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Pre-painted 1:72 WWII Carrier Flight Deck Crew Figures?

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:59 pm
by Rowsdower
I plan on replacing my Easy Model 1:72 Hellcat and Corsair with Diecast as I am now addicted and I prefer my aircraft wheels up. Anyhoo, I figured maybe I could make some sort of mini diorama of a WWII carrier flight deck and was wondering if anyone makes pre-painted figures since there is no way I could paint them myself. Maybe inspecting an aircraft, waving a plane off, that sort of thing.

Also, I read that someone produces plastic or some such material base plates that mimic actual flight decks, wood for WWII. Can't seem to find anything as of yet, I am just learning the ropes here. :P

Re: Pre-painted 1:72 WWII Carrier Flight Deck Crew Figures?

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:38 pm
by Dauntless
Dragon Warbirds used to make carrier decks to go with their planes. Corgi as well and some of those had figures with the deck, and ground crews for select aircraft. To my knowledge they didn't sell them separately. I have a couple of the Dragon decks and use them. They look good and are made out of plastic.

Hobby Master also makes them though and you can buy them for 1:48 or 1:72 planes in American or Japanese carrier types. I do believe they are made of solid ABS plastic.

I've never bought them separately but the ones you get with some of their planes they are made out of paper. I just bought a Skymax/ Hobby Master Val and it had a paper carrier deck.

Would like to know about pre-painted figures myself. I think there are ground crew figures for modern aircraft, not so sure about WWII types.
So far I have only bought the HM pilots packs for my planes without pilots.

Re: Pre-painted 1:72 WWII Carrier Flight Deck Crew Figures?

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 7:11 pm
by Rowsdower
That decking is pretty neat, thanks. It would be great if somebody made some figures in various poses so one could throw together a little dio.

Re: Pre-painted 1:72 WWII Carrier Flight Deck Crew Figures?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:16 am
by plasticgeneral
I have never heard, or seen, anyone make US NAVY Ground Crews in any scale.
But I think there is going to be a "Japanese carrier ground crew" release in 1:72 the next few weeks.

Plastic General

Re: Pre-painted 1:72 WWII Carrier Flight Deck Crew Figures?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:57 am
by Dauntless
What bugs me about those Hobby Master carrier decks is they are made for just one plane and are diagonal to the edges.
It would have been better if they made them perpendicular to the edges, and made them where you could interlock them to make one big carrier deck.
That way you could make a whole Pearl Harbor attack force or other on one deck diorama with carrier support figures if they made them.

I think it would have made these more attractive to buy multiples of, but I guess they are better than nothing.

Re: Pre-painted 1:72 WWII Carrier Flight Deck Crew Figures?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:09 am
by plasticgeneral
Unfortunately for us, the people who are in charge of the toy lines are not collectors themselves.
If they were, they would have their fingers on the pulse of the hobby.
I defiantly would have thought of the inter connectable runway platform.

Plastic General