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Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:53 am
by 456THBG
toyktdlgh wrote: ... stcount=43

There is definitely a larger issue here. I can completely understand that it can be frustrating hearing the “babble” that surrounds companies and product releases but to quote people and call them idiots/morons is just bad business. It’s actually beyond bad business. It makes you look even more immature than the kids arguing over price and detail.

This isn’t the first time that there has been an attack on forum members here from that company. Unfortunately the last one was deleted but it was just as bad and yes I do remember it. You cannot act this way and continue to regard your self as professional company. You will loose face and honestly it’s just not worth it. How about coming on here and simply addressing the facts like a real adult or better yet… don’t post at all. That may be the better solution since its obvious you are quick to anger and don’t respect the opinions of others.

Right, wrong it doesn’t matter. Take a tip from Bad Cat Toys. They too learned the hard way and have now started their own blog to communicate with their client base on their terms.
Well said - I hope folks take the time to think about your points...
I run my own business, I buy & resell (don't actually produce any products), so both my vendors & customers are King! And, because I'm not the only "show" in town, I just can't afford to lose my cool, no matter how difficult it might be.
It really is that simple - It's like the old adage "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" :D

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:02 am
by Birddog
456THBG wrote:It's like the old adage "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" :D

This goes both ways sometimes. Constructive criticism from facts is one thing, but criticism made on assumptions is another. I think criticism based on assumptions is where we here on the board go wrong many times and the unnecessary insults start getting thrown.

Either way, I hope we get some new updates on the A-10 project soon. I hope Skyworks/All-Go are successfull in getting the A-10 produced and to collectors in the way that Jack has indicated they want to. His work, like Pickel's and others, is quality work.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:28 am
by thatf14guy
What he said!

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:44 pm
by snake
Haven't checked this thread in a while.

WOW. :shock:

Lots of name calling, and personal attacks.

I will just say that anybody that is selling any model products should probably not go on forums, and attack members. You can respond to a post without getting personal.Especially if you are in business making products that are discussed on forums. Best to have a tough skin, and just ignore criticism. Or at least be civil, if you choose to respond. Don't be drawn into 'mud slinging" contest. It only looks unprofessional.

I do hope the name calling stops.

Just my opinion.

BTW I have purchased two F-16 nozzles from Skyworks, and they are good.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 2:07 pm
by SkyWorksToys
Hey Everyone!

There has been a lot of trash talking here on the site, and I think it is time for some FACTS. The response from Jack that is on the Fighting 18 is not what you think. Jack had been sending emails back and forth with the person who runs the site. At the beginning of this email chain, Jack let them know that it was acceptable to post anything that was said in the emails. However, they decided not to post any of the early, more informative emails, but after some time where more frank conversation evolved, they decided to post this one instead of all the others that have no frustration in them. I don't know about you, but when 2 people are sending emails back and forth, you tend to be a little more frank . We don't have account on that forum we did not post anything while the post is accurate, it was a quote taken out of a string of personal emails between Jack and someone at the Fighting 18. If we could all get back to the business of 1/18th models, it would be appreciated. Lets all try and focus on what we all want, MORE MODELS!

One of the reasons Jack has been hesitant to update the site, and give status reports on the projects is exactly what happened here. Things taken out of context, rumors about things that don't exist, and rampant speculation are concerns for us. We are in the model making business not a internet forums full time attenders, We do respect what is said on the forms when it make sense, and that is why we monitor them, but sometimes it gets a little nuts with things that just shouldn't be posted, or said.

Now, enough with that issue. How about an A-10 update? I thought so! The A-10 IS still a go, and we are working as fast as we can to make it as accurate as possible, but with the other projects SkyWorks is working on, we can't concentrate on just one project. Jack has just finished the interior of the cockpit, including the ejection seat, and instrument panel. New photos of the cockpit, both old and new, should be posted in a matter of days. Next, we will begin working on the main landing gear, and the wheels before going on to the many small details all over the plane that need to be corrected. As of now, the A-10 project IS on schedule, and it will be finished as quickly as we can, but we all know how detail orientated Jack is, which is a bonus for all of us who want the most accurate models we can get.

As for other projects we have going right now, due to their huge success, we are still making the metal landing gear for the F-14, and replacement engine nozzles for it, and the F-16. We have begun to ramp up the pilot program, and are still making the X-1 as requested. We are also still busy with our original 1/18th aircraft series, and for those you on the waiting list for our Hurricane, and Tony, we are in final production right now! All of this, along with the re-paint service we provide for all F-14 releases, the F-16 Thunderbirds, and the F-18 Blue Angel is keeping all of us here at SkyWorks VERY busy.

If everyone could just take a step back, get a big breath, and start to focus on what we are doing it will be better for everyone. I will be updating the forms as necessary from here on out, and will communicate "updates" on all of out projects when it is appropriate.

We also want to address some of the rumors about our business relationship between All-Go, and SkyWorksToys. First it seems that not everyone is clear about who All-Go. Many have also accused All-Go of delivering only empty promises. It is also very important to remember that without All-Go none of us would have anything to collect, or talk about. None of the 1/18 scale forums would be here without them. It was All-Go who produced the very first model airplane in 1/18 scale almost 20 years ago. They have also build over 20 different airplane models in 1/18 sale, including countless paint schemes, as well as numerous tanks and armor. Along with their 1/18th range, they have also built models in various scales including 1/32nd and 1/48th and 1/6th models. This compares to 7 models by BBI, and 2 by Admiral. What about JSI? Quite simply the are nice models produced in China using stolen molds from All-Go. By now you will understand that All-Go IS 21st CenturyToys! Nothing has changed, except the name. The same person who brought you all this excitement over the years is still responsible for the company now. This man is Jim Allen, and if there is 1/18 "god" it is him. Jim has tremendous knowledge about inter workings of toy business, and is a person who can deliver on his promises. We at SkyWorks have the knowledge of how to build them, and together we are unstoppable force. Jim and Jack are more than business partners, they are friends. That is why the A-10 is a JOINTLY produced model, no amount of speculation will change that. There is no hidden massage behind this, our plan is to produce many other models, and some of them could hit market before A-10. All that said, All-Go and SkyWorks are still separate companies, and both may produce independent products in the future.

Many of you become colectors of 1/18th scale models after a trip to Walmart or Toys-R-Us. You bought that first 1/18th model for $40 and could not belived that same airplane in 1/72nd scale cost $70. The sad reality is that without the big retailers like Walmart, and Toys-R-Us, and their ability to buy 20,000 models a year, they just aren't priced like they used to be. Without them we can only produce 2,000 pieces which unfortunately cost much more. Point is, if you like this planes in the $100 range, don't call us, call the Walmart and Toys-R-Us purchasing manager, and ask why they don't carry 21CenturyToys/All-Go 1/18th products anymore. If they receive 1000 phone calls, you will get your models at great price again! It is that simple, I promise you that! We hope that sheds some light on our relationship with All-Go, and where we are going in the future.

If anyone has any constructive comments, or questions, just let us know and we will do our best to answer them.


Note the size and proportion of pilot to nose section. Huge!

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:11 pm
by NWarty
Hey Everyone! There has been a lot of trash talking here on the site, and I think it is time for some FACTS. The response from Jack that is on the Fighting 18 is not what you think. Jack had been sending emails back and forth with the person who runs the site. At the beginning of this email chain, Jack let them know that it was acceptable to post anything that was said in the emails. However, they decided not to post any of the early, more informative emails, but after some time where more frank conversation evolved, they decided to post this one instead of all the others that have no frustration in them. I don't know about you, but when 2 people are sending emails back and forth, you tend to be a little more frank . We don't have account on that forum we did not post anything while the post is accurate, it was a quote taken out of a string of personal emails between Jack and someone at the Fighting 18. If we could all get back to the business of 1/18th models, it would be appreciated. Lets all try and focus on what we all want, MORE MODELS!
This feels like a huge (Cue the police officer from South Park) "Move along people, nothing to see here" kind of response. SkyWorks gave the okay to publish said emails, but it seems as if Skyworks is deflecting what was said in the actual email (name calling, holier-than-thou, etc.) and instead pointing out there were several other communiques that should have been posted instead of the one that was linked to a F118th.

I'd like to hear PCSGuy's response to this.
As of now, the A-10 project IS on schedule, and it will be finished as quickly as we can, but we all know how detail orientated Jack is, which is a bonus for all of us who want the most accurate models we can get.
Translates into NWarty's mind as bookoo-pricing. There has to be a line that is drawn over the amount of detail vs. what's-it-gonna-cost? I think many members here and at other collector sites would give up toggle switches in the cockpit if it meant that the darned thing weren't going to cost $400.
If everyone could just take a step back, get a big breath, and start to focus on what we are doing it will be better for everyone.
Let's not preach after what was written in the email exchange and would kindly ask your boss to do the same.

I'll pledge to tone down my rhetoric in return.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 4:30 pm
by gliderdwm
Wow that cockpit looks incredible but I agree with Nwarty. There needs to be compromise between quality and affordability. Looks like this will be a rich mans product. Anything close to $500.00 is too much for the average individual. We all know the days of Walmart and ToysRus are over. Nobody is asking for $40.00 planes although that would be incredible just something that is not a mortgage payment.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:32 pm
by usmcchet9296
Well there is no doubt this will be a quality item and it was cool of you to respond directly to us but the issue really isnt with you. We know this isnt your only product and while I wasnt intending to slight you when I mentioned your pilot figures I am somewhat apprehensive as to the price of this product see I too have been around for a while and have seen some great items from 21c but I have also seen crap and been privy to some of 21c's bad business practices. See I was on the old 1/6th warrior forum back when 21c mainly made 1/6th scale accessories then figures, vehicles, and weapons. This was many years before 21c went to 1/18 and 1/32 scale. I remember when 21 first announced there 12 inch line and how cool they looked then I remember how much we were let down by poor quality, bad paint, and substandard gear. Were there some good stuff yes but more than often what was released was crap. Hell I remember the guys that poored there heart into desogning these figures only to be let go after 21c had enough prototypes for a few years. Nice job 21c let your talent go ....well you all may know some of them as most went to sideshow toys and are designing soem great stuff there. I remember the totally stupid contract 21c had with Toys r us that almost broke 21c and it looked like they didnt learn from that mistake and placed all there eggs into the Walmart basket. See Jack its not anything against you its we dont trust 21c ....this A10 is a highly sought after item and looks to be priced in the 400-600 range and that will put it out of most peoples range. If JSI, who inherited 21cs molds when they went belly up, can release a F-14, not counting the spots, for a reasonable 250 range than I should expect All-Go to release there A-10 for that price. I dont need to hear about limited runs of 2000 either because thats just a load of BS. See All-go came out and tried to bribe us with the passon wagon, buy it or we cant make any other toys, showed us a Jagd Panther that is now no-where to be seen, and other than TKO, who is real nice and has taken alot of crap from us hasnt told us squat nor have had the common deciency to at least update there website. I mean really remove the passion wagon and show some of your updates for christsake. I really hope this plane comes out and at a reasonable price but like I have said before 21c, Ultimate Soldier, AllGo, or whatever they are currently calling themselves doesnt have a great track record and hasnt for years.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 6:46 pm
Thanks for th update on th A-10 Tom@Skyworks. Can you let us know how this bird is being made?
Is Jack's work to be used to make master molds for plastic Injection molding? Or will the A-10 be made of resin.
Just trying to understand how it will be built and what it will be made out of. Thanks again for the info.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:04 pm
by Birddog
Wow... :D That cockpit looks awesome. I don't know what people are complaining about its detail level for, it has the same level of cockpit detail that many other 1/18 scale models have. Take a look at JSI's F-14 or even 21st's AH-1. Again, I don't see anything yet that indicates this will be an uber expensive model other than the stigma people have because of who is working on it.

Looking good Skyworks/All-Go. Can't wait to see more.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:33 pm
by Birddog
As far as the limited number of 2000 produced being BS, it's probably not given the current sales outlets for 1/18 scale. It all goes back to retail avenues that are open to carrying the product. The more a retailer is willing to purchase for sale, the more units the company will be willing to have produced. It's the same issue that has bbi not producing anything right now. Remember, apparently they will gladly produce a 1/18 scale item if someone will front an order of 5,000 or more. With the primary sales outlets of 1/18 scale being e-tailers presently, the production numbers aren't going to be as high because they won't carry the numbers a brick and mortar store such as ole Wally World would. This lower production number in turn means a higher sales price to recover production costs and still make a profit. Remember, business are in to make profits, not break even or take a loss on everything.

So, at this point we need retailers such as the Bad Cats and others out there to show interests in this project and support it. However, they are only going to carry as many as they feel they can move and recover their investment in.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:51 am
by pcsguy88
Hey Tom,

I personally take offense to your suggestion here:

"The response from Jack that is on the Fighting 18 is not what you think. Jack had been sending emails back and forth with the person who runs the site. At the beginning of this email chain, Jack let them know that it was acceptable to post anything that was said in the emails. However, they decided not to post any of the early, more informative emails, but after some time where more frank conversation evolved, they decided to post this one instead of all the others that have no frustration in them. I don't know about you, but when 2 people are sending emails back and forth, you tend to be a little more frank . We don't have account on that forum we did not post anything while the post is accurate, it was a quote taken out of a string of personal emails between Jack and someone at the Fighting 18."

You seem to imply that I purposely was trying to stir up something. The truth is, my emails with Jack were very open and honest and we agreed I would not post ANYTHING that he didn't specifically say to post so that I would not expose something I was not allowed to. Do you really think I wanted to post a letter bashing some of our strongest members? I struggled with the decision and only posted because that is what Jack wanted to say and I thought it was only fair to provide him with the outlet. I also thought the members would be able to handle it since they have no problems swinging at the manufacturers. Jack is a stand up guy in my book and I love the fact he had the balls to call people out, unlike some other industry people I've spoke with in the past. Obviously it was a poor decision on both Jack and my part, but what's done is done.

The A-10 looks very promising and speaking candidly with Jack has restored my faith in the project. I believe he has the ability to make this bird a reality and has shown he has a firm grasp on what the collectors on both of these 1:18 sites is willing to pay. Hopefully all the planets align and that price point can be met. I seriously doubt anyone's decision to buy an A-10 will be based on that email.

The cockpit details look great. Can't wait to own one as long as I can afford it.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:58 am
by norman888
pcsguy88 wrote: Do you really think I wanted to post a letter bashing some of our strongest members?
Discretion is the better part of valor.

I think we all know the affect these emails would have on the community at large, but you still chose to post them? This mob mentality has shown up again and again and I have watched it on this and other can you be surprised and regret this after the fact? :(

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:10 pm
by usmcchet9296
pcsguy88 wrote: Can't wait to own one as long as I can afford it.
When all is said and done as long as its reasonably priced no one will remember any of this. It all comes down to price price price

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:19 pm
by Grilledcheese
Discretion is the better part of valor.
And where the internet is concerned, a very good rule to remember:

Never put anything on the internet that you do not want the entire world to see forever, personal e-mails included.

The internet is everywhere and forvever, for better or for worse.

(Usually worse)


Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:31 pm
by Birddog
That new picture with the cockpit and front landing gear put together with the pilot looks sweet. This thing is going to be awesome!!!

Thank you for another updated picture... :D

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:45 pm
by [CAT]CplSlade
Grilledcheese wrote:
And where the internet is concerned, a very good rule to remember:

Never put anything on the internet that you do not want the entire world to see forever, personal e-mails included.

The internet is everywhere and forvever, for better or for worse.

(Usually worse)


Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:00 pm
by snake
usmcchet9296 wrote:
pcsguy88 wrote: Can't wait to own one as long as I can afford it.
When all is said and done as long as its reasonably priced no one will remember any of this. It all comes down to price price price
Exactly. :wink:

Shame to see this happen, as I believe everyone would like to see this A-10 done. Whether it sells will be all about price.

And these personal attacks really do nothing for anybody. :roll:

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 6:04 pm
by NightVyper
the hub bub aside i am excited for this project and if it comes in at around 400 dollars i am in.

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:55 pm
by DocTodd
Keep working on it. This plane has the potential to be truly remarkable. Can't wait to follow the progress.


Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:14 am
by gouchy
Pretty quiet on this thread for some time

Skyworks, any new updates?

Was wondering if a pilot figure for this is in consideration? Articulated or sculpted figure to be included with the A10 or available separately, maybe from Skyworks?

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:19 am
by SkyWorksToys
We did make sure that 4 new SkyWorksToys pilots fit our A-10 note that we used A-10 ejection seat .

They of course fit F-18,F-16,F-14.

Right now you can only get them at and soon at and Historic Aviation catalog


Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:15 pm
by gouchy
Thanks for the info Skyworks

So can we assume from this All-Go will not be including pilot figs with their A-10?

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 2:47 pm
by dcway
Any new updates !!!!!!
It;s looking awsome !!!!! Can we get some shots of the aircraft body ????
any idea of the 1st paint scheme ???
Dana :hornet: :p51: :blueangel:

Re: Sky Works A-10

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:19 pm
by dcway
Hi All
Anything new ????????????????????????????????????
Would love to see more pic's !!!!
:hornet: :p51: :blueangel: