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1/18 Figure Joints

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:43 am
by Axis Nightmare
The most annoying part of articulated figures is the robot-like knee and elbow joints. :( This may have been covered before but has anyone ever found any small enough male doll outfits that could be dyed or painted for pant legs or sleeves to cover joints?

Re: 1/18 Figure Joints

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 8:27 am
by TankAce
I seen on the internet like 3 years ago a guy that build clothes for his custom 3 3/4" GI Joe figures. The clothes hide the articulation and the cloth color vs shiny plastic clothes made the figure more realist. The only thing i didn't like is that the clothes look bulky because he use figures that had plastic clothes molded to the body.
It may have look better if he would have use a micro-man body.
I try to find the internet page but no luck. :(

Re: 1/18 Figure Joints

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:10 am
by sdhenke
There's a member on named Rusforce that seems to have clothes on his figures.

Re: 1/18 Figure Joints

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:11 pm
by Axis Nightmare
Seems there aren't too many options. Winter long coats can help for winter scenes but if you want to do a Nam, Pacific or desert scenes it is really difficult.

I've seen some of the most detailed 1/6 scenes set up that you can imagine. Each soldier had every possible accurate accessory. They were surrounded by perfectly scaled and very detailed equipment and vehicles. The head sculpts were first class with shading and proper skin tones. The poses were life-like and the eyes looked so real.... and then there they were, exposed wrist joints that looked like prosthetic limbs. All that trouble for detail was lost on that one glaring factor. Same happens in 1/18.