another forum questiion

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another forum questiion

Post by dragon53 » Sun May 17, 2020 7:56 am

Do you think any of these two members of another forum are guilty of personal attacks?

Member Allan:


Member Benjamin:


Member Allan:


Member Benjamin:


Member Allan:


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Re: another forum questiion

Post by [CAT]CplSlade » Sun May 17, 2020 8:20 am

It looks like one of them took things too personally, and it wasn't Mr. Franklin.

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Re: another forum questiion

Post by normandy » Sun May 17, 2020 2:20 pm

I think member Allen is being a dick.

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Re: another forum questiion

Post by dragon53 » Tue May 19, 2020 7:32 am

Thanks for the input.

I am "Benjamin" and was looking for objective opinions on the posts. My first post was partly tongue-in-cheek (via the "happy face"), but "Allan" still felt it was a personal attack.

The posts occurred last year. Since then, Allan has been trolling me. almost stalking me, on the other forum. I made a list of his trolling and might report them to a moderator. After looking more deeply at his trolling, I think his temper and ego are really symptomatic of some deeper emotional problem, so I haven't reported him yet.

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Re: another forum questiion

Post by Axis Nightmare » Thu May 21, 2020 5:40 am

Wow! this is the truly dark side of social media and forums. People with pent up anger and or other emotional issues use the cowardly anonymous tool of these forums to live out their need to feel powerful and assertive. Many have jobs where they have to just do what they're told but think they know better. They resent any authority and can't say or do what they really want to because of their boss or the rules they don't like so they lash out at others. I don't have a framed certificate on the wall for going to formal school a few years for this but have a 45 year degree dealing with the public in customer service and supervising large numbers on a crew. I know the type. Sounds like the classic bad seed thorn-in-the-side in a union that's constantly filing grievances and requiring disciplinary action only to have the unions bail them out. They are selfish, not team players and everything is about them. Brings back not so fond memories. :wink:

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Re: another forum questiion

Post by [CAT]CplSlade » Thu May 21, 2020 3:24 pm

I've encountered those types on gaming forums as well. I was part of a Battlefield 2 clan and we got a member who started fine and then began attacking members in posts; really off-the-wall vicious stuff with no basis on anything. Just pure meanness. He took it further by entering our online server, joining us on the team, and then team-killing all of us to throw the game. We suffered with that prick for over six months before we got his Battlefield account banned by the developers.

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Re: another forum questiion

Post by tmanthegreat » Sat Jul 18, 2020 4:17 pm

Sorry to hear you’re being trolled, Dragon, and it’s sad to see this kind of stuff happen. Nevertheless, it’s all too common as well on forums and other social media where people can dish out insults and crap in fairly anonymous fashion...

There’s been a ton of interesting characters on this forum over the years As well. A couple that come to mind in more recent years were a couple memberS (one called “AV88 Driver” and the other “Nick K” or something to that effect) that were just really strange. The AV88 guy would always post pictures of other people’s work to claim as his own and exploded when called out for it. His whole “I melted down my bike when I was 12 to make a Fokker model” story was so ridiculous As to be comical! Then that Nick K guy, who made some interesting 3D printed items, just flipped out one day insulting everyone in sight after getting mad over what he saw in some prototype pics of the Merit FW-190... Those were just a couple of the most recent examples I remember around here :roll:
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Re: another forum questiion

Post by Axis Nightmare » Sat Jul 18, 2020 5:17 pm

I remember the "AV8B Driver". It was almost like he was portraying a fictional character of some kind. As far as personalities go, this Forum has by far the best and least arrogant group that seems to get along together. I've seen forums and hobbies where a handful of alphas or an inner circle clique of know-it-all types scorn the newbies and those outside their circle.

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Re: another forum questiion

Post by dragon53 » Sun Jul 19, 2020 5:01 pm


I agree, trolls are are unpleasant to deal with. The troll "Allan" is a frequent poster on the forum where the original incident occurred. After his unhinged reply to my post, I figured he was a snotty, self-proclaimed film connoisseur who is unstable enough to stalk me. I began posting some movie trivia on and waited to see if he would stalk me, and he did, so he is as disturbed as I thought.

Judging by his attacks on me, he seems to be very skilled at how to troll, so I think he has done it before. I guess violating forum rules by trolling and stalking don't bother him very much.
One of's professional reviewers recently reviewed FORCE 10 FROM NAVARONE and said, "...there is a lot of material that quite simply does not come together and yet there are some big-name actors before the camera just going along with it. It is very, very strange, and no, most definitely not in a good way." A member is allowed to post his own review of the movie, but Allan hasn't....maybe he will stalk's professional reviewer because he also didn't like the movie. :mrgreen:

As for SSHQ, the members here have been good posters for the most part. I remember a former member, "X", behaved himself on SSHQ, but on the diecast forums, he developed a reputation for trolling---especially a lot of anti-American comments. One diecast forum member was selling models and ripping off other members, including me. Although there was ample proof, including photos, that we were ripped off, X always stood up for the rip-off member and possibly another one, too. I guess birds of a feather really do flock together. He eventually announced he was leaving the diecast forum, maybe because he knew he was wearing his welcome out. It's not surprising that earlier he admitted he had been forced out of another forum before joining SSHQ.

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