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Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:36 am
by Light.Inf.Scout
no good deed goes unpunished as they say.....


Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:07 pm
by exether_mega
Now we know who is he realy. I have been wise to avoid those troubles to my friend.



Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:42 am
I contacted Luiz about this situation and have yet to receive a response. I have had good dealings with him, but they certainly were by no means smooth. He pulled the same broken item crap with me, claiming that the color paint on the aircraft didn't match in places. As we all know, some of theses panes are less than perfect right out of the box, which was the case with this plane. I told him this is how I received it new, and that is the way it was. He proceeded to tell me how disappointed he was and wanted to know how he was supposed to enter it in a "scale model exhibition". After a while, he got over it, but not before much griping and crying.

Bottom line, I don't think he is a crook. BUT.....he absolutely is a pain to deal with. That's why I don't mind taking his money, especially at the prices he is willing to pay! :wink:



Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:02 am
by [CAT]CplSlade
Who enters pre-builts in a scale model exhibition?


Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:37 pm
Beats me..... :?



Posted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:29 pm
by Coreyeagle48

He has emailed me a NUMBER of times over the years pestering me to sell my Blue Angels F-18 and T-Birds F-16 to him for ridculous amounts. The first email he sent he wanted to pay $50 each for them and wanted me to cover shipping. A couple of months ago he had emailed me wanting to pay $150 for each and for me again to cover shipping. He is annoying and downright rude in emails and demands that HE PAYS such an amount.

Strange fellow to say the least.



Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 12:01 am
by snake
Given all this feedback about Mecanico23, probably best not to deal with him.

Sounds like more trouble than it is worth.

Might not be a scammer, but who needs the headache. :roll:


Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:07 pm
by mecanico23
Hello friends! I saw that I am being bombarded by all this topic because of a problem with bigsarge so I believe I have the right to defend myself and expose what really happened.

I made a purchase with bigsarge and bought him an OH-6 AIR CAVALRY 1/6 he sent me the model on a Jan/26 post but was told by him that it would track and thought it strange because I asked to send me as USPS PRIORITY MAIL and tracking number is sent.

spent a few days I found a code that is below the barcode sheet for sending mails can also be used as screening and asked the bigsarge that I could pass, but it was from there that started the problems with it. I sent a message asking for this code but it does not answer me and spent a few days I called again and no answer me I started to get worried wondering if something had happened to him or a relative and came to ask him about it.

I realized that he visited the topics every day but did not answer my messages and that's what brought me into contact with the pay pal, I used pay pal is not intended to harm him but that he would speak me again.

I do not know where the item was and needed a tracking number if possible to go pick it up or otherwise the delay in seeking it would imply the return of the product to the sender, but bigsarge not talk to me and I avoided sending several message not to bother him.

when I got in touch with the pay pal bad I have not spoken to him and just asked that the support entrase in touch with him and I passed the code that everything would be resolved until bigsarge returned to talk to me, passed me the code and found that the order was already in the mail waiting for me to remove it from the day Feb/13 to pull it off otherwise it would be sent back to the USA.

I managed to remove the item and all ended well ending the dispute on pay pal apologizing for it, unfortunately the helicopter came with an antenna missing, bisarge swore that sent it, but I tenhoa sure she did not come because I ABRIN box emciam I rolled my bed and did not find the box, but that's okay I've solved this little problem.

I got in touch with bigsarge apology I admit I was wrong to use pay pal to solve it, but missed bigsarge to stop keeping in touch with me, I did not want him to stay 24 hours at the computer ready to answer my messages I just I met him once.

I have my family problems, we all have problems to solve in our day to day, I am not worse nor better than anyone and I'm just an honest guy, hardworking, responsible and a collector who adimira planes
I will not admit that offend me without knowing me, I admit it does not call it boring or rude.

I thank the few who defended me and those who do not know me or never fizeam business with me, I apologize for everything that happened, I'm not a monster, much less one fraud or bad guy, if I was the bad guy think I was serving my country for seven years without punishment in the Air Force?

I use my models in exhibitions at fairs to raise some money and help my family that needs a helping hand.I live in a poor country with poor security, poor health, low wages and this is the solution I found to help my family in an honest manner to injure anyone

All members of this forum I apologize for what happened, so whoever has the autonomy of the forum ban me I'll understand, even after this case because nobody else will do business with me and I will be isolated

All stay with God and thank you for your attention!


Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:44 pm
by pickelhaube
It looks like this has ended in a positive way.

I am glad things worked out.

As was said in another post communication will work wonders.

There have been quite a few guys who have been ripped off from guys on this forum.

When there is a possibility of someone being ripped off again emotions run high.



Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:10 pm
by Threetoughtrucks
Reading his response and attempting to decipher his message, all I keep thinking is "We don need no sticken badges". 8)



Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:43 pm
by snake
Good that you came on the forum to explain the situation, Luiz.

Looks like it has been resolved, and good communication is essential, especially if there is any problem. And obviously there was a communication breakdown, which caused these problems to get out of hand.

" All members of this forum I apologize for what happened, so whoever has the autonomy of the forum ban me I'll understand, even after this case because nobody else will do business with me and I will be isolated

All stay with God and thank you for your attention! "

I would certainly think that you will not be banned Luiz, as if you were going to be, it would have happened by now. Think that you should still remain a member of this forum, but you may be right about members perhaps not wanting to deal with you. I do feel for you, as it is hard enough to get people to ship to Brazil, and having a problem pop up on a transaction, is yet another reason for some members to not consider doing a deal with you.

It is unfortunate for you, but just the way it is.

Posting your explanation here will go a long way to helping your standing on the forum, but there has been some damage done. A few members did stand up for you, which was good to see.

IF you have any other transactions with members here, I hope they go smoothly. And if you have a proven track record with members here, others may be willing to do deals with you.

I wouldn't give up, and I sincerely hope that some members would still be willing to sell to you. With proper tracking of course. Which you seem to have asked for.

And I think he writes and speaks better English, than any of the members here can do in Portugese { Brazilian}. C'mon guys, don't start beating up on him because his English isn't perfect. I find that somewhat offensive, and uncalled for. :evil:


Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:25 pm
by Threetoughtrucks
Anybody that is hoping to buy from a English speaking forum, I would think should be able to have at least a working knowledge of the language. BTW - Has this man contributed anything to this form besides using the BST section to buy what he wants AT the price he wants to pay. As if, dealing with certain well known countries involves problems besides having impatient persons in that countries having problems that in the end are not problems at all.

Sorry guy, if you are offended at my joke. I'll loose two, maybe three seconds of sleep tonight over that. :roll:



Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:39 pm
by snake
Threetoughtrucks wrote:Reading his response and attempting to decipher his message, all I keep thinking is "We don need no sticken badges". 8)


Hey guy,

Pretty racist comment. He is Brazilian BTW, and not Mexican. :wink:

Not very constructive to make a racist comment like that against a member here who clearly does not speak English as his native tongue.

It is mean spirited, and just uncalled for. :?


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:07 am
by Heer
snake wrote:
Threetoughtrucks wrote:Reading his response and attempting to decipher his message, all I keep thinking is "We don need no sticken badges". 8)


Hey guy,

Pretty racist comment. He is Brazilian BTW, and not Mexican. :wink:

Not very constructive to make a racist comment like that against a member here who clearly does not speak English as his native tongue.

It is mean spirited, and just uncalled for. :?
I agree. :wink: Since this is an internet forum, any person in this world can join. I would keep racism off this board.


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:39 am
by Threetoughtrucks

Read my comment again. I never said this forum excludes international members, all I said is to write to us in understandable English if you want to trade with us. My comment was a joke.

Racist? You two guys don't know the meaning of the word. Today that term is thrown around like a club by the PC crowd. We are supposed to be terrified of being called a racist. I know racism when I see it and I don't see now, here, that's fur sure., that's fur dang sure. Stupid is as stupid does....... again, that is a joke... :roll:



Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:42 am
by cjg476
Im glad everything has worked out. :P


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:31 am
by bigsarge
OK so everyone on here understands....I have no ill feelings toward Luiz...Yes there was a communication issue...issue resolved...This was to let everyone on this board know how the deal went down so they could make their own decision as to whether to deal with him or not...Thanks for the feedback,support and comments.....please close the thread....



Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:27 pm
by [CAT]CplSlade
Before some of you bash Luiz for his somewhat poor English, you'd better check your own posts because it is quite evident several of you have not completely mastered your native tongue.


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:40 pm
by mecanico23
Hello again! I apologize for my English with errors, but when I posted this topic in response to comments being made against me in my defense I was very nervous without concentration.

I usually train my English so constantly and do not care for jokes about it.

The problem with bigsarge has been resolved and I have nothing against him, but as he said he does not want to do business with me I do not question that and respect his decision and opinion I wish all the best for him and his family.

I ask everyone to forget the topic and can take care of more important things in life like family, health and work.

Thank you for your attention and that everyone is with God!


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:53 pm
by Heer
Threetoughtrucks wrote:Heer:

Read my comment again. I never said this forum excludes international members, all I said is to write to us in understandable English if you want to trade with us. My comment was a joke.

Racist? You two guys don't know the meaning of the word. Today that term is thrown around like a club by the PC crowd. We are supposed to be terrified of being called a racist. I know racism when I see it and I don't see now, here, that's fur sure., that's fur dang sure. Stupid is as stupid does....... again, that is a joke... :roll:

Yep, it might be a joke to you, but it seems like the joke was "funny", at the expense of someone else. :(


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:56 pm
by Threetoughtrucks
This thread will never die. I for one am glad that Mercan says "I have nothing against him" talking about BigSarge and a problem Mercan initiated when there was no problem had he been a little patient.

I promise to say no more on this thread. No matter what.... I promise.... honest..... really. :lol:



Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:57 pm
by Jay
Stick a fork in this thread and call it done.


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:20 pm
by snake
Heer wrote:
Threetoughtrucks wrote:Heer:

Read my comment again. I never said this forum excludes international members, all I said is to write to us in understandable English if you want to trade with us. My comment was a joke.

Racist? You two guys don't know the meaning of the word. Today that term is thrown around like a club by the PC crowd. We are supposed to be terrified of being called a racist. I know racism when I see it and I don't see now, here, that's fur sure., that's fur dang sure. Stupid is as stupid does....... again, that is a joke... :roll:

Yep, it might be a joke to you, but it seems like the joke was "funny", at the expense of someone else. :(

Point has been made.

A "stupid is, as stupid does" comment, that was not funny, and targeted at somebody whose English and grammar doesn't meet your expectations.

Instead of being understanding, you just made fun of him.

Nothing to do with the facts, you just pounced on his poor grammar, when English is clearly a second language for him.

Sorry TTT, I didn't see any "joke" in this at all.


Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:56 am
by Threetoughtrucks
See, I said this thread will never die. My comment "Stupid is......" was not aimed at our Brazilian friend, at all, it was aimed at a target closer. Guys that read jokes and don't see jokes, they see the dreaded "racist" rants. Oh, the horror. 8)

Another joke. See, I realize now that I'll just have to indicate when a joke pops up, for you PC humorless types. I'm up to that. :roll:



Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:50 am
by sax5thave
mecanico23 wrote:Hello again! I apologize for my English with errors, but when I posted this topic in response to comments being made against me in my defense I was very nervous without concentration.

I usually train my English so constantly and do not care for jokes about it.

The problem with bigsarge has been resolved and I have nothing against him, but as he said he does not want to do business with me I do not question that and respect his decision and opinion I wish all the best for him and his family.

I ask everyone to forget the topic and can take care of more important things in life like family, health and work.

Thank you for your attention and that everyone is with God!
Glad things worked out. :D