great shots! Love those planes! :D :D


Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 12:26 am
by eddie372
Oh boy! Oh boy! I can not begin to tell you how excited I'm about this release. I just love the looks of this airplane model. The paint job looks great also, so thank you Admiral for a great job, and to Jason for such a dedicated response to our comments and suggestions.

Jason, could you please look at the B-17 thread initiated several month ago? In it you'll find several comments you may find helpful, especially about producing the B-17 in three different sections.

A big thank you once again.


Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:05 am
by spect_spidey
I must say, I don't know much as far as accurate detailing goes when it comes to airplaines, but this plane does look very good. I only have one problem with it and it isn't the plane. It is the pilot. Is it just me or does something not look right about the pilot? The pilot looks like a toy, doesn't seem to have much detail on the flight suit, and the face in my opinion looks like a woman in her 50's.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 8:34 am
by toyktdlgh
Well, I just can't resist talking about a possible B-17. It would with out a doubt, be the coolest 1-18 plane ever made. I know not to get my hopes up but it would definitely be awesome to see. I have to agree on the comment about the figure. I think it’s just the head sculpt. Something is definitely a little weird about him. No matter though. That plane will make a great addition to any collection.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 9:40 am
the pilots face looks like Alan Ladd in the McConnell story

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:02 am
by Razor17019
I must agree with toyktdlgh that the B-17 would be the GREATEST and COOLEST plane to come out from ANY 1/18 scale plane maker...

Your F-86 looks very good.
What will the price be??

Maybe P51 can work out a deal for free advertising on the board for a discount on the plane to board members??? :D :D

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 1:20 pm
by MightyMustang
I for one would love to see a B-17G but I highly doubt that will happen anytime soon. Why? The cost for one would be very high and production for it would take years, kind of like the Avenger but longer. But it would be cool.


Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:34 pm
by flayrah
spect_spidey wrote:I must say, I don't know much as far as accurate detailing goes when it comes to airplaines, but this plane does look very good. I only have one problem with it and it isn't the plane. It is the pilot. Is it just me or does something not look right about the pilot?
I agree, the pilot is a bit "unusual". But as this is the first attempt from a new company, I think it's a good attempt and I'm just happy they included ball-jointed shoulders and articulated elbows, legs, and knees. It would have been much easier and less expensive, to have limited articulation or just mould a figure in a sitting position. I WOULD like to see a ground crewman added, there needs to be a crew chief to help the pilot get strapped in and secured. Plus right now there are NO ground crew manufactured by any company, very odd as there are more 1:18 aircraft than any other vehicle.

Dead pilot

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 6:08 pm
by eddie372
Maybe we'll be able to buy pilots from the F-104 and paint-customize them to the F-86. I agree the pictures show a pilot already experiencing the maladies of "rigor mortis".

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 8:15 am
i want a couple of them no matter what
i think for a first try there GREAT!
i remember the frist 21st P-51D with the 1/32 pilot


Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:21 pm
by supersonicfifi
8) i must say WOW ! i was not too happy about the canopy shape but i didn t want to argue with such a good attempt ! and now i see the lenghty reply from jason ! that is direct feedback :wink: i w will be one of their first customer no doubt - so i will add my little request here too : there is something wrong with the seat, on picture the seat seems to far back - on real planes there is a flat place between the seat and the end of the canopy frame (maybe it s an optical illusion on this great model ?)
any way i m ready to ORDER NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Jason do not hesitate to contact me here in PARIS to contact the producers of the movie -

i must say that for a follow on i wish to see an F 100 super sabre in SEA camo ( perfect match with my P 51 and my next F 86 :wink: )

3D F86

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 4:57 pm
by supersonicfifi

Dallas Area

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:39 pm
by Folkwulfe
Jason...nice to have "personal service". You have no idea how badly other manufacturers are seen by us "just numbers" folks. To answer your question, I live and work in the Arlington area. Shade tree aircraft enthusiast for many many years (I'm almost as old as the B-52). If it's got wings...I'm there! Keep up the excellent have my deepest appreciation.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 4:16 pm
by Teamski
Dirk just PM'ed me about the nose gear strut being reversed. Is this going to be fixed on the production plane??

Yeah, Dirk is still alive!! :D



Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 9:42 pm
by eddie372
Does anyone know was going on with the Sabre release? I just visited the Admiral Toys website and it's still without product information, pictures, NADA!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:38 am
by Gunner
Well, Jason did say earlier that they were in the process of moving offices, and that things were chaotic.

Plus, with the holidays having just ended, I'm sure they're still getting spooled back up for the new year...

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:45 pm
by aferguson
Jason wrote:

"Happy New Year to all!

Sorry it has been awhile since I have visited the board. It has been very hectic around the offices. Thank you for your patience.

For eddie372, I have seen your suggestion of selling the B-17 in three parts. Not selling equal amounts of sections is our concern with this method of production. There would have to be three separate production lines which would take a lot of employee’s attention and would be very expensive. Also, we are certain that we would sell many more nose sections then tail sections. Being stuck with several hundred tail sections is very costly.

When and if we produce the B-17 in 1:18 scale it will be a full aircraft.

As for your second question:

The F-86E is in production now. We want to get it on the water before the Chinese New Year which begins January 29th. We are very confident that we can get them on the water before that time. However, once again I will say we are not going to take pre-orders before we have them on the water. We do not want you frustrated with delays.

As for the comments on the pilot, you all crack me up! I love the comments. I first think that a lot of the problem is my terrible photography. I apologize for my skills, or lack of skill, when it comes to taking photos. I probably should not have let you all see that photo; I just wanted you to get an idea of what the pilot will look like. I personally think “he” looks a lot better in person. The photo is a little blurry. We will dramatically overhaul our next pilot if you are not satisfied after the model is released.

Teamski and Dirk, the strut has been reversed, thank you for your observation. It was correct on the master model and I took for granted that it was correct on the production model. You saved me a lot of headaches.

One note on the Admiral Toys Incorporated F-86E:

Most models in 1:18, 1:32 and even 1:72 are modeled after an existing model. This means they use CAD to get a three dimensional version of an existing model into the computer to assist in the production of the master model.

What makes Admiral Toy’s F-86E so special is that it is 100% hand made by our master modelers. They just looked at photos and diagrams for reference. They hand carved, sanded and prepared the model for CAD filing. They did not use an existing model. I think they did a fabulous job and we are very proud of our skilled model makers. As you can imagine this process takes much more time.

Once again thank you for you interest and time.

Talk to you soon,
