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Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:33 pm
by VMF115
Birddog wrote:Ha... :D

I hope we get to hear something new soon.
Mhe 2!

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:26 pm
by FieroDude
Wow... I go away for a little while and the whole look and everything changes!

While I have more or less stepped away from the 1/18th world and have been spending a lot of time on 2 wheels, the A-10 is one piece that I would still add to the collection. So I am watching developments on this one - it will be interesting to see where it falls, but I tend to agree with many of you: considering the size and complexity, and Skyworks general price range, this bird is going to be rather pricey. And while a larger production run would bring it down some, it's simply not a big enough market out there (especially without a major retailer carrying the plane) to have that big of an impact, I am afraid. There may be a lot of potential buyers out there beyond regular 1/18 collectors, but if they don't know it exists or where to find it, it does little good.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 3:44 pm
by Jericoeagle1
Any news, updates, rumors? Should I start one?

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:24 pm
by Mitch
I get the feeling the A-10 is updates, no new info on the skyworks site...probably ditched the project when they figured only a few would pay BIG BUCKS for it?

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:15 pm
by dcway
Hi All
I e-mailed sky works the other day.... The A-10 is still a go ...or should i say al-go !!!!
He said they have been to busy to update the A-10 pic's ....
so their is still a future !!!!
DCWAy :p51: :hornet: :blueangel:

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:31 pm
by ram04
I don't understand why these companies don't update what they are doing? If Skyworks is producing the A-10, why not keep potential customers informed?

I still have a problem with all the hype on something and nothing to show for it, All-go is still a dead website.

Pickelhaube has produced more custom and full models than All-go and always keeps everyone informed, if one guy can do this why can't a so called company at least release one model in a years time.

Just my two cents worth.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 6:24 am
by SkyWorksToys
ram04 wrote:I don't understand why these companies don't update what they are doing? If Skyworks is producing the A-10, why not keep potential customers informed?

I still have a problem with all the hype on something and nothing to show for it, All-go is still a dead website.

Pickelhaube has produced more custom and full models than All-go and always keeps everyone informed, if one guy can do this why can't a so called company at least release one model in a years time.

Just my two cents worth.

Good question,do you seriously want to know why ,and you take my answer with out twisting it and assumptions

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:22 am
by usmcchet9296
ram04 wrote:I don't understand why these companies don't update what they are doing? If Skyworks is producing the A-10, why not keep potential customers informed?

I still have a problem with all the hype on something and nothing to show for it, All-go is still a dead website.

Pickelhaube has produced more custom and full models than All-go and always keeps everyone informed, if one guy can do this why can't a so called company at least release one model in a years time.

Just my two cents worth.
Hell why doesnt AllGO update there website. They still list the passion wagon. The lack of just the basics like updating there own freakin website makes me believe the A10 will be 100% Skyworks and 100% expensive.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:59 pm
by gouchy
I did a bit of reading on the Fightin118 on this subject thread

Not quoting entire threads or letter from Fightin118/Skyworks but condensed info is,

Skyworks is doing updating works on the prototype, which will be handed over to AG and then passed on to be made in factory (probably not made in resin then)

Pricing was hinted that it will not be as high as most have imagined. SW understands that if priced $900 will sell 50 units but at $400 will move 3000 units but cant share specifics but will be best 1/18 jet yet.

It makes for interesting, illuminating and dramatic reading from thread page 5 onwards.

Tom or Jack from Skyworks, any additional info you like to add to this or correct wrongly stated info above is appreciated

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:06 pm
by NWarty
I like the part where Jack calls members of this forum "morons and idiots" the best... ... stcount=43

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:33 pm
by usmcchet9296
For example: pilots are my new release so it’s fresh in my mind, one idiot posts: and you thought Admiral Toy pilot was bad, suggesting that my pilots are beyond any help and obviously idiot did not see up close or hold one in his hands, mine or Admiral’s pilots. Second example: idiot #2 posted that he likes pilots from plasticboy over my pilots, however my friend plasticboy has not produced any pilots yet. There is a moron who gives people lessons how to paint pilots better than mine and than he is asked to show pictures of his pilots and he states that he did not paint them yet
Funny that was me Jack and I still think Plastic boys figures are better

Now Jack you best hope you never meet me because I will not be a nice guy

Oh yeah Jack you are a tool and really no on ever questioned your work

its expensive yes

is it quality yes

does AllGo or 21c have much of track record to stand on NO

see Jack-off it wasnt about you or your company it was about ALLGONE and thier failed promisses and stupid decisions

BTW ALLGo where is that Panther or the KT you still have up on your non-updated in forever site

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:18 am
by NWarty
Allgo just lost a sale with me because of the people you decided to do business with.

I don't NEED an A-10 (no matter how cool it may be) nor any of your vapourware and won't do business with people who treat others like this who are involved with your operation.

I'm just tired of being talked down to. Especially after jwenboy was run off.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:33 am
by DropTank
usmcchet9296 wrote: it was about ALLGONE and thier failed promisses and stupid decisions
I agree. With All-Go starting to resemble Admiral, it is hard for me to maintain any interest in their company. I have zero interest in an A-10 regardless of how it gets manufactured, so not a lot of support to All-Go from me with the current status. Really sad because I used to love this hobby, now not near so much.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:39 am
by ram04
Whoa, all I asked is why there were't any updates and that All-go's site still had'nt been updated.

I guess it really does'nt matter, because the A-10 does'nt really interest me that much and I don't think we will ever see anything armor from All-go, I also don't think I said anything that should have been taken as a attack on anyone, just wondering why no updates.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:55 pm
by Birddog
I think Skyworks is doing a pretty good job of keeping those interested informed. They may not be putting new pictures up every week, but they've shown us more work in process information than others have in such a short amount of time. Did you ever see 21st or bbi show us this many pictures and even video of a model being built? It should also be noted that Skyworks appears to be made up of only two people. They probably don't have a bunch of workers over in China that can be assigned to work on one project only. Remember they have more than just the A-10 project going. The Typhoon and the new 1/18 scale pilots to name a few. Plus they are still making the F-14 replacement gear and nozzles. Those take time to do in addition to scratch building the A-10 corrections and new planes like the Typhoon.

Instead of making wild assumptions and brining a dark cloud over the project, just let things develop people. Is that really going to kill anyone? No one knows where the A-10 project is really going in terms of price. It sounds like Skyworks or All-Go or whatever is aware of how desired the A-10 is and they are trying to find a way to bring it to this hobby at an acceptable price. Relax... :D

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:11 pm
by Jericoeagle1
Good words of wisdom Birddog, I think its been such a drought peoples patience is getting tested.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:16 pm
by Birddog
Jericoeagle1 wrote:Good words of wisdom Birddog, I think its been such a drought peoples patience is getting tested.
After all the years of wating for a 1/18 scale A-10, the project seems to be on a fast track to me... :lol:

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:13 pm
by Jericoeagle1
Almost blindingly fast compared to how things have been. Now to end the hunger strike with a nice cheeseburger.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:17 pm
by ram04
Skyworks just needs to give a update, no malice was intended, actually Skyworks was better off before they were associated with All-go.

Skyworks is a producing company, I'm not sure where the alliance with All-go has helped them.

Then again, without knowing all the facts of their business and what they have planned, maybe I should'nt have made any comments on this post, honestly, this had nothing to do with Skyworks, its just the idea that All-go won't come out and inform people that they are still in business and will be releasing products on their own.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:37 pm
by gouchy
I think most companies big and small feel they have been catching criticism, difficult questions and strong or negative opinions/posts on the boards, real or imagined

They probably just thought to hell with it, don't need this distractions and just quietly go about their business, maybe posting a tiny morsel or 2 of information and updates when the timing is suitable.

I've read many both fair and unfair comments of their business practises and their products, and also the same thing when they do respond in kind on boards.

At times, it does sound like a bunch of kids squabbling on the playground or worse, like world leaders and politicians slanging each other off

Is this a sign of the depths of passion adult collectors would go to for the love of this hobby?

Have a beer, or a coke if you're at the playground, and chill. :mrgreen:

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:42 am
by toyktdlgh ... stcount=43

There is definitely a larger issue here. I can completely understand that it can be frustrating hearing the “babble” that surrounds companies and product releases but to quote people and call them idiots/morons is just bad business. It’s actually beyond bad business. It makes you look even more immature than the kids arguing over price and detail.

This isn’t the first time that there has been an attack on forum members here from that company. Unfortunately the last one was deleted but it was just as bad and yes I do remember it. You cannot act this way and continue to regard your self as professional company. You will loose face and honestly it’s just not worth it. How about coming on here and simply addressing the facts like a real adult or better yet… don’t post at all. That may be the better solution since its obvious you are quick to anger and don’t respect the opinions of others.

Right, wrong it doesn’t matter. Take a tip from Bad Cat Toys. They too learned the hard way and have now started their own blog to communicate with their client base on their terms.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 11:38 am
by thatf14guy
I for one have to agree with jack after starting my own business and seeing it from his point of view. Jsi got badgered everytime someone thought they wasn't releasing something new about their spotcat, even I gave them some hell. But now being on the other side of the fence and knowing just a hint of what Jack most be feeling, I can appreciate the fact that atleast he is trying to do something new and good for all the A-10 lovers/ I for one will probably buy very many of them and repaint them and sell them if Jack allows me. BUt I think some people need to take a deep breath and let Skyworks alone, otherwise they might just to decide to quit the business all together, like I have, cause their are just to many people who just want to complain about everything under the sun. I for one may never repaint a plane again with all the bs I get, i can imagine how Jack most feel.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:32 pm
by toyktdlgh
thatf14guy wrote:I for one have to agree with jack after starting my own business and seeing it from his point of view.
I don’t recall you calling people idiots and morons though or attacking other members that were trying to do other repaints. Hell, I can sympathize with people acting like babies when it comes to some things but that’s just part of the business. Especially when you are using a forum to pull in customers. You’re going to hear stuff you don’t want to hear. You’re going to get called on the line and that’s life. I wish everyone could be nice and take a breath before posting but that’s not going to happen. There will always be those annoying people that think they know it all and think all planes should be $19.99. All you can do is post the facts and politely say you disagree. Professionals don’t name call and then make announcements promoting their new releases. Has anyone ever heard of a company treating its client base like this before? Ok, other than their gas and electric co.

I think Skyworks has come a long way since their first few releases but they have a long way to go when it comes to acting professional. You just can’t say things like that and expect people to like you and want to buy your products. As a company sometimes you just have to bend over and take the good with the bad.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:01 pm
by thatf14guy
Yeah i say they are definitely in the spotlight of 1/18 right now with the A-10 putting their rep on the line. And on the other hand some etailers are very rude and unkind to their customers, even Jack has been kinda rude, even to me when i asked him about ordering some miss mollie decals, he told me he didn't think i had the skill to use them, well apparentely I do, thanks to zotz decals selling me a set, so I am not all supportive of etailers, I just try not to take sides if possible. But most of the crap I use to diss out I have removed because I joined the forum to make friends and for discussion not to brow beat someone who I hardly know or ever met. I quess thats why I've taken myself away from the forum for a while, just to many different opinions that always seem to flare up over nothing.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 5:53 pm
by Mitch
Not that it matters, but I agree that this forum member has attacked on a previous occasion and that says alot to,...I will not support that company. A-10 for me.
now who's the idiot and moron Jack??

toyktdlgh wrote: ... stcount=43

There is definitely a larger issue here. I can completely understand that it can be frustrating hearing the “babble” that surrounds companies and product releases but to quote people and call them idiots/morons is just bad business. It’s actually beyond bad business. It makes you look even more immature than the kids arguing over price and detail.

This isn’t the first time that there has been an attack on forum members here from that company. Unfortunately the last one was deleted but it was just as bad and yes I do remember it. You cannot act this way and continue to regard your self as professional company. You will loose face and honestly it’s just not worth it. How about coming on here and simply addressing the facts like a real adult or better yet… don’t post at all. That may be the better solution since its obvious you are quick to anger and don’t respect the opinions of others.

Right, wrong it doesn’t matter. Take a tip from Bad Cat Toys. They too learned the hard way and have now started their own blog to communicate with their client base on their terms.