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ATTN: Anyone PM'ing Flayrah

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 9:27 pm
by flayrah
Anyone who has sent me a PM in the past week, I've tried to reply but it doesn't look like the messages are being sent - they are all in my 'outbox', rather than my 'sent' box. I've deleted many old messages so should have plenty of room in my mailboxes, don't know what's going on.

Sorry for posting this here but don't know where else it could go, or how else to let other members know I'm not ignoring their messages.

GRUNT: Package on the way.

Re: ATTN: Anyone PM'ing Flayrah

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 1:26 am
by Axis Nightmare
Messages remain in the "outbox" until the person on the other end pulls them up and reads them. Sounds like they just haven't logged on lately to see they have mail and might not have e-mail alerts that they have incoming. I've had outbox messages linger for over a week.


Re: ATTN: Anyone PM'ing Flayrah

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 1:01 pm
by flayrah
Thanks, I didn't know that. Would explain why there are still a couple of messages in there from years ago....including one I sent to Jason at Admiral Toys! :shock: