21C Starfighter F-104C vs. F-104G

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21C Starfighter F-104C vs. F-104G

Post by superado » Sat Jul 14, 2018 3:31 pm


With plans of depicting the Right Stuff movie Starfighter, which wasn't the NASA version it was portraying, I bought the F-104C with US Air Force livery without really thinking ahead about compatibility, assuming that I could try my hand in any modification needed. In fact, I shipped my model over the decal maker popular with many hobbyists, "John's Stuff," who then made decal sheets for the Right Stuff Starfighter.

Then the horror suddenly dawned on me upon further, recent research that the movie version is the F-104G, and that 21C did make the F-104G as well. I tried visually comparing the differences between the two 21C Starfighters, but as with online images, it's pretty difficult to find those with the needed angles. So my questions for those who are better acquainted with these models than I am, apart from the rear portion and the fin/rudder, (1) what are all the cosmetic differences between the two versions, and (2) is the longer fin/rudder on the F-104G molded in to the main fuselage, or does it look like 21C just added new parts that attaches to the F-104C fuselage? Thank you in advance!

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Re: 21C Starfighter F-104C vs. F-104G

Post by rschaap » Sat Jul 14, 2018 7:18 pm

The actual F-104G Super Starfighter was a strengtened version of the F-104C with new avionics and all-weather capabilities. It also got a new more reliable J79-GE11A engine and a longer tailsection as known from the F-104B and D two-seaters. Since the aircraft was heavier then the C it got also a stronger undercarriage with bigger wheels.

As far as the comparison of the 1/18 scale models I would contact “Grunt1” who handles the military toy database, my guess is he may have the answers to your questions.

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Re: 21C Starfighter F-104C vs. F-104G

Post by tmanthegreat » Sun Jul 15, 2018 5:19 pm

21st Century Toys made two F-104 Starfighter variants, the F-104C and F-104G. They did incorporate some differences between the C model and G model including the enlarged vertical stabilizer on the G with the rudder extending over the afterburner as the most visible difference. 21st also included the enlarged tires on the main gear of the F-104G. Otherwise, the models are basically the same and come with the same accessories. 21st only ever did the one F-104G in the German Marinefleiger livery.
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Re: 21C Starfighter F-104C vs. F-104G

Post by superado » Fri Jul 20, 2018 12:22 pm

Thank you both for confirming. Now I face the decision of looking for the F-104G just for the vertical tail stabilizer or try my hand at scratch-building the extension!

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