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Has anyone seen Kubelwagen?? Now with Picture!!!!

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:33 am
by dfoos
I saw one on the back of the german halftrack box but I have yet to see one released. I must have one (or more). Please let me know if anyone spots them or knows if they are going to be released soon.



Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:58 am
by toyktdlgh
I have not heard of them re-relasing the kuble but I suspect they will. You can still find them on e-bay. :lol: :D

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:03 am
by dfoos
I found this picture on the web. I have seen no other references to a 1:18 Kubel either in the past or the future. Is this something that was already released? Maybe something they're coming out with? How come they have no references to it on their site? not even in the "no longer available" catagory. Please help. I want one (or two or three :wink: )


Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:49 am
by aferguson
it was released five years ago when XD first started..

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:28 am
by dfoos
ooohhhh, I hate you. Why did you do that to me??? OMFG, I can't believe they never produced those. I guess it's ok because I'd have to kick one of my kids out of the house to make room for all that vietnam stuff. I love that pbr. That M3 scout too..... Gaaaaahhhhhhhh.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 6:30 am
by Threetoughtrucks
I never liked you Centone, and now I know why:

A Scout Car
A Mule w/106mm
A M-38A1 w/106mm

I could have lived a long time not knowing what "could have been".

Can always trust a guy from Queens to ruin a guy's day :roll:


Mule Muffins

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:45 am
by Plastic Spastic
Well, trucks, here's a small ray of sunshine on the sad plain that rerpresents what could have been with Viet Nam XD:

A model company called Glencoe released, back in the day, a 1/15 scale Mechanical Mule kit that actually scales out to like 1/19. It was rerelased in the 90s and is still available from time to time. It fits the XD figures very well and features working steering linked to teh steerring wheel, a moveable recoilless rifle and lots of good detail. Unless I am mistaken, which has happened once or twice, the Mule shown at the 21st booth years ago was the Glencoe kit with a couple of mods.
In the height of my Viet Nam XD excitement about 4 years ago, I bought one, built and painted it, and then did a head swap on a grenadier and infantry trooper to crew the thing. I designed, printed and assembled an XD box for it and it looks like a real release alongside my boxed Mutts from 21st. Anyway, if you want an XD Mule, keep an eye out for the Glencoe kit. It makes an awesome addition to XD Nam dioramas.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:18 am
by Threetoughtrucks

Thanks, I bought one for the 106mm. Of course, it is unbuilt (on my long toodo list). I thought the Mule would be way out of scale for 1/18. Guess I'm wrong. I am always seeing a really nicely done Mule with a 106 mounted when I go to East Coast 1:1 MV shows. I'll dig around and put a pic on my Webshot later today. If I remember the pic I took doesn't have other vehicles next to it for scale, but I'll check. I might have a shot of the show floor with the Mule, if I have one I'll put it up.

I was trained on, and scored expert with the 106mm, in the days. I love the gun. I was trained on a Mutt mounted 106, and have many fond memories of tearing around the countryside on Fort Dix looking for Ruskie T-72's. Lucky for me I didn't find any, but that's another story.

Now, what was this thread started about anyway? 8)


Mechanical Mule

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:20 am
by Rylau
The mule kit is available every day on ebay. Very resonable.Check it out and wait for the best deal. Some times the shipping is more than the item.If you just put Mechanical Mule in the search you will also come up with people who are selling the real thing. [ but no 106rr ] Interesting.

Der MuleWagen

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:20 am
by Plastic Spastic
I think it had something to do with an unproduced Kubelwagen with a G.I. Recoilles Rifle mounted on it!

Mule Matters

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:23 am
by Plastic Spastic
Cool, I may get another one and nto put the gun on it so I'll have a "slick" Mule.

I read that DML/Dragon is re-relasing their somewhat hard to find 1/35 scale Mechanical Mule and figures kit. havign seen oen built up, I would wager that it's a great reference for accurizing the Glencoe a bit.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:54 am
by aferguson
i have a feeling the flying platform is also a glencoe kit but i've never been able to find it..

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 1:19 pm
by MG-42
I found the original "grey" one in Holland off the "net".Had it shipped to me. It was kind of complicated but i got one. I don't think 21st.,has re-released it yet. I also just recently found the re-released "dark panzer grey-camo","Hanomag" version at Wal-mart and learned that they just got it in. Of course "it had my name on it". Came with Falschirmjager Corporal "Wenzel". It was the only one "they" had gotten in, too. "You have to jump on this stuff,cause it won't be there next time you come back" !!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:07 pm
by p51
