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Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:40 am
by MandaloreSC
Jawohl Aferguson! :D
I'm curious what 21st will present early December. I don't believe it will be a nice pink king tiger. This would be just to good to be true. It might be a priest. Maybe some new aircraft. I'd love to see 2 ground vehicles. I'm always a little bid dissapointed when planes get anounced (sorry aircraft fans). So it might be 2 new planes...

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:46 am
by flpickupman
scbvideoboy wrote:The collectors that have few WM are in a pinch however, my job carries me through 4 counties and I drive approx 200 miles a day. Like the Migs' found at a walmart in Okeechobee, if you have been there you'll know how bizarre this is, as there is no kmart, no target, and only 1 MacDonalds.

No kidding! I travel up to Okeechobee from time to time for recreational purposes. I managed to find a 1/32 Me-262 there once, and that was about it.

Re: IG-18 ? ... Perhaps ?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:49 am
by flpickupman
MG-42 wrote:>>> Hmmm ,.... that smaller kraut field-piece perhaps ? ..... IG-18 ?
I would be all over a 1/18 IG-18! :D

That would probably be a better companion artillery piece to the Panzerwagen than the PaK 40.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:57 am
by Fitzystigertank
Has anyone other then me printed and taken the barcodes in to WM??
I'd like to see what you get for an answer.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:54 am
by aferguson
a King Tiger is a virtual certainty. It was announced long ago then, at the Feb toy show, they said it would come out in the first half of '07.

I'm still thinking we could see a Priest soon. Otherwise i don't know why they'd make a four man US tank crew, they gotta know they'll be peg warmers....that is unless everyone scoops them up to man their shiney new Priest.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:02 am
by Threetoughtrucks
I printed the barcodes and went to WM and the customer service gal looked at the copies and shruged and said, "had I checked with the toy dept?", I lied and said nobody was there and couldn't she look up the status on the barcoded item? She said no, she couldn't.

She went with me to the toy dept, grabbed a guy, who looked at the copies scratching his head, and then he called for Joe, who called for Carlos, who called for Andre. They and the customer service gal went through the entire dept and came up with one RC M-113, one Panzer and one carded figure. They spent 15 minutes (five people). I just stood there and felt like screaming......

Now, I give up. With BCA offering free shipping, I ordered from them. Every time I go to WM, it costs me a $5 toll just to get to Jorsey and then mileage to make the rounds of Wally's. This not even mentioning the parking lot hassles........with free shipong, a $35 price tag becomes very reasonable. I'll still check Wally if I'm in the area, but no more treasure hunts....they just don't pay.


new stuff

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:09 am
by digger
aferguson wrote:a King Tiger is a virtual certainty. It was announced long ago then, at the Feb toy show, they said it would come out in the first half of '07.

I'm still thinking we could see a Priest soon. Otherwise i don't know why they'd make a four man US tank crew, they gotta know they'll be peg warmers....that is unless everyone scoops them up to man their shiney new Priest.
I wouldn't bet on a KT anytime soon...not that I don't want one but seriously, let's remember what company and what industry we are talking many far off dates were given and not met? How many pieces like the AT Zero get shelved indefinitely? Until we see the sucker in some (any) form I would be very careful to get my hopes up.

The Priest I agree could be coming soon, especially with that aptly named loader. 8) But I think there are enough Shermans out there (5-6 versions?) to warrant the release of a tank crew without it. Maybe not 4 guys though... :?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:21 am
by MandaloreSC
aferguson wrote:a King Tiger is a virtual certainty. It was announced long ago then, at the Feb toy show, they said it would come out in the first half of '07.
:shock: I didn't know that.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:25 am
by aferguson
my hopes are up and i will say that i bet the king tiger is out by summer. The Priest i do consider a long shot at this point.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:44 am
by immeww2
tko211 wrote:You guys knocking my Pink Pak-40! :x

Just kidding TKO. :D :D :D

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:17 am
by immeww2
Just checked BCT's website. Looks like they've sold all the new halftracks and pak-40's. They indicate a re-order on 11/17th.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:26 am
by MK
immeww2 wrote:Just checked BCT's website. Looks like they've sold all the new halftracks and pak-40's. They indicate a re-order on 11/17th.
Its statistics like this that gives me hope armor isn't dead. I haven't seen this much enthusiasm in a long time. I hope 21st understands that the reason for the enthusiasm was these weren't simple repaints but popular reworkings of existing models (except the PAK40 of course). Lets hope this paves for more releases of this type. A Priest would be the next most logical step.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:53 am
by billgiff
Still no new 1/18 or 32X in Central N.J. I hope it reaches us soon or infact at all. :cry:

I hope the Priest is a go. Let's beat the existing M4 Sherman molds to death. A Priest, Kangaroo, M32 Tank Recovery Vehicle, Bulldozer Sherman, Rocket Launcher Sherman, etc. are all variants of the M4. I would think that they would sell pretty well but I'm partial to WWII U.S. armor. :D

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:59 am
by MK
I like all of those suggestions. :D

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:04 am
by chunks

Danke, it's been a while.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:21 am
by tmanthegreat
immeww2 wrote:Just checked BCT's website. Looks like they've sold all the new halftracks and pak-40's. They indicate a re-order on 11/17th.
Wow! Those weren't on the site yesterday, and that's pretty fast for the Pak-40 to disappear, but then, that seems to be the most popular piece of the set. I wonder when the Pak-40 hanomag will show - that's the vehicle I want, though I'm increasingly tempted to go for the Pioneerwagen :)

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 10:50 am
by Fitzystigertank
well i called my nearest WM and talked to the toy manager who i deal with and she looked up one of the #'s and it came up as "Not on File" she tried to put it on file and it would not let her. I'm going to try the very nearest one and see what i come with.
Looks like WM doesn't teach there associates very well if they could scan the barcode. Some one with a gun can scan it and see what comes up.
All the WM i've gone have done it this way.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:36 am
by immeww2
I've never asked before, but I'm wondering if you bring the barcodes of the items to WM, could they be special ordered for you. I know they offered the service since my mom wanted a certain cosmetic which they carried but discontinued, however they offered to special order it for her which they did and she received. :D

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 11:59 am
by Threetoughtrucks
A special order is certinally worth a try.


Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:37 pm
by Fitzystigertank
well went to the very nearest WM and the nice gentleman looked them up for me and said there not on file and not in in the area of 150 miles. He said that he can't even put them on file to order them. So I think Special ordering them is out of the question. I'll ask tho tomorrow. So anyone in the New England Area thats wants them it looks like we're getting the shaft again. I even talked to the toy manager that ordered an Avenger to see if we could get it and we have not recieved them and that was a month ago. unbelievable :x

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:14 pm
by Rowsdower
Your right, WalMart will not do special orders. I was talking to the first helpful person I've found in 8 stores and was agreed with that their luck of the draw distribution system sucks. They never know what is going to show up.

I've given up on this ridiculous scavenger hunt and decided to bite the bullet and order online only to find the Pak is out of stock! :roll:

Does anyone know if Smalljoes will get any of the new stuff?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:19 pm
by ogravl
anybody try scanning the bar codes into the price checker themselves? if it was in stock at that store it should give you a price I would guess.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:35 pm
by immeww2
Quite interesting that WM won't special order the merchandise since they are primarily the only ones selling them. Couldn't believe my eyes when I noticed BCT had the items up for sale just a day ago and then today they're on backorder. I guess they didn't have that many to sell. Wonder how many they are getting on the next order which they say is due in on Nov 17th.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:50 pm
by Fitzystigertank
I have scanned the barcode into a price checker and it tells me to ask an associate for help. theres your answer there.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 4:00 pm
by billgiff
Most of this aggrevation would end if Toys R Us could just carry this freakin' line. Everybody knows that TRU has their sh*t together when it comes to distribution. Each TRU gets about the same items, some just take longer to arrive. I would have no need for W.M. if that happens. XD is the only thing that brings me to W.M. Sorry about the rant but I'm totally frustrated :!: