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Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:08 am
by JohnLumley
64.99 for all 6 figs from Hasbro Toy

Site is all jammed up right now.


Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:25 am
by aferguson
anyone know if ships to canada? i cant get on the site to find out.

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:49 am
by Jesse James
I'm 99% sure they do. We have lots of Canucks on the site who ordered.

By the way, is giving a set of these away. ;) Also some of the GI Joe exclusives will be given away too. If you can't get it on HTS, may want to try for it at the site when we go live with that.

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:23 pm
by Razor17019

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:36 pm
by aferguson
well, that solves that problem

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:46 pm
by B17Fortress
The people that bought these are probably just going to put them on eBay and up the price.

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:53 pm
by aferguson
they're in stock right now, i was going to order a set BUT, Hasbro wants to charge me $35 shipping PLUS $13 tax, even though i live outside the US, so why am i paying tax?? Total charge $113. A little box of 6 figures could be shipped to me for under $10.

They can keep their six little figures...

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:55 pm
by JohnLumley
Just checked. Still showing in stock.

Use promo code: "COMIC2011" for %10 off

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:26 pm
by Rylau
Just ordered them. Very pricey with the tax and shipping but worth it to complete the set.

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:29 pm
by Rylau
Oh yeah....THANKS John for the promo code. Works fine. Set is 58.00+ but when the tax and shipping is added on it's 73.00+

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 3:34 pm
by Jesse James
That's pretty typical for exclusives really... $10-ish per figure was what my sets wound up coming to. Tax just is what it is, whether you live here or not, you're buying it from the states so they're paying tax for the sale... The shipping sucks to Canada, I'll never understand that.

It's also seemingly somewhat limited, though that can change at a drop of a hat. Right now it's out of stock. The site was slammed all day till it went out... It was insane. So I'm not shocked it's sold out. Question now is, will more arrive? On something like this Hasbro may want to milk the tooling, since it's done anyway, for these figures while the demand is there.

Death Star Boxed Sets are probably already up at insane prices on Ebay.

Lot of theories flying about, over what Hasbro was thinking with SDCC this year. Between GI Joe, Indiana Jones, and Star Wars, they've pissed a ton of people off. Some think it's their attempt at "creating buzz". Others think they just cheaped out on producing enough.

Our site reported at TOy Fair this year that the Death Star set wasn't likely to make it to online sales at all, so all the shock over it selling out is kind of a :roll: moment. They told everyone that at Toy Fair, so it wasn't private knowledge. Just nobody seemed to mention it.

The Indy set, and other stuff, you just never know I guess. Lot of folks seemed to get a set, lots didn't, so I dunno. Hopefully more of those show up though for people since that's the kind of thing I think people really go nuts if they can't get (totally new figures to a collection they have JUST shy of complete now).

Hasbro's on everyone's poop list these days, sometimes for reasons that make no sense, and other times for good ones like today's HTS debacle. Hopefully some good news comes soon on today's stuff at least.

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:35 pm
by Tambo
Could never get on the was locked up for me. When I did they were sold out. FRAK!!!!!!!!! Beeaachhhesss!!!!!!!!! I hate exclusives.

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:50 pm
by Lance Quazar
I picked up my sets at Comic Con. It was a slow seller there, by Sunday afternoon there were still plenty of 'em, long after the other exclusives had sold out.

But once the general public could get them, they flew off the shelves.

Go figure.

The figures are spectacular and I certainly hope more will be released via HTS so everyone who wants a set can get one.

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:02 pm
by Tambo
They got the parts wrong. The big German aircraft Mechanic never held a wench...he had a beer stein in the film. The other dude had the wrench that Indy knocked into the prop.

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:12 pm
by aferguson
Hasbro better be careful about ticking people off. They may think they're riding high right now and too big to fail and all that stuff, but years ago Playmates was just about put out of business by ticking off its collector base with a series of 3 debacles with their Star Trek line. That line was selling like wildfire and the fans couldn't get enough but after the three goofs, within 2 years the line was cancelled due to poor sales and Playmates has remained in obscurity ever since.

What were the 3 debacles you might ask?

1) the worst was the 1701 line....these were 3 highly desirable figures that were produced in a very limited number.....1701 of each. They could have sold tens of thousands of them, so the price per figure quickly soared. The Tapestry Picard was going for over $1000 within months. The other two for several hundred dollars each. So the loyal fans who wanted these figures were left out in the cold or looking at giving up mortgage payments to get them

2) The movie line for first contact: For some unearthly reason, they made these figures 6 inch scale whereas the regular Star Trek figures they had been making were 4 3/4 high. So not compatible at all. Huh?? And to top it off, they didn't make a Borg Queen figure at all.....the most desirable character in the whole movie and they didnt make a figure of her. They eventually released a 6 inch cold cast statue of the borg queen which cost about a hundred bucks, and it too was limited edition

3) the nail in the coffin came when they re-released the 1701 figures en masse in a 3 pack. By then, a huge percentage of collectors had already left Playmate Star Trek figures far behind and were onto other things, so the 3 pack of figures didn't sell well. What it did do was piss off everyone who had forked out many hundreds of dollars for the limited edition figures.

The line was cancelled the following year.

Be warned Hasbro... :)

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 12:00 am
by Jesse James
Hasbro's pissed people off since 1995 with Star Wars... They usually adjust. Personally I think they'll make another round of the Indy stuff. The Death Star set, eh... People can just eat it on that. Like I said, we told people back at Toy Fair, live from the floor, that the DS set of figures wasn't likely to make it out of the show, and yet people still flailed about like it was new news that there wouldn't be a big allotment of them to go around afterwards.

The Indy stuff shocks me, to be honest. I've never had trouble getting an exclusive. However, Star Wars Shop just closed up right before the show, and they often had an allotment go to them,a nd HTS was it... So between their crummy servers and Hasbro not making enough I'd say, they really have some hate aimed at them right now. I doubt they lose that many people though.

And we may have more than one Indy set available at, not sure yet. We're hashing out the details over this week. Have the Death Star set and Zarana from GI Joe as well to give away. Not sure how many of each but at least one of each anyway.

Oh, and the German Mechanic comes with the wrench more out of nostalgia. His vinty figure had it. :) he looks awesome so I can't wait to get my sets. I sat there plugging away till I got my order in. It took me over 2 hours. If this had gone up yesterday I'd be SOL as I was on the road all day.

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:33 am
by MCalamari
Dang it, everything is out of stock again this morning. :(

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:36 am
by Jesse James
Yeah it's been out since about 6 last night or so, EST.

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:34 pm
by MCalamari
Jesse James wrote:Yeah it's been out since about 6 last night or so, EST.
:( I work from 8:30 AM PST/PDT to 7 or 8 PM PST/PDT, and most of that time is in meeting or preparing for them. I hate to pay scalper prices, but some of those figures (like the German Mechanic) I really would put to use <-- imagine how many great shots I can take of him fighting Indy or Cap or Admiral Ackbar in the shadow of a Stuka! :)

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 8:44 pm
by Jesse James
Yeah, had these shown up Monday I was on the road all day and would've completely missed anything. On Tuesday I had time. One of our staffers had to go to a meeting at 1, and abandon his efforts, and lost out on the IJ wave. Total fiasco.

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:45 pm
by MCalamari
Jesse James wrote:Yeah, had these shown up Monday I was on the road all day and would've completely missed anything. On Tuesday I had time. One of our staffers had to go to a meeting at 1, and abandon his efforts, and lost out on the IJ wave. Total fiasco.
I appreciate that what makes them "exclusive" is that they are costly to get in time or dollars (or sometimes both). But I wish they would make exclusives things that were packaged / repaint exclusives.

Things that you can *only* get exclusive ... well, what a shame. On the flip side, the SDCC Capt from a year or two ago was repainted and released in the current Capt line. And a Skystriker is due out this summer.

It is that dang mechanic that has me burned.


Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:00 am
by Jesse James
I'm more a fan of them doing exclusives as just packaging variations... The Death Star set is, more or less, just that. Some are saying, "Well yeah but the 2 mini figures are counting in the VC Numbering", and the Endor Rebel in it may be black (and the ones coming to retail will not be), but ultimately that stuff is fairly minor to be... The Rebel would be more annoying if he were the correct uniform for the black guy but they didn't change the body, just a new head and skintone which isn't accurate to the trench coat "Sergeant" so no harm no foul to me.

And the mini figures I have, so getting them just doesn't matter to me, but I see why people are irked too. I just look at carded collectors as a smaller segment, and they've gotta kind of eat it when it comes to exclusives. A line has to get drawn somewhere.

IJ stuff, it's all new toolings, figures nobody has in their collections... Seeing it not get to everyone who wants a set? That sucks.

Speaking of, we should have a few sets available for giveaway at the site... Not sure yet how many. But we'll have some, so that's something. I'm not sure if you have to be a member in the forums to participate though or whatnot.

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 12:27 am
by Black_Dragon_One
i want a set too.. darn

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:21 am
by Tambo
I wonder what the percentage of people who really want/collect the Indy stuff have this set. all the SDCC exclusives have always been sold out quick sold on E-pay for much higher prices and then a year or two down the road many have gone down in value. I guess I'll just wait a year or two and get that set for 1/2 price. I really want 3 of those 6 figures.

Re: Indiana Jones - Raiders "Lost Wave" figures up for sale.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:34 am
by Razor17019
Tambo wrote:I wonder what the percentage of people who really want/collect the Indy stuff have this set. all the SDCC exclusives have always been sold out quick sold on E-pay for much higher prices and then a year or two down the road many have gone down in value. I guess I'll just wait a year or two and get that set for 1/2 price. I really want 3 of those 6 figures.
I wouldn't mind having this set too, but like you Tambo, I really want about 3 or 4 of the figures from the set and am prepared to wait.