21stCT Bf109 observations.

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21stCT Bf109 observations.

Post by Spudkopf » Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:38 am

G'day All

Thanks to the efforts of FieroDude I received my first Bf109G-6 yesterday (Seeman) and I must say I am very impressed.

But after some close examination of the model, otherwise known as playing, two points in regards to the tooling sprang to my attention:

First up the entire tail section from rib 7 backwards is a separate piece, in much the same fashion as that used on their 1/32 scale version (as shown below, but in the case of the 1/32 model the break is at rib 8 ), so this means by a simple addition of late version tall rudder tail unit you would instantly have the ability to create a G6 (late), G8 and aG14 by using the rest of the existing model components.


The second piece of note is the sperate gun troths of the engine cowl, again in a simular fashion to that used on their 1/32 model (see below).


And as Grunt’s image of his G2 custom clearly shows the G6 gun bulges are attached to this cowl piece.


As such by using a different cowl panel and tail combinations 21stCT has the ability to make the following Bf109 models by essentially using the existing toolings, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6 (late), G8, G6AS and a G14AS and if you do not mind some minor access panel placement errors then even a G10AS or maybe enven a K are also possible by using the existing fuselage, to illustrate below is the 1/32 fuselage section without tail or cowl components.


This same method of clever separately tooled sections is what 21stCT have done to create both the A and B model Me262s from essentially the one tool.

Just food for thought, or is it more like wishful thinking :wink:

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Post by pickelhaube » Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:09 am

That is a very good observation. Now only if they could of done that for the Fw 190 D. Pop off the tail ,pop off the nose put a short nose on instant presto Fw 190 A . Everybody is happy.
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Post by Moth » Thu Jan 25, 2007 6:57 am

I would love to have a K model BF-109, and an H model :D

The H model is the Fw-190 nose and Junkers engine on the body of a BF-109, with different landing gear, and a bigger tail and rudder.
[img39]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v501/QueenofSky/BirdFlu.gif[/img39] [img39]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/Acherontia_lachesis.jpg/200px-Acherontia_lachesis.jpg[/img39]

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Post by tko211 » Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:18 am

Spudkopf has just made some excellent observations in regards to the 109G-6 model. All of these points mentioned were pointed out to me nearly 2 1/2 years ago by 21c when the 109G-6 was still in development. So to answer your question with out directly answering your question...

It isn't food for thought or even wishful thinking. These tooling points were planned out from the very start.... kinda like the F-104 starfighter versions and the new Me-262.

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Post by Moth » Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:11 pm

So your saying we will see a BF-109K?
[img39]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v501/QueenofSky/BirdFlu.gif[/img39] [img39]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1b/Acherontia_lachesis.jpg/200px-Acherontia_lachesis.jpg[/img39]

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Post by Spudkopf » Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:53 pm

G'day Moth

The G10 and K4 are less likely as they both have an extra bulge on the lower forward engine cowl to accommodate the DB605D engine and except for some early G10 models they also have a far deeper oil cooler intake under the nose. The late G10s and the K4s also had larger fairings (wing bulges) on the upper wings to allow for the increased cord of the larger wheels used on these models. The K4s also had the master compass hatch on the port (left) side remove and the radio access hath moved forward from panel 5 to panel 4. Finally the K4 had extra wheel covers for the main gear and had a retractable tail wheel, however the extra covers were often not fitted and the tail locked in the down position due to problems with failures on these items.

As I see it the Bf109 types that can be made by only changing the upper cowl and tail inserts but still using the existing tooling are the G4, G6AS, G8, G14 and G14AS, however a taller tail wheel would be needed for some of the later types.

The G3, G5 and G5 (late) models could also be made except for the small vent scoop on the port (left) side below the canopy quarter panel, as the these types had pressurised cockpits this vent was deleted on these models, so a new forward canopy would be required if accuracy was to be maintained, but the G3, G5 and G5(late) were relatively minor sub types with only small production runs compared to the other G models.

TKO thanks for the fuelling up the hope tank a little, I look forward to seeing a Bf109G14 in the near future :wink:

Something's up with photobucket?????


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