E-bay scams me again sale

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E-bay scams me again sale

Post by flayrah » Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:54 pm

I check my mail today and find e-bay has voided all my bids and cancelled my account, for reasons only know to them. I've been a member for over 12 years, have 100% feedback, and always paid my fees. Guess I'm not the type customer they want. I had some extra 1/18 I was going to list for sale, I have no idea what any of this stuff is worth but if anyone here is interested just LMK what you think is fair. This is not a 'make best offer' - it goes to the first fair price. Prefer PayPal. Photos available by e-mail Thanks, [email protected]

Lot of five 3 ¾“ Star Wars figures including 30th anniversary Leia Hoth General and Bossk (both MOC but not in clear exteior packaging); also loose and mint General McQuarrie; Firespeeder Pilot; Hem Dazon.

Star Wars large lot of weapons, helmets, accessories: Lightsabers; blasters, rifles and pistols; helmets and armour; capes and tunics; stands; mail away labels from the 2007 - 2008 promotion ( don’t know if these are still valid). All are mint.

Schleich Knights Tournament Tent mint in sealed box. Perfect for bbi knights and the new FOV Ages of Action figures, also would work with Indiana Jones. Measures approximately 6” diameter.

Exceedingly rare Irwin 1/16 -1/18 USAAF WW2 Airfield tractor and bomb trailer with bombs. Softer plastic from the 1950's but in like new condition with no damage and virtually no wear. I've only ever seen one of these, can't even find it in any toy reference guides.

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Post by tosborne3 » Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:29 pm

Yet another reason I avoid EVIL-bay like the plague. Sorry to hear about that, its terrible. :(
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Post by Rowsdower » Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:33 pm

Sorry to hear that Flay. :cry: Ebay does seem to enjoy giving their users a swift kick to the jewels when they least expect it. :cry: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Post by B24guy » Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:55 pm

Ebay is really starting to suck.

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Post by kevrut » Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:42 pm


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Post by aferguson » Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:22 pm

i've never seen a company that antagonizes its customers more than ebay. The fools running it must be kneeling before whatever god they believe in and thanking it that they have a monopoly...otherwise they'd be in the unemployment line.
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Post by vmf214 » Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:36 pm

Surely the bod is gonna realize what a loser this new pres. is and do something. Oh wait, we're talking about ebay aren't we...I'd say the games are only just beginning. I know one thing you don't want to do is use someones computer that had their account suspended OR YOU WILL TO! That's how it happened to me, by the IP address and they didn't believe my explanation either. They claimed I was "related to someone with a suspended account". If you buy a used computer make sure the owner wasn't banned on ebay... :lol: Freakin' pukes..

Plus according to ebay announcements at the end of the summer they'll have a program in place to more specifically track a users computer use via IP's, and if you log in on a strange computer it'll take you thru the security rig-a-ma-ro... It's not Ft. Knox morons, it's a bloody auction site!

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Post by Cabe » Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:41 pm

I posted this story in here a bit back in another thread.
I know a seller that got banned for selling "Nazi propaganda"
What was he selling?
21st century German planes and tank, you know forces of valor ext. It was eh swastika on the items, somebody complained (probably a competitor) and they yanked him, mocked him on the phone called him scum and them after much arguing begging, and just plain confused pleading they allowed him to sell, but only if he didn't sell his German items.....

do yourself a favor a go look and see if there are any German items on ebay from these companies.

Then do a key word search on these terms and see what you get: Nazi , Swastika, German ww2 and on I dunno...Hitler.
Anything come up?
Well if you want to ruin that seller's life all it takes it ONE complaint and they are done.

takes a real piece of crap to dig into the freaking toys section and complain about a die cast tank or plane (the tanks don't even have swastikas on the but he still cannot sell them by his "probationary" status as a seller now) and make a complaint on ONE person to ruin his livelihood.

heck I will give him some free promotion, here is his OFF-ebay store http://vladstoys.com/Scripts/default.asp

as for me, I just spent $25 to have ebay host images of my customs FoV and 21st century tanks for a week.
I am in a panic to make money for IRS + baby OTW , so I put them all up for sale, I sold ONE. A guy did a buy it now for $100. I re-listed the Stug (see my post in the buy sell trade forum for pix).
So after I get my full bill from ebay for what I thought was a sure thing, I will have made about $50 and spent hours writing up the posts, photographing the tanks and uploading them to photobucket and/or ebay. That time could have been spent painting for my clients but I thought a few hours posting these on ebay would get us some much needed cash into my account as fast as paypal can process it....nope. Ebay freaking stinks. Not worth the time to sell anything unless you are going to let it go for way less than the time and money you put into the project.
I was amazed to see my auctions go without a bid after over 150 people viewed the items and each had at the most 6 and at least 4 people "watching" the auction. I even received 3 messages from ebayers praising how good they looked.....no buyers but one?

I am thinking about putting them up as a lot, or combine them with my dioramas for sale or heck, just sell dioramas, but wow. No bueyrs but one? I remember the first time I saw a 21st sherman custom re-paint up for auction. It went for $136, bidding started at $30
I saw a panther by the same guy go for $176.
I am either doing something wrong or people don't want custom tanks like they did 7 months ago.
I don't think a starting bid of $75 with a buy it now of $100 or $125 is too much for a total re-work with pigments, washes and other added or replaced goodness. Man. Not a single bid at $75? Ouch.

if you want to see them ( one is still active for the relisted Stug re-paint, link at bottom) you tell me why they don't sell. Amazing. Do i have to ship worldwide? With fuel these days it would cost a fortune.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... :IT&ih=013

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... :IT&ih=013

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... :IT&ih=013

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... :IT&ih=013

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... :IT&ih=013

Ebay stinks.
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Post by vmf214 » Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:03 pm

Ebay's swears they don't look thru auctions for prohibited items but that BS! Between the ebay "stormtroopers" and the liberal pukes with nothing else to do in life but set around a report stuff that "offends" them (whilst they take a hit on the ole crack pipe) you gotta be darn careful posting WW2 German stuff. All ebay is doing is emulating what they claim to hate. Censorship and stereotyping were among the first traits of the Nazi party. Thank you ebay for looking out for my well being. Shame your friend didn't have a phone recorder, being called a "scum" by those morons is pretty good grounds to make some headline news...

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Post by MG40K » Sat Jun 21, 2008 8:52 pm

Good point.

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Post by KAMIKAZE » Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:12 pm

I didn't realize those were your tanks Cabe. Nice work! I can't believe they didn't sell at $75.00.

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Post by Cabe » Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:49 pm

I understand your point and it is well taken, but I think that if you were to assign a political leaning to it people who do this? I would have to say it all depends on the political leanings of the desired target.

or as I would suppose in this case "competitor" would be a good label for both victim and aggressor. Because I would think it was someone selling the exact same products giving capitalism a big nudge in his/her favor.

It would be too easy to call up ebay and feign the shocked liberal or outraged conservative to get rid of another seller. If you seriously think Vlad was punished because he was selling German Tanks and planes, or heck, even the planes with swastikas on the tail? Then why didn't this um...liberal go down the entire list of sellers and cut a burning swath through ebay's ww2 product provider community? Why is this outraged freak not continuing to tear through ebay even today since his or her actions get so much results for so little action as in... just one complaint?

It isn't a liberal or a conservative who calls up and gets someone banned because they felt like ruining someone's career (for whatever reason).
It just takes "an ass"
you can find those in every group with whatever demarcation you can think of.

the folks at ebay are not showing me their voter registration cards either, from what Vlad told me they just enjoyed tormenting him. That's just a power trip. Enjoying the power because of their crappy little lives get some drama out of these events. Just another ass with a desk job and a phone to answer.
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Post by Cabe » Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:54 pm

I mean thanks. I wish they did sell. I would have been nice, bad tax month for me since i am self employed and my estimated taxes are way above what I am going to earn, So much for earning a load of cash and then wanting to rest a bit, they want you to keep performing at the same level. Already eaten my profit from last year and now into my monthly bills, I just hope i get ahead of my scheduled payments before Oct when the girl's due.
I can paint more tank, I plan on doing that anyway.
I am tempted to put the dioramas up, but then again i don't want to owe ebay squat if they don't sell. I cannot afford another $25 ebay bill and little profit. Sucks.

Wasn't their a brief time when ebay started that you only owed if your item sold?
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Post by ostketten » Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:36 pm

i've never seen a company that antagonizes its customers more than ebay
Ebay aint a democracy that's for sure. The new feedback policies have generated a literal firestorm of criticism on the ebay "community" boards, and rightly so by my reckoning. :roll: Funny thing is, I haven't been doing much selling lately, entirely unrelated to any of the new policies, but they have sent several emails and messages telling me about how the wonderful new policies will increase my sales, and please come back, and yada yada yada...LOL :roll:
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* eviLBay

Post by MG-42 » Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:58 pm

* They're offering $10.00 off shipping now ! * :D

........ for a ltd. time , till the 30th.

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Post by Cabe » Sat Jun 21, 2008 11:34 pm

$10 off shipping of what?
their rulebook and terms and conditions tome?
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Post by flayrah » Sun Jun 22, 2008 12:21 am

Good points all.

What really chaps me is they just cancel my account with no warnings or even a 'probation' period when I might have limited access. One day I'm A-OK, they next I'm yesterday's trash. Reminds me of a girlfriend that once dumped me.....

And just hours before, I'd posted a ton of stuff for sale. They accepted my for sale posts, charged me listing fees, then dropped my account and told me all fees are due immediately. Also, I now know, they contacted anyone who had placed bids on my auctions, AND anyone who had won but not yet paid, and told them not to do business with me. Of course there's nothing I can do as part of the e-bay agreement is to basically accept anything they choose to dish out.

The only objectionable thing I may have posted was using the words 'Germany" and "Luftwaffe". Whoo-pee

Since PayPal is owned by e-bay, I'm expecting any day a message that my PayPal account has been frozen. Luckilly there's not that much money to freeze! LOL

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Post by Cabe » Sun Jun 22, 2008 12:37 am

contact Vlad at the link I posted above, he KNOWS what to expect and do to get back your account and what he did to protect himself in the future, he is a nice guy. I never met him but when he got banned I was bidding on something or watching the auction and POOF gone. He sent out a mailer to all the folks in his paypal list that bought from him explaining. i got into a lengthy conversation via email about it and just got periodic updates via his newsletter

seriously drop him a line, tell him you got banned and why. Ask what he did.

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* eviLBay

Post by MG-42 » Sun Jun 22, 2008 1:59 am

Cabe wrote:$10 off shipping of what?
>>> Anything ! ... Whether it's a "Buy It Now" or an Auction won. * 8) = :D

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Post by FieroDude » Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:07 pm

I haven't run into any political problems with ebay (yet) but I know that the time is coming if I continue to list there, since most of my listings were and would continue to be XD and other related toys of "questionable political heritage". However, it has simply became such a pain in the a$$ to post there that it's not worth it, at least for those of us still on dial-up. For example, I'd love to sell my USS Flagg, but don't feel like waiting 2 hours to see if my pics posted (or not). Simply put, ebay has succeeded at alienating most of its sellers, and as a result, is reducing the quality and selection of goods available to its buyers. In most industries, that means a slow death as other businesses step in to fill the gaps--wonder if that will happen in the internet auction biz?
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