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Axis and Allies miniatures

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:45 am
by Cabe
I have several boxes of E front series (I think 5, will do a count) 1 box of N. Africa and 1 d-day
and the basic starter set that comes with the units in a blister pack

All I know is they are the new tank size ( I wish I could find some clarification on when the size changed and if it was retroactive on prior releases, I know how to recognize the new boxes)

i would like to sell these as a lot if anyone is interested. I can list the units if you ask or you can juts be surprised when they arrive just as if you purchased a giant unopened box of minis

I just bought these last week, so they have not been parted or traded out in any way and all the sweet units are still intact

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 8:34 am
by cruizin2000
Hi Cabe,

Wizards of The Coast changed the A&A minis scale about 2 years ago if I remember correctly. The first set of the upscaled vehicles (2.0) is called 1939-1945 and is a re-scale of the more popular vehicles that came out in the first 5 sets - Base Set, Set II, Contested Skies, D-Day, and Reserves) - think "greatest hits". North Africa and Eastern Front are the next two sets to come out in the new scale. Alot of the vehicles are newer and the rest are just re-scaled from the first 5 sets. The infantry in 1939-1945 and a few in NA and EF are just pieces from the original sets as well with a few newer sculpts/countries. They are compatible with the first 5 sets although the vehicles from the earlier sets are quite smaller. Wizards wanted to make everything 15mm to match/compete with Flames of War. They can all be used with any rule set that you'd like to use. I hope this helps.


Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:57 pm
by Cabe
thx for the info
much needed