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Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 1:07 am
by Teamski
They look fine to me :wink:


Has anyone measured the planes?

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 6:26 am
by digger
I measured the M2 & M1025 a while back and they were dead-on to scale, to the point where it was scary (H, W & L).
Has anyone measured any of the planes?

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 7:01 am
by aferguson
all the xd i have measured correct to scale. What is off, sometimes, is that some of the planes have oversized canopies, or wings that are too thick(eg 109, P-51) , or fuselages too deep (P-40, 109 is too 'chubby' looking) and this can throw the eye off a bit and make you think they are scaled wrong.

I remember way back when i got the first series 109 i had to measure it about 10 times before i was satisifed that it was scaled properly. I was convinced it was underscale, but it's not. It was just a bunch of small detail flaws that made me think it was (and 21c's reputation for making underscale 1/6 vehicles at the time).

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 10:31 am
by Teamski
Remember the big figure vs. vehicle scale discussion we had a long time ago? The S2 tank commander I felt was too big. We figured out that he was 6' alright, but with a head the twice the size of a normal human, IIRC.

The cool thing with each new plane coming out, is that they are getting more and more accurate. The 109G should be the most accurate plane of the entire line when it comes out. It sure looks like it to me. The Avenger should be right in there as well. I still can't understand the whole idea behind the innacuracies of the P-40 and P-47. It's almost like 21st went out of their way to make them MORE toylike than was necessary. Take a look at the P-40 prototype and you will see that the windshield is spot-on correct. Why the curved plastic on the production model??

What's funny is that the Corsair looks like one of the most accurate models to my eye and yet it is only S2..............


Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 1:42 pm
by tmanthegreat
to say the least of the S1 P-51...