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Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:28 pm
by jdowd1
Very Interesting Ebay auction on a RAAF Hornet. Anybody from this board? ... 1|294%3A50


Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:12 pm
by snake
I bought another version of the RAAF F-18 from this seller about a year ago.He has a really good collection of F-18's and F-16's.
He did give me the first crack at this about a week ago,but it was just too much money.I might regret this decision later on,but I just couldn't justify spending that much on another F-18.
I have12 of them right now,and am only missing the Blue Angels,and this RAAF version.
Good guy to deal with,and you can bid with confidence.
It will be interesting to see how high this one will go.
There is also a Jolly Rogers version available from a seller from Holland for $449BIN.I have dealt with him in the past as well.
Too bad these are going for so much these days.At this rate it could be a long time before I get the entire series.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:26 pm
by art2614
I also want to get all the versions of the F 18 but they are so expensive! I only have the Jolly Rogers and the Golden Dragons but am working on the Blue Angels. How many versions are there? Because I never saw this one.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 7:32 pm
by snake
Yes they certainly are expensive right now.The prices for both the F-18,and F-16 have probably doubled this last year.I was fortunate enough to get mine before they really took off.No pun intended.
The versions available are,with what I have in brackets,
Golden Dragons[2]
Red Devils[5]
Jolly Rogers[3]
RAAF-2 versions[1]
Blue angels[0]
The Golden Dragons is the "basic' model,with the other ones being 'limited editions",and therefore worth more.
Apparently,the RAAF versions were only released in Australia.
Being from Canada,I would have loved if they had produced a RCAF version.
However,with the current situation,I do not think that we will see a rerelease of these any time soon.What we have available right now might be all that we will see,eve.
I for one,am hoping that BBI will see how much people are willing to pay for their F-16's and F-18's ,and do a rerelease,at a higher MSRP.
However,the Thunderbirds F-16 does not look look like it will be produced,despite a LOT of interest.
Take comfort in the fact that you have a Jolly Rogers.
It does look like it will be very expensive to get versions you don't have,at this stage.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 8:05 pm
by art2614
You should sell me one of your Red Devils :D

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 8:24 pm
by Coreyeagle48

Interestingly enough, I had emailed BBI recently about a spare tail for the F-16 for my missing one and got a reply back from them.

They said they did not have any spare parts, however, they were thinking of possibly opening up the production line with a new model for the F-16 and then replacement parts may become available. I took this to mean they were thinking of doing another F-16, possibly in the near future.


Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 8:27 pm
by Birddog
Makes you wonder what else bbi might re-open the production lines for?....... :D

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 8:57 am
by paulpratt
I was kind of hoping that BBi would release a blank slate version for around 100 bucks and we could put our own markings and decals on it. It would also allow for some limited "army building" too. Like what Admiral does with their f-86. I think that is the best idea ever.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:41 am
by dragon53

Possibly, BBI's new F-16 might be the F-16 "Enduring Freedom" I posted about last week---German merchant websites say it will be released in Germany in June.

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 1:52 pm
by jdowd1
Wow this auction is up over $700 bucks as of 3:50PM central time 5/06. Looks like this could be a record breaker when it is over. Way too rich for my blood. Monkey Depot is starting to get too expensive for me. JD

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 2:53 pm
by Teamski
jdowd1 wrote:Wow this auction is up over $700 bucks as of 3:50PM central time 5/06. Looks like this could be a record breaker when it is over. Way too rich for my blood. Monkey Depot is starting to get too expensive for me. JD
I agree. I don't think any stock 1:18 piece from the big three has gotten this high. Anybody know for sure?


Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:02 am
by jdowd1
Wow $914.00!!! That has to be a record for a non-custom stock aircraft!! I hope it was worth least the seller offered free shipping! JD

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:11 am
by Grilledcheese
Only in my wildest dreams will I ever be so wealthy that such a sum of money means so very little to me...


Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 1:31 pm
by vmf214
Didn't a BA Hornet bring a smiggin over a grand a year or so ago on ebay?

I'm curious how many RAAF Hornets come out of the woodwork now?