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What do you think about tonight"s OVER THERE episode II

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:09 pm
by 75th Ranger
What do you think about tonights episode II?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:30 am
by don
I thought the story at the roadblock was great. I like the introduction of an arab american soldier, but it still seems a little like a Vietnam movie with a replacement showing up quickly from somewhere and no one knows him. Units are deploying as units, training together for months before going overseas so a replacement would likely have come from another company or even platoon, but would be someone these guys are familiar with.
That brings me to the part of the show that bugged me; I could do without the whole hospital storyline. The writers really should have waited until midway through the season to wound someone and start the cliche' I want to go back to my unit storyline. For two reasons, first and foremost I don't really care about the Bo character, I never really got a chance to get to know him before he was blown up. Second, it makes no sence to me that he would want to go back to his unit since it seems to me he really only spent a couple days with them. Remember during the pilot episode he was asking everyone thier nickname, so he clearly didn't know them very well, why would he want to go back?

i agree

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:33 pm
by 75th Ranger
I agree, i think it was too early to wound a character in the first episode, but in war stuff happens, but they need to address the situation ofthe wounded soldier and let him know that he may not go back to his unit!!...he has no leg....maybe a support rear job, if the medical board finds him in someway suitable to stay.

that said, the road block story was much better, but there were some problems:

1- they call themselves a squad but they are only one fireteam. a squad would have 9 guys and a team has 4-5...basically.

2- they were guarding the roadblock from one side only and the funny thing was that both the good guys and bad guys approached the roadblock from the same direction.

3- Also their hummer was exposed to enemy should had been protected and i would have manned the hummer with the saw as an emplacement weapon to provide support.

4- Another thing was that at the roadblock they needed barriers to delay the approaching vehicles. in a zig zag way.

5- The vehicles needed to be searched better and if their were possible bombs they needed engineer support.

6- Also the SGT. needs to report more often to the LT. Plus after all the rounds that they fired they needed an ammo, food and water resupply.

After all the episode was much better than the pilot and i'm going to keep watching the show, anything military is 1000%%% better than Oprah! :lol:

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:58 pm
by Threetoughtrucks
Only one thing bothered me:

What did you think of the two guys on guard getting in a fight and they're going to punch each other out :?:

While on guard duty :?:

I wouldn't want either of them covering my butt.

In my year in Korea and one in VN, we had racial fights but they were in clubs or the barracks and off duty. On duty we worked with each other, off duty we all had our personal problems.


Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:13 pm
by don
TTT wrote: What did you think of the two guys on guard getting in a fight and they're going to punch each other out?

While on guard duty?
Yeah, good point. I have never seen anything like that, and the one dude even pulled a knife? I still think the show is a good idea and has potential, but they really could use a mil-advisor helping with the script. It looks like they have someone helping with set and costume but they might use the help for dialog and story...


Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:02 am
by 75th Ranger
That kind of Army behavior is not right, but some of the guys in the military today have a lot of prior criminal is today easier to do the easy left instead ofthe hard right.

Yeah, an article 15 would have been a possible solution. The knife was a "no go"!.....but again there should have been an NCO on watch at every guard shift in their scenario due to all the possible encounters, ifthey had been a full squad they would have had at least 3 NCO's and nonse would have been delt with before beginning.

On the other hand the show wanted to show some of one of the characters disregard for the lives of his buddies....."Smoke" is a trouble maker....but the other guys should not listen to him!!!

Where are my NCO's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:08 am
by Threetoughtrucks
My experience in the Army in Peace time (Korea) and in a shooting war (VN) tells me, if one guy has the stones to pull a knife on another member of the same outfit somebody is going to be hurt, either at that time or another time when they are not expecting anything.

Nobody has ever pulled a knife on me, but if he did it would not be forgotten. I've been in fights in Korea and had a two by four broke over my head one dark night in VN (still carry scar) but those guys paid for it, one way or another.

It's tough being green :roll:

Now lets check out episode three.